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For Sale: Ultimate Trawler?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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I am no check writer but I do cherish the moment when one of them does decide to not let an old classic boat go to the graveyard and saves something special for all of us that appreciate them, and to see them again, in all of their glory. It just kills me seeing old boats with beautiful lines die.
wood hull(dbl. planked)Alaskan cedar-

Double planked hulls are not calked , except perhaps at the garboard seam.

The real question is what one would do with such a large , thirsty boat>

If diesel gets back to 25c a gal, this would be a great toy!
Can you imagine the reception you would get arriving unannounced at some island nations with this thing all painted up and looking tough. What a hoot
The most annoying sound track in the history of the Universe.
Billyfeet: I think that the soundtrack you pointed out there may well be a more effective sonic anti-fouling treatment than the greatest hit collections from Slim Whitman, Mitch Miller and Lawrence Welk combined!
Having trained on the earlier 80' class of YP boats, I would recommend that any potential buyer carefully inspect the bow area for crash damage repairs resulting from high speed impact with the sea wall....most of them suffered said damage....multiple times...
Would anyone be able to give an estimate for a refurbish job if some better pictures were taken? Relatively close to the ship geographically, and have some interest in this money-hole. And I can't find where the seller talks of the sinking and bringing up, may someone direct me?
Here's it's Navsource page
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Can anyone direct me to where the sinking/recovery is stated on any of the ads? Might actually be interested in this moneyhole.
It's probably pickled for preservation of the engine, not flooding. They probably keep one on the ready in case it needs to be moved. More than likely one of the gen sets are pickled to.

If I were interested and wanted to see it I'd call and go look at it. It's just a little fun time for you and a friend with a camera. Just my take on the pickled situation. Larry
Mr. F. Welcome aboard. I did a websearch on YP678 and this turned up: Great Lakes & Seaway Shipping News ARCHIVE The sinking report is about 1/3 of the way down the page 02/21 under the heading Workboat Report. She was raised by Dominion Shipbuilding and appears to have sank in Norfolk, VA. I somehow doubt it would be mentioned in any of the ads. NOT a great selling point IMO. Hope this helps.
Thanks Firefly. Took me a while to find it but there it was. Hate to see such a neat boat go to waste. Larry
$5 million. You buy it and I'll at least partially restore it for that.
Well, I love that boat and if I were a 1% kinda guy, I would restore it just because it would be an awesome toy to have, and make sure I had a full time crew on her just to keep her looking great. Brings me back to my school days of polished brass :) On a serious note, does anybody know why they would build such a boat like that out of wood in 1985? I thought it was a typo when it said 1985, more like 1965 to me?
Hi fortheboys,

I've not seen anything about her having been sunk. I think someone read about one of the two engines having been pickled and just made that assumption.

First thing to do is contact the seller and have him send you copies of the surveys -- the surveyor(s) will have taken all of the appropriate photographs to get you a ballpark estimate on refurb. Obviously the costs will depend on what your goals are for the boat, but previous posters have guessed in the low-to-mid six figures.

An earlier poster noted that the double-planked Alaskan Cedar hull would not need caulking. No worries about blistering either :)

Just noticed that the current posting says nothing about pickling -- it just says that one of the main engines is running and one of the two generators is running.


More info here:

The Scoop Deck » The “ultimate” Naval Academy patrol boat could be yours
Go back to post number 43 and go to the site Firefly has listed. It's about halfway down the list. It had gone down and the raising was noted in the list. Look for YP 678.Larry
Thanks Larry...since the sinking was in 2004, I wonder if the "low hours" reported by the seller means that the engines were replaced since then?
"Charity Says:
August 6th, 2014 at 7:56 pm
I worked on that boat 2008 and it was junk then. Whoever buys this will need to invest a massive amount of money. Your literally paying for the hull and history"
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