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Other: Complete set of Passagemaker magazines

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Sep 4, 2011
I have a complete set of Passage Maker magazines available. I would love to find a new home for them. Any offers accepted except me paying any postage whatsoever. :D I am coming to Anacortes this weekend for the Willard Rendezvous and will be at Trawler Fest for Bob Smiths diesel class. Any usable items you would like to trade or ???
Keith.....be careful around those Willardites. Gangs of Willard thugs roam the place looking for semi-displacement guys to beat up.;)
LOL. I think I am pretty safe there still. We own a Willard 30/4 and will have it there. But thanks for the warning, I travel in both worlds, full and semi.
I can't figure how you still have the mags. Of course, there's a lot on-line today, but I'd enjoy looking at the older ones. Must be some nice boats in that collection.

Forgot to tell you. I was at the Willard Rendezvous this year and ran into this tough looking bunch at the gate, prowling for a GBer I bet.


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Hahahaha, nice one. I wish they would show up!

The older Passage Maker magazines I think are the best. It was when they were better suited to boaters like myself. I cannot relate to the mega yachts when I am in a 36', 40 year old vessel. I just don't find much in them for boat owners like myself unfortunately. Which is why I finally let my subscription go. It is too bad there isn't a magazine that has a focus on the used boat owners like on this forum. What a wealth of style and situations that could be covered in a magazine with real upgrade projects within reach of the average boater like myself. Oh well, nuff said.

Now if Travolta and crew would just come to the Rendezvous, I'd buy them a beer!
The older Passage Maker magazines I think are the best. It was when they were better suited to boaters like myself. I cannot relate to the mega yachts when I am in a 36', 40 year old vessel. I just don't find much in them for boat owners like myself unfortunately. Which is why I finally let my subscription go. It is too bad there isn't a magazine that has a focus on the used boat owners like on this forum. What a wealth of style and situations that could be covered in a magazine with real upgrade projects within reach of the average boater like myself. Oh well, nuff said.

Agree, really liked PM when it first came out. Now nothing really for me. Besides all the articles are written by 2-3 people only no other opinions allowed. Have you looked at Good Old Boat magazine or DIY Boat both are sail oriented but have some good stuff from time to time.
Remember when we all (or most of us anyway) used to be on the Passagemaker forum? Does it still even exist?
Hey, I'd love to have them. Me having a 40 year old 35' boat and all. What are you looking to get for them? Once I finished reading them I'd passem on...

I do not have an amount in mind, something boating for trade or whatever. I know that sounds very scattered but more interested in them having a good place to go to. I've read them a couple of times and gleaned some pretty good stuff from them.

Throw me an offer and figure out how we can connect and they are yours.

The Passage Maker Mags are gone to Dave. See you at the Willard Rondy Saturday Dave.
Thanks Keith, nice meeting you Saturday. Nice seeing your GB and the many nice Willards at the gathering. We ended up staying on N dock Sat. night and enjoyed the lovely squall that blew through Anacortes!
Hi Dave,

I guess I was not aware that you brought your boat up to Anacortes! I would have loved to seen her. Darn! It was quite windy and rainy Saturday evening. Sunday it slacked off some.

Nice to meet you and your wife. Loved the story of bringing your boat up from California.

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