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Wanted: Trawler for Short Term Rent in Socal...?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Veteran Member
Aug 19, 2013
Hi, All,

Haven't been on in a few weeks and have truly missed it. Alas, life calls and we answer.

The Admiral-in-Waiting and I, along with another couple and their young ones, are hoping to rent a boat for a week this coming January, the first step toward what we hope will be our LAB life.

There are certainly services available, but the selection we've found is either too grand or not really grand enough. We're hoping for something in the 43-55 foot range. Anywhere from San Diego to Ventura would be ok, but as we're hoping to make a hop to Catalina, the closer the better.

Thought we'd toss this out to see if there were any private owners that might be interested.

Thanks in advance,

I doubt if any sensible private owners will take you up on this. Chartering is commercial use and all commercial use is excluded from coverage in all recreational yacht insurance policies.

You need to go through a commercial chartering company.

I doubt if any sensible private owners will take you up on this.......You need to go through a commercial chartering company.
:iagree:Most people I know wouldn't even consider renting their boat out. Their wives maybe but never their boat. :blush:
I refused my Coot's builder's (CEO of Seahorse Marine and former sailor and boat dealer in the Bay Area) request to charter the boat.
There are a few guys who I'd trust with my boat, but none that I'd rent to. Of course, my insurance company would have to agree before going ahead.

I'd consider a boat exchange with friends, but that's about it. No money exchanging hands. TBH, I'd probably be a nervous wreck borrowing a friend's boat since that's a cherished friend's baby girl! No so with a lease/rental. I'd be just as careful with a rental, but not so nervous since that's a business.
To rent a boat your experience level with documentation would need to be many pages long.

In the BVI there is little to harm the boat , besides crashing it onto the land.Nost nights are at anchor so less skills are required.]

Most ant BS will get you a sail boat , they now rent motor boat
  1. BVI Bareboat Charters - 100's of Reviews to help you Choose‎

    19 Reputable USVI & BVI Companies
    Bareboat Special Offers
    Search Bareboat Database
  2. Boating In Virgin Islands - Take To The Waters & Experience‎

    Freedom.Why Wait? Book Online Now.
  3. BVI Boat Charters‎1 (877) 292 0737

    Discounted Yacht Charters In BVI. Visit Now For Huge Savings.
Search Results

  1. British Virgin Islands (BVI) Powerboat Charters & Sailboat Rentals ...

    Power cruising in the British Virgin Islands, known as the best boating destination in the world, is a voyage into tropical paradise.

  2. PowerBoat Rentals - BVI


I doubt if any sensible private owners will take you up on this. Chartering is commercial use and all commercial use is excluded from coverage in all recreational yacht insurance policies.

You need to go through a commercial chartering company.


Well worded and absolutely correct.
I doubt if any sensible private owners will take you up on this. Chartering is commercial use and all commercial use is excluded from coverage in all recreational yacht insurance policies.

You need to go through a commercial chartering company.


Totally understood on this point. Agreed with all that agreed with you.

Thank you, both FF and RogueWave. RW, looks like almost exactly what we were looking for... FF, haven't gone through them yet, but the Bareboat rental had appeal. We were finding a lot of sailboats too, but I'm going to peruse your links at length.

I should have mentioned that we are hoping less to cruise on this trip-- perhaps a trip out to Catalina with an experienced Captain but nothing more-- but more to get a taste of life on the dock. No, this is not our end goal for our boat-to-be, but it was the goal of this vacation. We TOTALLy get why it would be difficult for people to give up their baby to a stranger; yet, as the links suggest, stranger things do happen.

Thanks to everyone, as always!

Looked this over, checked availability, prices; that 46-footer looks perfect for what we want to do. Absolutely spot-on.

Thanks again for the link.

Last edited:
Sitting tied to a dock is probably what 99% of TT owners do.

But for a real taste of the better part of cruising have them anchor the boat for you in a secluded cove to enjoy life on the hook.

Dockside is like parking a camper on a busy street , perhaps interesting , but no way to live.
Sitting tied to a dock is probably what 99% of TT owners do.

But for a real taste of the better part of cruising have them anchor the boat for you in a secluded cove to enjoy life on the hook.

Dockside is like parking a camper on a busy street , perhaps interesting , but no way to live.
I sold a 42' power yacht (liveaboard) I bought on a lark one time to a fellow who sought me out to purchase it. he traveled the USA at the time putting up cell phone towers. he wanted to live in Annapolis on the water, but real estate was just too expensive. his explaination to me for buying the wood vessel with only one of the two enfgines running was 'where else can I buy 'water-front' property for such a low price. He kept it for a number of years at the marina right on the harbor.

Annapolis downtown is a nice little atmosphere that a lot of visitors come to and many get a bed and breakfast room. Wonder why there might not be a few vessels that would offer such a 'downtown floating room' on the harbor?
Mr. be. Knew a woman once who did just that with an Owens "Aruba" (wooden). NO engines at all but hauled every winter and kept in a slip for the summer. Can't say how much trade she did but it was a place for her to live in the summer and she potentially could write off a lot of her expenses as a business. Good idea for the right location and personality type.
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