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For Trade: Trade Diesel Motorcoach for Trawler?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
May 10, 2013
Republic of Texas - USA
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
2005 Defever 44
Anyone out there ready to move from a trawler to a land yacht?
Will be placing the Motorcoach on RVTrader soon so that we can return to the water. Since I try to avoid enabling the government's spending addiction by paying unnecessary taxes, thought I'd float this out there on the odd chance that a trawler owner may be like-minded and want to work up a little horse trade.:socool:

It is a 2004 41' Newmar Dutch Star 4009, Cummins ISL370hp, Allison 6sp, 3 slideouts, king bed, many options/upgrades, 32K miles, garage kept since new, recent Michelin tires and batteries. All engine, generator, transmission service current. Also have a 2006 Jeep Wrangler that is set up to tow. NADA value ~$80K-$92K.

Interested in a '90-'08 38'-48' trawler, Europa or sundeck style, no Cat engines unless natural aspirated, etc, etc, etc,.....Older boats considered depending on condition/upgrades. Preferably on Gulf or East coast/rivers.

greysailor1 [AT] yahoo [DOT] com


  • 101_0076.jpg
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Nice rig, here is a local steel hull that seems to be a good deal. Keep the land yatch and buy a steel hull. Win win...

Ha! Thanks....I could earn extra fuel $$ with that rig by tying onto a barge or two and pushing down the ICW!

Little bigger than the Defever/GB/Mariner's I had in mind!
We did that. After over 70,000 miles in the US including Alaska we sold our Country Coach RV and now are touring in our trawler.

We did that. After over 70,000 miles in the US including Alaska we sold our Country Coach RV and now are touring in our trawler.


Yep, we've enjoyed our land travels also....so much to see in our wonderful country...just missed being on the Gulf/bays here in Texas. We sold our Beneteau 411 and bought the motorcoach during a stressful period of family illness, wanting to be able to travel by land for a while. However, we've never stopped missing our boats.....
Good Luck, If I were looking for a an RV I would be all of that rig of yours, very nice!
If you'd consider an even trade for a 1977 34 LRC Californian sedan (LOA 36' 8") with Perkins naturals on the West Coast, let's talk. She's in fine form and well equipped with chartplotter, radar, autopilot, upgraded stereo and HDTV, windlass, LED lighting and fuel tanks.


She's enjoyed almost every week and a true turn key boat.
We've decided to go Motorhoming after 9 years on our 86 Present Trawler 42'. I know you said 90-08 year, but might take a look at "Dual Dreams" advertised on this site, or at "dualdreams.wordpress.com". The list of improvements is extensive, it it fully found. Spares, manuals, systems, etc.
We've decided to go Motorhoming after 9 years on our 86 Present Trawler 42'. I know you said 90-08 year, but might take a look at "Dual Dreams" advertised on this site, or at "dualdreams.wordpress.com". The list of improvements is extensive, it it fully found. Spares, manuals, systems, etc.

Thanks for the offer Mike...sent you a PM.
We've decided to go Motorhoming after 9 years on our 86 Present Trawler 42'. I know you said 90-08 year, but might take a look at "Dual Dreams" advertised on this site, or at "dualdreams.wordpress.com". The list of improvements is extensive, it it fully found. Spares, manuals, systems, etc.

Nice looking boat!
Anyone out there ready to move from a trawler to a land yacht?
Will be placing the Motorcoach on RVTrader soon so that we can return to the water. Since I try to avoid enabling the government's spending addiction by paying unnecessary taxes, thought I'd float this out there on the odd chance that a trawler owner may be like-minded and want to work up a little horse trade.:socool:

It is a 2004 41' Newmar Dutch Star 4009, Cummins ISL370hp, Allison 6sp, 3 slideouts, king bed, many options/upgrades, 32K miles, garage kept since new, recent Michelin tires and batteries. All engine, generator, transmission service current. Also have a 2006 Jeep Wrangler that is set up to tow. NADA value ~$80K-$92K.

Interested in a '90-'08 38'-48' trawler, Europa or sundeck style, no Cat engines unless natural aspirated, etc, etc, etc,.....Older boats considered depending on condition/upgrades. Preferably on Gulf or East coast/rivers.

greysailor1 [AT] yahoo [DOT] com

Woo-Hoo! Second happiest day in a motorcoach owner's life...got a contract signed over the weekend by a cash paying buyer! Now I have to pull out the old cost spreadsheet and really get serious about this trawler search! :thumb:
Whew! Now I won't lose sleep at night worrying that you might come back and actually want to take me up on that sweet deal I offered you. ;-)

Glad you found a cash buyer and are moving forward in your trawler search. Happy hunting.
Greysailor, you have it all wrong.

Keep the motorhome. Use it in the winter, in warm areas.
Get the trawler. Use it in the summer in cooler areas.
Learn to love them both.
Greysailor, you have it all wrong.

Keep the motorhome. Use it in the winter, in warm areas.
Get the trawler. Use it in the summer in cooler areas.
Learn to love them both.

Ha! Winter is the best boating season here on the "Texas Riviera", no need to run from it!
I'd have to clone myself to keep up with the maintenance on everything if I kept the coach also.... guess my background forces me to be so anal about maintaining things.
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