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For Sale: Quick Sale PRICE REDUCTION -$15k!!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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This is the error I (still) get....

Infection type: JS: Decode-BFW [Trj]

Appears to be a trojan
Does anyone know how to get rid of it on the hosting server? Readyhosting, the web hosting company, is not helping at all. Blaming me and telling me I need to clean the files. I always thought that web hosting companies had a duty to do virus scan on all the files on their servers. I am ready to move to another web hosting company.
I also got redirected to the "adult friend finder" site. But when I closed the site and went back to the link, it opened up just fine.
Hey Walt, You were probably logging into "adult friend finder" and got hijacked to the boat ad!
I don't have to log into Adult Friend Finder. It's my home page when I turn the computer on.:whistling: :ermm: :popcorn::thumb:
Let's see now.....the host's computer works and the Apple products work. (iPad & Mac)
Hmmmm....what does that tell us?:confused: :)hide:)
ralphyost, Be advised that my son, who is a computer whiz, has just switched all of our computers from MSE to Bitdefender as a free anti-virus program. I have had several problems with MSE and, as stated, Bitdefender flags websites prior to entry. He also stated that Bitdefender currently ranks at the top on independent surveys, while MSE is fairly low. No interest in either, just trying to keep my computers working well!

Hey thanks for the tip on Bitdefender !!! I will look into that one.
Let's see now.....the host's computer works and the Apple products work. (iPad & Mac)
Hmmmm....what does that tell us?:confused: :)hide:)
See post #25...

I would consider that those of us that are seeing an error our systems might be detecting something that really isn't a threat but considering that some others are being redirected to a pseudo-porn site tells me that there truly is an issue.

Just my .02
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That hosting company sucks. Not worth squat.

Good hosts will have security and will usually keep your site protected.

I used Hostgator for years. Excellent until they were bought out by probably the same company that owns your former provider. They now suck.

For antivirus use Vipre, at $49. a year, it's worth it for a clean computer.

BTW, if you're using WordPress, switch to a Lightspeed server. Faster and much better security.
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Web site

I was using Front Page to create my web pages. Now that is not supported. I have to move to something else that is EASY. I just dont want to invest a lot of time learning it. I dont do a lot of fancy web site stuff, just as something is needed like the page for the trawler for sale.
Is Lightspeed a web page builder?
I was using Front Page to create my web pages. Now that is not supported. I have to move to something else that is EASY. I just dont want to invest a lot of time learning it. I dont do a lot of fancy web site stuff, just as something is needed like the page for the trawler for sale.
Is Lightspeed a web page builder?

Lightspeed is a server operating system.

WordPress is a blog platform that's free, easy to learn and has thousands of free things you can add.
web page builder

thanks for this. Yes I know WordPress is a blog tool. I dont want to do blogs. I just want a replacement software for Front Page.......and so far its not been easy finding one.
What software do you suggest is easiest for me to go to from Front Page? My web hosting company said FP can be easily hacked.
thanks for this. Yes I know WordPress is a blog tool. I dont want to do blogs. I just want a replacement software for Front Page.......and so far its not been easy finding one.
What software do you suggest is easiest for me to go to from Front Page? My web hosting company said FP can be easily hacked.

You don't have to use WordPress as a blog. I don't anymore, actually I'm going to start using it as a landing page for a couple of sites.
So do you think Word Press is the easiest software tool for me to use to build and maintain web pages?
I didn't see a virus but I didn't see a trawler for sale either.
I'm sorry I am not proficient in this area, but I dont comprehend your answer or understand what CMS is....is your answer a yes or a no to my question about Word Press.
I'm sorry I am not proficient in this area, but I dont comprehend your answer or understand what CMS is....is your answer a yes or a no to my question about Word Press.

WordPress is a CMS, which stands for; content management system.

I build, market and manage websites for my business and I think WordPress is the best system out there right now.

For me, yes. For you, try it, you may like it.
ok thank you very much. Your experience with web site building is the kind of referral I was looking for.
Hmmm....Trojan? I thought it was for a Defever. By the way, shows up fine here in Granda...
Another day later and I get directed to 'Ready Hosting'... did you take the post down because of the virus issues? Would love to take a look at this boat!

[EDIT: somehow I missed the post on page two where you explain that the hosting company had deleted your site/suspended your account. Sorry about that. There's a good chance that your files that you uploaded were corrupted on your machine; I use a combination of two or three programs on every computer we have to fight viruses and spyware: AVG Free Edition has been my go-to anti-virus for years now. Rarely has it failed (and I give it every opportunity). You can find it at http://www.Grisoft.com. Spybot Search and Destroy is a pretty great (and also free) anti-spyware tool that can "immunize" your computer against known threats. Very user friendly for the novice; there are also many advanced tools available for the more expert user. It's available at http://www.safer-networking.org/dl/ .]
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thanks for this. Yes I know WordPress is a blog tool. I dont want to do blogs. I just want a replacement software for Front Page.......and so far its not been easy finding one.

You're a little bit off here, as 'blog tool' doesn't really begin to describe what wordpress does. Many sites, major and minor, are built on wordpress. Yes, a blog could be built too, but I think you will find that wordpress will allow you to get any kind of site up in running in less than a day.

From wordpress, here is a page of free themes: WordPress › Most Popular « Free WordPress Themes

My own theme is a paid wordpress theme, and took quite a bit of expertise to customize, but we were building a commercial site whereas you are simply looking for a way to advertise your boat. Like I said, there's an option for every skill set.

Here is another link to see our boat

Hi Shantyhag

[FONT=&quot]1982 Defever 41 Trawler Double Cabin Power Boat For Sale - www.yachtworld.com[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]NOTE: Please do NOT contact the broker in that ad. If you stay with me directly, I can save you the brokerage commission. If you contact him, it will invoke the sales commission.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]We recently reduced the price of the boat $15k to $135,000 for quick sale. If we don’t sell it by middle of October, we will bring the boat to Cape Coral/Ft Myers FL and turn it over to another broker for sale. Right now you can buy it direct from us and save the sales commission, which is a sizable amount of money.

You can contact me directly at
ralph at alphacompservices.com

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