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For Sale: 36 manatee for sale...still

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Sure like to see the survey on that one.
Hey Tex, we should go check it out to see if we each want half a Manatee on the W coast.
HH and HJ, c'mon out west. I'll pick you up at the airport and drive you to and from the boat.
As was pointed out by Baggs, we choked this one pretty well last year, but given that people are still buying Manatees, two of which were sold out of the same Marina I'm in right now, and both sales were within 5 percent of what they asked for. I don't think it's any secret that the boat is a better east coast boat than west coast boat, but 60 grand? What's wrong with this picture?
So that vessel has been for sale for over 7 months, maybe more?

Sure doesn't speak well for the state of the market for vessels in this size / price range.

Where is this vessel located?
This vessel is located on the San Joaquin River in California Delta near Isleton, CA.
I've kind of kept an eye on this boat. Someone from Vancouver Island was considering it (when the asking price was $125,000) and had contacted me looking for advise and wondering if he could view my boat as a comparison. After he contacted me I had a look at the pictures and wasn’t too impressed, less so after showing him my boat and talking with him. It’s lacking some major gear to be a viable west coast boat in my view, such as generator, house bank, electronics, dinghy (not even a crane available). It needs a lot of work and money to bring it up to what I would consider worthy of a serious look, unless he keeps dropping the price. When the price is right someone will scoop it up, but they’ll have some work to do.
I would think she would be a perfect Delta boat, she is big & shallow, what a great boat to anchor out on. Obviously there are issues with the sales process and presentation.
I've kind of kept an eye on this boat. Someone from Vancouver Island was considering it (when the asking price was $125,000) and had contacted me looking for advise and wondering if he could view my boat as a comparison.

It needs a lot of work and money to bring it up to what I would consider worthy of a serious look, unless he keeps dropping the price. When the price is right someone will scoop it up, but they’ll have some work to do.
$60,000 would be right yet??

Of course shipping back to Canada might make a difference.
He says he 'just reduced' the price $60,000 to its current price of $87,000. :confused:
I don't think it's any secret that the boat is a better east coast boat than west coast boat, but 60 grand? What's wrong with this picture?

Out of curiosity, why do you say this? BTW its 87 grand.

I wonder if someone had a survey on it that priced it closer to $87K
Out of curiosity, why do you say this? BTW its 87 grand.

I wonder if someone had a survey on it that priced it closer to $87K

Woops. My bad. 87K is still the cheapest I ever heard of, but maybe so.....it could have surveyed for that. The delta may be a great cruising ground for a Manatee, but my comment was referring to a Western Coastal boat vs. an Eastern Coastal boat. Here on the Atlantic ICW, Rivers, Bays, etc.. the Manatee shines. The Delta is a big area, but outside the Bay, I'd opt for something more blue-water capable. On this side, coastal cruising is pretty protected.
Tex, I think you're underestimating the capabilities of the Manatee. I know mine has been from Seattle to Alaska twice. There is another Manatee from Washington State that has also been up to Alaska a few times as well as around Vancouver Island. I find the boat to be very capable, a little uncomfortable at times but if you watch your weather you can go anywhere. I'll take mine anywhere any similar sized boat can go. When it's time to anchor, that's when the Manatee shines, more room than most boats 10 feet longer.
I lost my doubts about the boat when the Captain I hired took her out of the infamous Jupiter Inlet (FL) in a 6 ft. confused chop. The boat never flinched, but I gotta tell you,...after about an hour of that movement, my legs were exhausted. Two miles out, the water settled down into 4 ft. rollers all the way to Miami. Nope,....no doubts about the boat, but when I saw a shot of your boat in Alaska, I knew that you west-coast guys are more dedicated cruisers. Could be that you are REALLY the ones that know the capability of the Manatee. Love your avatar, by the way.
Look at the three Manatee avatars on this page. (HeyJude, HH and DCBD) Do Manatees only cruise from right to left of is that just her best side for pictures?
Mahalo like her left side best too
Look at the three Manatee avatars on this page. (HeyJude, HH and DCBD) Do Manatees only cruise from right to left of is that just her best side for pictures?

No, it's just that the Starboard side is very sleek and good looking, thereby contrary to the Manatee image.
Look at the three Manatee avatars on this page. (HeyJude, HH and DCBD) Do Manatees only cruise from right to left of is that just her best side for pictures?

HaHa, it's just that nobody wants to associate with us so it's hard to get pictures while under way.
There's a whole field of science dedicated to photographing a Manatee's good side. Personally I find HEY JUDE nice round stern the best.

I was able to find a port side pic for those curious what we find so appealing.


  • Bush_HeyJude-002a.jpg
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There's a whole field of science dedicated to photographing a Manatee's good side. Personally I find HEY JUDE nice round stern the best.

I was able to find a port side pic for those curious what we find so appealing.

+1. I too find a nice rounded stern appealing.:blush::eek:
:D:D It gets worse (better?) as we get older doesn't it, Don?

Let's just say as we get older we appreciate the finer things in life more. A nice rounded stern just happens to be one of the finer things.:smitten:
Let's just say as we get older we appreciate the finer things in life more. A nice rounded stern just happens to be one of the finer things.:smitten:

Jeez! I hope I never get that old! I still like 'em small and tapered.
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