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For Sale: Helm chairs

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Mar 24, 2014
Hello. New member here, from Palm Beach FL.
I am diesel mechanic, and end up with some high end items as partial payment during engine work for various boat yards. Accumulated about 10 chairs at this point so few are up for sale. I am open to serious offers, and/or trades at wholesale (in my favor).

Safe boating!

One Pompanette Platinum electric helm chair
Black, chrome folding footrest. Electric back rest adjustment.
Brand new seat. Retails for $7000. I would take $4000, or best offer.




One Trinity Yachts helm chair
Tan, chrome pedestal.
Slightly uses seat. Retails $5000. I would take $1850



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What is the width of your front tires on your truck. Nice seats but out of my price range.
Looks like 10R22.5 to me. Got any lower end chairs? I'v e got a spotless new Stidd take out that may be too deluxe for my pilothouse?
I have few Turnbull chairs with fresh Naugahyde upholstery, overall very clean, all aluminum and SS, with spring loaded pedestal. Ex Navy off the command bridge. These are $1500 a pair


$7k for one seat!!! ... I'm gonna kill my school careers guidance counsellor ... Probably a Nice chair but too many 0's for us.

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I hear you Hendo78, pretty crazy. I hope my prices are somewhat more competitive :)


I have two green and 5 orange Turnbull chairs

Green ones have seatbelts and armrests. They dont have bases tho
Orange ones dont have seatbelts or armrests. They have bases
I need to get me one of them thar chairs for my boat... ;-)
I got my Stidd chair from a consignment of two that were taken off a new boat....owner didn't like the color. Switched them out for the same model but a custom color. 15 or 20 K is just not that big of a deal when dropping millions to dress out a new vessel the way you want. Same with any expenditures on that level, I guess. (I wouldn't know.:)
I think the two green ones are perfect for the Carquinez Coot.:)
I got my Stidd chair from a consignment of two that were taken off a new boat....owner didn't like the color. Switched them out for the same model but a custom color. 15 or 20 K is just not that big of a deal when dropping millions to dress out a new vessel the way you want. Same with any expenditures on that level, I guess. (I wouldn't know.:)

Interesting. Stidd will sell new covers for any of their seats. If you have the number of the chair, they have a record of it. Of course if you are selling chairs there is more money in that.
WHat was the price on the Orange Turnbulls please ? Cadillac in Stuart, FL
$250 each for ones with bases (have 3). Other two I migth keep unless you need 5?

I was at your place few years back looking at that Crusader shell I think
That's my crazy place "Byblos". I'm looking for a pair for one of my trawlers. What is the seat height please ? Thanks, Cadillac
(772) 285-2266 / cadillacboats@me.com
Interesting. Stidd will sell new covers for any of their seats. If you have the number of the chair, they have a record of it. Of course if you are selling chairs there is more money in that.

True, but for whatever reason, the upholsrtry on mine was like an ivory color with chrome trim and foot rest, but the pedestals were maroon. I don't know what he got, but I can be pretty confident he didn't want a maroon pedestal, and maybe he preferred the color-coded trim ILO the chrome. I love this chair, but I'll paint the pedestal white and then decide. The chair may be a little too much for my pilothouse plan.
Do you still have any of the Turnbull chairs? I have a set of 4 that came from Naval Surface Warfare Center - Dahlgren, but no mounting V-band hose clamps or bases, and no arm rests.

If there are any markings on the clamps (either a mfr part number or NSN) would you please let me know? That will be a big help in finding the correct part.

Bases and/or arm rests would also be very welcome to find!
Yes I have 3 of them, new white upholstery. They all have bases, but no armrests.

Call Turnbull in Baltimore, they have all the parts (they are not cheap tho)

I think clamp and v-band piece to weld onto your base is $200
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Welcome aboard. Perhaps a more specific question regarding the chairs will get a response. Are you looking to buy? Opinions as to comfort? More information please.
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