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For Sale: 50' Cherubini Independence Trawler

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Ron T

Senior Member
Oct 13, 2007
Vessel Name
Grand Yankee
Vessel Make
1981 49' Grand Banks Classic
I would rather sell my house but you can see my trawler on YOUTUBE under Yankee Dream. She is very well made here in The USA. Riverside, N.J. Excellent condition needing just soap water and wax. Please call with your questions Thank You Ron T Mobile 516 623 6796
Ron - you can post the video right here on this thread to make it easier for people to watch.
A darn fine video. It is remarkable how many people want my $100,000 but do not want to put together something nice like that. Good job, and good luck.
Thank you all for your comments. I am asking $ 410,000. If you look at the 50' Cherubinis on yacht world you can see that my price is very fair in todays economy . 1908 hours on B-Cummins with 1500 hour big buck maint. completed. I can answer all question at 516 523 6796. Be Safe.
Cherubini is now at Mark Lenox Fiberglass Shop in Georgetown, Maryland. redo some clear coat and put down Non Skid on 3 areas either side of pilothouse that had been teak strip covered. 1908 hours on Cummins 370 Bs. If my wife would only sell the house.
Asking price is $399,000. American Money. Take a good look and compare the market if you are really looking for a Made in America vessel.
OK. How do I get you excited ? How about $ 389,000. I can not replace it with anything like it for that money. Time to move to 32 to 38' and be happy. Beats a row boat.
Cherubini Independence is now located at Annapolis, Maryland just out of paint shop. Now has non skid forward decks with 3 areas of teak removed from each side of the pilot house.
Gorgeous. I love 'em. Wish I had the money.
Very, very solid boats!

I have had 12 couples come to look over my trawler. All smart watermen. 2 couples were looking for monies yet to really be serious buyers. But the other folks all said they were looking but afraid to make any big dollar purchases. They wanted to wait and see what was going to happen in our capital. Come January, I guess we could be back in the same crisis we just went thru. No one can plan ahead when you have no idea whats around the next corner. Sad times. To many liars.
I have had 12 couples come to look over my trawler. All smart watermen. 2 couples were looking for monies yet to really be serious buyers. But the other folks all said they were looking but afraid to make any big dollar purchases. They wanted to wait and see what was going to happen in our capital. Come January, I guess we could be back in the same crisis we just went thru. No one can plan ahead when you have no idea whats around the next corner. Sad times. To many liars.

I saw this written somewhere recently...

"Our economy will recover when everyone starts participating in it again"
That crash of 2008 was a lot more serious than a lot of people want to recognize.

I suspect a whole lot of older retirees (or soon to be) have had to spend a considerable amount of those 'reserves' they were hoarding, helping out their kids to get thru the hard times of these subsequent years. Maybe they only helped in little segments, but it all took a toll on their totality of retirement funds.

Ask some boat brokers that might give you an honest answer just how many new and used boats are selling? I suspect its surprising low. It's one reason I am very skeptical to go into any new boat project, including one I am very enamored with....redesiging the Pilgrim 40
I heard a rumor that the Washington Redskins are planning to change their name. They are going to remove "Washington" as it is extremely embarassing.
They are selling here too. I think the nice used boat market is probably the hottest.
Every boat has a price point at which it will sell.

If a boat has marketing exposure, and is in shape to show, and does not sell then it is above the market price.

Drop the price and the boat will sell.
Finally taking Cherubini down to Atlantic Yacht Basin for winter. Undercover storage with all the skilled talent one needs to fix any thing needed. Lots of low bids by people who spent 10 min. on board. And now obama care has every one afraid to spend money.
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