Heart Interface Link 2000 and Freedom 20 not communicating

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Apr 3, 2011
Vessel Name
Phoenix Hunter
Vessel Make
Kadey Krogen 42 (1985)
It seems my Heart Interface Link 2000 and Freedom 20 are not communicating. This seems to have started when I reset the amp-hrs used record for the house bank. The Freedom 20 is charging okay it seems as the voltage display on the link 2000 is making sense, but the Status Line (AC in, charge! Accept and Float) lights are not registering. Everything else seems fine.

The on-phone Tech at Xantrex felt it was a communications problem between the link monitor and the freedom 20. It's a phone line with home jacks. It tried unplugging and re connecting at both ends.

Perhaps something needs resetting. Anyone have any ideas?


Sent from my iPad using Trawler
I would try replacing the wire.
Did you try shutting down the whole system, and bringing it back on line?
Yes, I've tried turning off the AC panel. Maybe I should shut off the DC as well. The tech suggested I disconnect the monitor from the battery by removing the 1 amp fuze. I'll give that a go tomorrow.

Jim, Sent from my iPad using Trawler
JD: I have the same setup on my boat. It behaved the same after a quick cable zap when installing a new battery. ..turned out to be a blown in line fuse on the +side of my house bank. Took days to find. Perfect since.
Thanks HH. I'll check that out. Is that one of the small 1 amp fuzes, then?


Jim, Sent from my iPad using Trawler
Try disconnecting the Freedom 20 from the battery bank, let it sit for a few mins, then reconnect. That always works for me when my Link 2000 goes funny.
Are you getting any error messages or indicator lights, or is the Link just "dead"? We went through a painful and expensive experience with our set-up last year. We replaced the Link, had the inverter/charger tested by the local service center and were still having problems. Turned out to be a defective (??) lead to the battery bank. Jumpered the lead (impossible to trace!!) and problem solved. Ours did not appear "dead" but would switch itself into "invert" and when we wanted it to invert it would switch off erratically. There were indicator lights (I forget color combination) indicating a problem. As suggested previously, I would start by disconnecting the Link from power (remove fuse). I would make sure that you have a good fuse and that power is getting to it. Leaving the Link disconnected for an hour or so should reset it but that assumes everything else is good to go. Good luck!!
No error messages. The Status Line (AC in, charge! Accept and Float) lights are just not displaying. All are off. I replaced the house and starter battery banks 2 weeks ago and all was fine until yesterday, when I reset the amp-hours counter (Page 20 in the manual). The link seems to be displaying reasonable results for voltages and amps in/out etc. This would seem to indicate the Freedom 20 and the Link 2000 continue to function as expected. The problem seems to be a communication problem between the two devices.

Steps taken so far:
Turned off shore power and charger breaker on the A/C panel.
Turned off shore power breaker.
Turned off D/C Switch on DC panel.
Removed link 20 1 amp fuse on battery for 5 minutes (Not sure if I had the correct fuse as the link panel still showed a display).

I'll be back at the boat Thursday to resume work. I'll try Ron Lord and Heal Hustler's suggestions.

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With the fuse removed the Link should not show any lights/display. Suggest you disconnect for longer than 5 minutes. We were advised to leave for an hour or more by service center. You could also try disconnecting the Link completely from the inverter/charger - takes a bit more effort but worth a try!!
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Thanks HH. I'll check that out. Is that one of the small 1 amp fuzes, then?


I'm not at the boat right now and can't check it, but it was a tiny thing....2 amp max. The "Zap" event happened when a yard worker was reinstalling the cables on a battery and shorted it against the engine block. I was in the boat and saw the incident....immediately turned to look at the Link 2000 and it was dead, no lights, nothing. It seemed to me that the charger was still working but there was no signal, the inverter was not working. Before I could check everything, they took the whole unit out, charger/inverter and the Link 2000, sent it to a facility in Lauderdale where they said all was well. Reinstalled it, same thing. I was advised that the telephone cord was probably defective and/or the socket or plug. After checking everything and finding the continuity OK, I just started looking for a hidden in line fuse. Finally found it (really hidden) about 2 ft. from plus side of house bank, taped up...out of sight....you know....boat problems, cheesh!

Good luck with it.
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Jim: I'm not at the boat right now and can't check it, but it was a tiny thing....2 amp max. The "Zap" event happened when a yard worker was reinstalling the cables on a battery and shorted it against the engine block. I was in the boat and saw the incident....immediately turned to look at the Link 2000 and it was dead, no lights, nothing. They took the whole unit out, charger/inverter and the Link 2000, sent it to a facility in Lauderdale where they said all was well. Reinstalled it, same thing. I was advised that the telephone cord was probably defective and/or the socket or plug. After checking everything and finding the continuity OK, I just started looking for a hidden in line fuse. Finally found it (really hidden) about 2 ft. from plus side of house bank, taped up...out of sight....you know....boat problems, cheesh! Good luck with it.
Was the placed called Lamp Lighter Marine?
Was the placed called Lamp Lighter Marine?

Can't swear to that, Oly. It was the Yard's contact and I never got the receipt since there was no charge except the shipping, which was paid by the yard. I did get their phone number but I'm not on the boat now....can't say.
Can't swear to that, Oly. It was the Yard's contact and I never got the receipt since there was no charge except the shipping, which was paid by the yard. I did get their phone number but I'm not on the boat now....can't say.
Oh ok, just curious because Nordhavn had recomended them if we had inverter problems and we are now using them to install the sat tv.
Message to the fleet!

I turned off the charger, fridge and freezer loads. Then I disconnected the following fuzes:

Duo charge 30A
4 battery box, house bank 2A
Small wire 6 battery box, house bank. 1A
Large wire 6 battery box, house bank. 30A
Starter battery 2A.
Phone line between link 2000 and inverter/charger.

Everything left in this state for 1 hour. Then all fuzes put back in,

Link 2000 powered up, displayed error code E10 (link 2000 depowered). This disappeared as soon as I pressed the function keys.

All seems to be working fine.

Success and thank you to all for your guidance!

Jim, Sent from my iPad using Trawler

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