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Wanted: WTB 42 GB Motoryacht

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Aug 7, 2013
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Nordhavn 46
My wife and I are looking for a Grand Banks 42 motoryacht...May consider a 42 classic if the right boat came along...but for now we have our eyes out for the motoryacht....

Bill & Chris
Bill & Chris,
Lots of GBs out there. Look on Yacht World, Craig's List and many other places. The woodies are really cheap and sooo well built. Put out a blurb on TF too.:D

Eric & Chris
Good Luck. I love my GB42.
Have you considered a 43 Hatteras MY? hint, hint.....
Same engines as GB (3208 cats). 3.5-4.0 gph@ 7.5 kts.
That's a nice GB, I'd rather have the 210 Cummins that the Cats in the motor yacht version - Although IMHO the Lehman 120's are hard to beat. If you want to go fast... Do it on land it is so much cheaper
A grand boat!:

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If you haven't already done so, visit NW Explorations in Bellingham. They have a large GB charter fleet and many are for sale.
NW Explorations | Yacht Sales, Charters & Services in the Pacific NW

I had a quick look and they only have one 42MY for charter at present. They say they have sold 54 GB in the last 51 months, so they will know the market pretty well. I have no connection with them, just figure that if wanting to compare GB's then its a good place to do it.

Personally I'd prefer a 46 Classic. A visit, or perhaps a short charter of different models would either cement your preference or give you some other options.
If your cruising grounds includes mooring balls and they have stern lines you will absolutely prefer the classic. I'm in So. Cal and we have the fore and aft lines on our moorings. The walk around deck of the classic makes it the easiest boat to moor. Especially in cross winds and the motor yacht will have much more "sail" area than the classic making it even harder to moor. Just a slight 6 kt wind will mess with you.
Seamarinco in Port Townsend, WA has a GB 42 for sale. I saw her last month and she appears to be well cared for.
Could you expand on why you like the 46 over the 42? Thanks!
If you haven't already done so, visit NW Explorations in Bellingham. They have a large GB charter fleet and many are for sale.
NW Explorations | Yacht Sales, Charters & Services in the Pacific NW

I had a quick look and they only have one 42MY for charter at present. They say they have sold 54 GB in the last 51 months, so they will know the market pretty well. I have no connection with them, just figure that if wanting to compare GB's then its a good place to do it.

Personally I'd prefer a 46 Classic. A visit, or perhaps a short charter of different models would either cement your preference or give you some other options.
As far as I know the 46 is just a 42 with 4ft extra at the back. The extra room is nice to have, but a real bonus is the extra 4ft of waterline length. That means more speed (displacement speed mode) for the same fuel use. The only negative is that you need a dock space 4ft longer.
As far as I know the 46 is just a 42 with 4ft extra at the back..

Well, no. The GB46 has significantly different features and configurations. Also the GB46 has a vast improvement over the GB42 and that is the step-down aft cockpit and transom door that make swim step/dinghy access terrific.

Toward the end of the run Grand Banks cheaped out (deliberately to try to reduce the production cost of the boat) and eliminated the GB46's step down cockpit. To me and my wife, this makes the last batch of GB46's not worth buying as, in our opinion, they ruined the boat.
Gb 42/46

The first 46 GB's appeared in I believe 1985. This was a stretched 42 so it shared the same beam, etc.. They only built a few of these (10?) and they were the "skinny 46's". Then GB made the 46 its own true mold which was wider, deeper, etc.. When they started building those 46's they had the wide trunk cabin aft which ate up about half of the walkaround side decks. After producing that boat for a couple of years they did away with the wide cabin aft.
The "motoryacht" (non Classic, non Europa) Grand Banks was made in the 36, 42, 46 and maybe the 49. (Not sure about the 49). These were not all that popular. I think they could have sold many more if they made a proper aft deck hardtop over it to make it a sundeck type boat. Without the hardtop there is nowhere good to put a dinghy and you bake out there without some type of a bimini or canvas flapping in the wind. Plus you don't have a lazarette to store line, fenders, etc.. On the plus side, the aft stateroom is a bit larger.
Having examined some of the GB Motoryachts that have come through the Bellingham GB dealer over the past bunch of years, my wife and I came to the conclusion that we don't like the configuration because it eliminates the full walkaround deck, which WE feel is essential on a boat in this neck of the woods.

And the aft cabin in a Classic model GB is full-width below the deck line. So the berths, cabinets, etc. all extend clear out to the hull anyway.
Having examined some of the GB Motoryachts that have come through the Bellingham GB dealer over the past bunch of years, my wife and I came to the conclusion that we don't like the configuration because it eliminates the full walkaround deck, which WE feel is essential on a boat in this neck of the woods. ...

And I can't adequately describe the utility and joy of having a proper walk-around deck, especially with secure handrails! (Shown here with an absolute no-wake; moving at 3.5 knots.)

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I've got walk around decks too but don't like them. Too much space lost. Wish I had a Willard Voyager that has a full width cabin aft.

Once you buy a boat and get a lot of money and yourself into it you're kinda stuck. Wouldn't give up my nearly new engine and fuel tanks for the full cabin.
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