Microwave Turntable

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Oct 5, 2007
The turntable on my*GE Profile Spacesaver microwave is starting to make noise and turn slow to the point where a heavy dish will stop turning but the sound remains.

What is going on and can I fix it?
That was the first thing my wife said. She said spray cooking oil on the little wheels. But, I did not do that because they spin very freely. I'll soak them and report back.
Doc wrote:

The turntable on my*GE Profile Spacesaver microwave is starting to make noise and turn slow to the point where a heavy dish will stop turning but the sound remains.

What is going on and can I fix it?
It's possible the bushings or axle shaft on the wheels has worn to the point that it jams. Remove the little wheels if you can, and have a good look.

The best solution for a microwave turntable is to buy one that doesn't have a turntable. They aren't necessary and then limit how big a pan you can put in the oven. IMHO they are all defective - yours is just more noticeably defective.
If you can't fix it externally (the wheels, etc.) you should probably replace it. They are not expensive, you would have a very hard time finding repair parts, and there's some risk to the user if you don't put it back together correctly.
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