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For Sale: 1980 Mainship 34 $22.5K

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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So if you put in another 27.5K would you have a reliable vessel you'd be proud of (subjective, I know)? I appreciate that there are many variables including but not limited to: How much of the work can/will I do myself- assume moderately handy. The actual condition of the boat isn't really exposed in the ad. What should I look out for? What should make me run? And yes I appreciate that a survey is an essential part of the buying process.
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Haven't said this in 20 years regarding one of these, but nice looking boat.
I haven't a clue what this specific boat looks like. All I can see is that the paint is pretty on the Perkins, but....

For that price I would expect a rather tired and maybe ratty boat: stained and sagging headliner, cracked countertops, water stains under windows from leakage, a rats nest of wiring from PO "upgrades". These are what you find on boats like this. If minimal or none, then it may be a true bargain.

But maybe you are ok with the above and for the price you can live with tired and ratty.

It's pretty nice for what it is.If there's records to prove the rebuild,it would probably be worth it,if someone is looking to modernize a boat.That rear glass wall is a little bit of a turn off for me.Something rolling around in the cabin could make for an expensive repair.
I haven't a clue what this specific boat looks like. All I can see is that the paint is pretty on the Perkins, but....

For that price I would expect a rather tired and maybe ratty boat: stained and sagging headliner, cracked countertops, water stains under windows from leakage, a rats nest of wiring from PO "upgrades". These are what you find on boats like this. If minimal or none, then it may be a true bargain.

But maybe you are ok with the above and for the price you can live with tired and ratty.


The ratty ones have been selling for WAY less than this. This is what decent ones are asking.
Doesnt look very ratty in the photos,

If someone wanted a good ICW,Bahamas, looper or Inside Passage boat it might do just fine.

Doesnt say what the reefer is , but $1200 would get a fresh DC unit , and away you go!
Has this boat been sold? If its still available where can I find a photo gallery? Thanks.

Welcome Sailnkdbob, do I detect you are moving from sail to motoring??
Mainship 34

Yes, LOL, your assumption is right. After a lifetime of heaving decks, project boats and joint replacements the time has come to take a sober second look at self abuse. Stop that thought right there!

A trawler or twin Detroits have been on my horizon for a couple of years now and I'm kicking myself that I passed up a fantastic deal in Fort Lauderdale in the last year or so when I sold a beautiful West Indies Heritage 36 that sold at a bargain basement price. It didn't help that my wife said I was bankrupting us, but its far too late to replace her now so the boat went and that created more agony.

As a Snowbird I love southern Florida and my Winn Dixie loyalty card that gets me cheap beer and a tank of gas for the long drive home. That's the long answer, otherwise, yes.:rolleyes:
Yes, LOL, your assumption is right. After a lifetime of heaving decks, project boats and joint replacements the time has come to take a sober second look at self abuse. Stop that thought right there!

A trawler or twin Detroits have been on my horizon for a couple of years now and I'm kicking myself that I passed up a fantastic deal in Fort Lauderdale in the last year or so when I sold a beautiful West Indies Heritage 36 that sold at a bargain basement price. It didn't help that my wife said I was bankrupting us, but its far too late to replace her now so the boat went and that created more agony.

As a Snowbird I love southern Florida and my Winn Dixie loyalty card that gets me cheap beer and a tank of gas for the long drive home. That's the long answer, otherwise, yes.:rolleyes:

You just missed my remanufactured 82.... PM me before you buy a 34 MK 1,2 or3. I have the canceled checks, blisters, blood, sweat and tears to prove I am an authority on those vessels. Re done every system (replaced or rebuilt) on the boat and addressed all the deck, cockpit and bridge design FUBARS.
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