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For Sale: 1979 Uniflite Coastal Cruiser (CC37) ALL ?? Parts??

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Sep 27, 2013
Vessel Make
uniflite CC37
My son and I acquired this 37ft. boat for volvo diesel parts for our Cruise-a-home. Sounds crazy but it was close-by and had the parts we needed. Has twin Volvo TMD40A's. One runs fine, the other is for parts. The only parts missing off the entire boat are those we took off the one "part motor". Transmissions, shafts, wiring, controls, windows, plumbing, etc., etc., are still untouched. Hull is in great shape. Maybe someone wants to restore this fine craft or just needs parts for their own restoration or maybe ALSO need some ^&%%$$ !!!! volvo parts. If restored.... it should definitely be re-powered though...as these old TMD40"s are getting to hard to find parts for. Boat is currently dry docked in Juneau, AK Call Joe @ 541-633-0254
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nice layout and lines on those - looked hard at them a few years ago but they all had a bad case of the measles.... Those, coupled with the old Volvo's caused me to keep on lookin'...
............... but they all had a bad case of the measles....

I was once told that the "measels" seen on (some) Uniflite hulls was the result of a flame-retardant chemical added to the resin during construction - any truth is this rumour?
Yep - it's true. Here's the story as copied from "unifliteworld.com"

The Famous (infamous) Blister Problem" The issue regarding the fire-retardant resins causing blisters in later years (1975+) was a result of a change in suppliers of the fire retardant resin (Hetron). Earlier models (prior to 1975) contained a fire retardant called "Hetron" manufactured by Dupont Chemical and these boats did not have any blistering problems. When Dupont ceased production of Hetron 1975, a different fire retardant was used from a different manufacturer. Unfortunately, the new fire retardant contained a solid form of the chemical bromine which, unfortunately, evolved into a gas when the fiberglass was warmed sufficiently. This happened to Uniflites in warmer climates like Florida and California more then it did in the Pacific Northwest. This bromine gas created an acid that ate its way out of the gel coat. For this reason, if you were to grind out a deep blister you would notice a "gooey" material. The only way to remove a blister properly is to grind it out, let it dry, then fill the hole with a vinylester resin ($$). It doesn't solve the problem entirely but should provide a strong barrier (plug) to prevent the blister from reaching the surface again. In reality, the blisters will likely return.
No measles/blisters on this one (based on quick look) but I will go out later on this week and do a much closer inspection .... then post the results. I've been doing some research and the consensus seems to be that when these boats were kept in cooler climates (like here...JUNEAU) that the hulls hardly had any of this problem... if at all. Also....it would seem to follow that if there are in fact no blisters on this hull by now (34 years later) that they will never appear... maybe even if taken to a warmer climate.:dance: Comments?????

Funny... I just noticed yesterday that my "slip neighbor" has the same boat and it does indeed have the measels. So I plan to have a talk with him about the boats history. "has it always been in Juneau or did it spend some years in SoCal, Florida, etc."

Anyway...thanks for the comments mates.
well finally got out to check for Measles and the answer is..............It does have less than 20 of them, all small,, thats why I missed them the first time.
Any takers for 5,000 bucks ?????
I'm not sure if I wish you were closer or I'm glad you're not :)
I was born in Juneau and worked at Uniflite during the development of that boat. Didn't know the word "blister" then. That boat was designed by Keith Walton. My boat was the chase boat for trim angles. We photographed the hull only loaded in many different ways. My job later was to re-arrange heavy things so the boats would float level .. w/o list.

Why would you use Vinyl-ester resin when epoxy is available?
Interesting times Eric - sounds like fond memories. would have been fun..

As with the Bayliner 32xx - I wonder why no other company picked up that layout and "copied" it... ??

As for your question, the text I quoted came from unifliteworld.com, it wasn't mine.
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