Im in love with another woman

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Jul 15, 2012
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Cuddles 30 Pilot House Motor Sailer
My wife surprised the hell out of me a couple weeks ago, when she said she would be keen to do a circumnavigation of Australia in a few years when the kids finish school. She was wondering if our boat would be up to it.
As much as I'd like to think it is; It is not.

The Adelaide to Perth leg across the Bight includes a 5 day run of 24 hour operation in BIG seas without a single safe refuge. Just the seas pounding into the cliffs. Not your typical coastal hopping. As capable as my little 30 footer is, this would be too big of an ask for her.

Sooooo... I've been having the odd glance at the boat porn again. No rush, just looking. My present boat is perfectly suited for what I presently use it for. I'm not ready to buy yet.
Then this morning, this boat jumped out at me.....
Used Arthur Robb for Sale | Yachts For Sale | Yachthub
It's the Mother of Kokanee! She's perfect.
A keel cooled Gardner
What a hull
She'll eat up the Bight
and its local.
A bit utilitarian, but I love it. :smitten:

Hold me back! I'm not ready for a couple years yet.
My wife surprised the hell out of me a couple weeks ago, when she said she would be keen to do a circumnavigation of Australia in a few years when the kids finish school. She was wondering if our boat would be up to it.
As much as I'd like to think it is; It is not.

The Adelaide to Perth leg across the Bight includes a 5 day run of 24 hour operation in BIG seas without a single safe refuge. Just the seas pounding into the cliffs. Not your typical coastal hopping. As capable as my little 30 footer is, this would be too big of an ask for her.

Sooooo... I've been having the odd glance at the boat porn again. No rush, just looking. My present boat is perfectly suited for what I presently use it for. I'm not ready to buy yet.
Then this morning, this boat jumped out at me.....
Used Arthur Robb for Sale | Yachts For Sale | Yachthub
It's the Mother of Kokanee! She's perfect.
A keel cooled Gardner
What a hull
She'll eat up the Bight
and its local.
A bit utilitarian, but I love it. :smitten:

Hold me back! I'm not ready for a couple years yet.

OMG - What a Beauty!! Buy her! Couple years pass quickly and you can be fully ready with her at your side! :dance:
What a boat! WOW! Beautiful! What fun to be on the seas with that. The price looks a bargain too. A great find. Don't let her get away!
It won't hurt and it may be good, it will make the kangaroo Island trip a buzz and good training for the big one.
Looks like a well found vessel.
Holy smokes. Talk about another woman. Now that's a lady I could hank my scruples and heart to at the same time.
I agree with my esteemed fellow colleagues.

It looks a perfect boat for your part of the world.

Go and have a look at the boat, your have nothing to lose but your peace of mind & life savings. You can't wait for the right time for these things, sometimes life comes along and just whacks you about the ears.( nothing like a bit of Sunday morning profundity, before a second cup of coffee)
I was half hoping you guys would be saying - "What- you just bought a boat and you're happy with it. What are you thinking. Your crazy! "
Then I could just put her out of my mind.

I'm in Iraq for the next two weeks so nothing I can do for now except dream. I'm thinking about a cruise over to Coffin Bay to look at the boat when I get home. It would be a 2-3 day cruise each way if the weather is good.

I'd have to sell some assets to cover the cost of the 50 footer, but negotiations are in progress. It could happen if the stars align.
I was half hoping you guys would be saying - "What- you just bought a boat and you're happy with it. What are you thinking. Your crazy! "
Then I could just put her out of my mind.
I'm in Iraq for the next two weeks so nothing I can do for now except dream.
Looks a great boat, not many like that around.
Just as well you are in Iraq, you can only think, for now.
I used to say if I ever thought of buying another Jaguar (car, the actual animal would be fine by comparison) I`d lie down, have a coffee, wait until the thought went away,and if it did not, seek medical help.
But that boat is no Jaguar.It looks a very capable, go anywhere yacht.
I was half hoping you guys would be saying - "What- you just bought a boat and you're happy with it. What are you thinking. Your crazy! "
Then I could just put her out of my mind.

I'm in Iraq for the next two weeks so nothing I can do for now except dream. I'm thinking about a cruise over to Coffin Bay to look at the boat when I get home. It would be a 2-3 day cruise each way if the weather is good.

I'd have to sell some assets to cover the cost of the 50 footer, but negotiations are in progress. It could happen if the stars align.

If I were in the shoes it seems you are wearing:

I’d recommend to myself to check my motives carefully and to also lay a projected time line out for next 5 to 7 years. I’d be careful selling my assets - cause boats are seldom a financial asset but can be a fabulous psychological bonanza! Then I’d make damn sure my Admiral was FULLY in gear with this opportunity unfolding. If all lights read green - - > I’d travel to see that beaut of a craft and then if it is as good as it appears at first blush... I’d work my assss off to get the best deal I could. Once owned I’d sell my current boat and make love to my new mermaid to and through the next decade plus! Just sayen, IMHO!!

Good luck and fair seas... :thumb:
I was half hoping you guys would be saying - "What- you just bought a boat and you're happy with it. What are you thinking. Your crazy! "
Then I could just put her out of my mind.

:ermm:I shall endeavor to do my best...

You selfish pig! You already have one of the best looking boats on the forum! What, one ain't good enough for you? No NOW you want to own two great salty looking boats???:nonono: What's your problem anyway???:mad:

Now take a freezing cold shower, get over it. Go buy some real estate or something else that's boring and won't make us look less manly.

:angel:How was that? A bit much perhaps? :)
Good advice Bruce & Art,

Yes - a couple weeks to sleep on it is a very good thing.

The decision to sell our asset (business in Canada) isn't related to this, it just happens to possibly be eventuating over the next month or two. It would open up options though. Borrowing money to buy a toy isn't something I would ever consider.

Plenty of discussions with the Admiral are in order. Not an easy sell, as the value may not be obvious to some. The boat perhaps comes up a bit short on the qualities that a woman appreciates. My wife may not understand the value of a keeled cooled Gardner, but she does understand the basics of safety at sea.
In the end she holds the deciding vote.

Regardless -
- Nice to see good boats are out there at a reasonable price.
- A cruise out to Coffin Bay to look at it would be fantastic, even if it is a rusted hulk.
:ermm:I shall endeavor to do my best...

You selfish pig! You already have one of the best looking boats on the forum! What, one ain't good enough for you? No NOW you want to own two great salty looking boats???:nonono: What's your problem anyway???:mad:

Now take a freezing cold shower, get over it. Go buy some real estate or something else that's boring and won't make us look less manly.

:angel:How was that? A bit much perhaps? :)

Thanks Craig! I needed that.:D
In any case Aus, even if you don't buys this one, your wife's definitely a keeper..! If my wife ever said that to me I'd think I had died and gone to heaven...and I suspect most of us guys on here would say (or at least think) the same.
Just took a look at the link. A boat like that... With 2500 L of fuel and being able to sail, you wouldn't hardly need to come back to civilization!
Aha Andy...see...we mods have ways off making your words come back to haunt you. I remember Origin 1, don't forget...
By the by, I have no idea why you can't delete it, but not to worry. I'm sure no-one took offence.
That boat is not a toy!

The way I see it - all boats are toys, - unless they make money.
I like toys. They're fun.

btw- I had a second read looking for something offensive, but I still couldn't find it. You're welcome to try again though. ;)

Barco - Yes - she certainly seems capable of escaping civilization for a while. Thats a necessity around here, once I get out of the gulf.

Crossing the Great Australian Bight will put any boat to the test. You can stay close to land if you want, but it is the longest uninterupted cliff face on the planet, so it offers no protection.
Further offshore is better sailing where the swell interval is longer, but weather prediction is poor in this part of the world, so you have to be ready for anything.
The Adelaide to Perth leg across the Bight includes a 5 day run of 24 hour operation in BIG seas without a single safe refuge. Just the seas pounding into the cliffs. Not your typical coastal hopping. As capable as my little 30 footer is, this would be too big of an ask for her.

Sooooo... I've been having the odd glance at the boat porn again. No rush, just looking. My present boat is perfectly suited for what I presently use it for. I'm not ready to buy yet.
Then this morning, this boat jumped out at me.....
Used Arthur Robb for Sale | Yachts For Sale | Yachthub
It's the Mother of Kokanee! She's perfect.
A keel cooled Gardner
What a hull
She'll eat up the Bight
and its local.
A bit utilitarian, but I love it. :smitten:

Hold me back! I'm not ready for a couple years yet.

What a great find !! I must add that one to my collection of motorsailers that I have posted on some other forums prior to joining this one.
Motor Sailers by Philip Rhodes & John Alden - YachtForums.Com

Motor Sailers by Philip Rhodes & John Alden - Page 5 - Boat Design Forums
As Oscar Wilde said,

"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it".
Peter Aha Andy...see...we mods have ways off making your words come back to haunt you. I remember Origin 1 said:
I didn't think it was offensive either but deleted per your request. We can put it back if you'd like! :)

I have no comment re buy or not but. Too big and difficult a decision to comment on from half a world away. :)
AusCan: We can all appreciate your suffering on the matter. Since I happen to come across a photo of its most recent haul-out, I figured it might help you to see that even though it has retained it's graceful lines, it has deteriorated a bit.

:rofl: Thats hilarious HH

I guess I better get started now, then. It looks like it might need more that a quick touchup.
AusCan: We can all appreciate your suffering on the matter. Since I happen to come across a photo of its most recent haul-out, I figured it might help you to see that even though it has retained it's graceful lines, it has deteriorated a bit.


That's bout the most artistic marine-craft photo yet. Reminds me of hulks on some of the New England state's inner shore lines during the 50's - 60's. Thanks for posting... brings back fond memories!! :socool:

Art :dance:
Buy her . She's a beauty

You already own a boat. Same, Same just a few more bucks a month.

What's the difference.

Just bigger and better.

And the admiral will feel safer:)

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