America's Cup 2013

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Apr 15, 2008
California Delta
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1977 Marshall Californian 34 LRC
If you're interested in following the America's Cup through this summer's Louis Vuitton America's Cup Challenger Series, take a look at the America's Cup YouTube Channel coverage. I'm sure this gets daily TV coverage in New Zealand, but I can't find it here on my Northern CA cable TV. :banghead:

ETNZ is sure looking good out there at speeds exceeding 40 Kts. Pretty impressive stuff considering the winds are under 20 Kts. :thumb::thumb:

Emirates Team New Zealand conquers Luna Rossa Challenge - YouTube
It's amazing the speed those cat's achieve, it makes me realise my time racing the old Hobie 16' were pretty tame, 41 knots over the start line!

In boat terms that like standing on the wing of a 747 on take off.
Yeah I sailed cats in New Zealand back in the early 70's including time on one my uncle and I built with a solid deck on it, was very heavy but man it could still fly a hull pretty easy and launch you over the front in skinny water

The foiling of these cats is mind blowing I cant imagine racing in a field of 6 or 7 of them together.

Go KIWI's at least on Emirates Team NZ - there is a Kiwi on pretty much every boat in the field which is a sore point down under.
Bay Area Comcast - channel 186 COZI

I don't think anybody here can be a bigger cup fan than me, and I'm sorry to say, I don't think these will be good races. I've thought this since the 2010 cup. They weren't good races then and these probably won't be either.

These boats are just too fast. A slight edge (even just a couple of knots in boat speed) and they're gone. And with the consistent winds on the bay, the trailing boat has almost no chance to catch up. The first actual race (on Sunday), NZ vs ITA is what I'm afraid we're in for. No competition.

Ah, the old days - a half knot faster (or even less-they worked hard to squeeze just a tenth of a knot more out of the boats) was a great advantage. Combine that with the fluky winds of San Diego and the Hauraki Gulf & boats not afraid to get close to each other, and anything could (and did) happen.

Yes, it was slower, but it was close and very exciting racing. Unfortunately, the only thing exciting about these boats is that they're fast.
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Go KIWI's at least on Emirates Team NZ - there is a Kiwi on pretty much every boat in the field which is a sore point down under.[/QUOTE]

They say that if they win (which is very possible), they're going to change the rules back to where they were - only nationals on the teams. No more hired guns. I agree 100%.
...Ah, the old days - a half knot faster (or even less-they worked hard to squeeze just a tenth of a knot more out of the boats) was a great advantage......Yes, it was slower, but it was close and very exciting racing. Unfortunately, the only thing exciting about these boats is that they're fast.
I`m with you Nsail. Something was lost with the multihulls. Fast, yes, but that`s about all. Many Australians remember staying awake all night watching our countries compete. Those were great days in the Americas Cup.
I guess all that remains to be seen. One thing for sure is...the races are sure going to be spectacular..! There may be a bit of carnage, not that that is what I want to see, but at those speeds a mistake is pretty unforgiving. So that might be how a good team wins - by not necessarily being the absolute fastest, but by making the least mistakes..?
And with so few teams competing, I am so disappointed.

I use to really look forward to the AC and the qualifying races.

i hope sanity comes back.

Bay Area Comcast - channel 186 COZI

I don't think anybody here can be a bigger cup fan than me, and I'm sorry to say, I don't think these will be good races. I've thought this since the 2010 cup. They weren't good races then and these probably won't be either.

These boats are just too fast. A slight edge (even just a couple of knots in boat speed) and they're gone. And with the consistent winds on the bay, the trailing boat has almost no chance to catch up. The first actual race (on Sunday), NZ vs ITA is what I'm afraid we're in for. No competition.

Ah, the old days - a half knot faster (or even less-they worked hard to squeeze just a tenth of a knot more out of the boats) was a great advantage. Combine that with the fluky winds of San Diego and the Hauraki Gulf & boats not afraid to get close to each other, and anything could (and did) happen.

Yes, it was slower, but it was close and very exciting racing. Unfortunately, the only thing exciting about these boats is that they're fast.
I agree. At the least, they should have stayed with the 45's - lots more teams participating, and proven, close, and exciting racing. Seems that the 72's are Ellison's way of reminding us that he has more money that God.
I agree. At the least, they should have stayed with the 45's - lots more teams participating, and proven, close, and exciting racing. Seems that the 72's are Ellison's way of reminding us that he has more money that God.
Well, I guess I'm in the minority here. I can't wait for these races to get really competitive and I believe they will. To say that all these "cats" have to offer is speed is "really missing the boat." The best team, as usual, will win by making the fewest mistakes. I loved watching the 12M greyhounds as well and I watched one sink in the channel in San Diego because the effort to remove even the slightest amount of weight weakened the boat so much that she couldn't even take on a decent size wave without breaking in half. Not to mention the many race day cancellations because there wasn't enough wind. I'll bet there won't be many race day cancellations this summer unless a hurricane blows through.

Nope...The Americas cup, 72' cats, San Francisco as the venue, not having to stay up till 1:30 am to watch....doesn't get much better than that! :blush:
It gets much better, as in a close, exciting race. These boats might as well be doing time trials.

In case anybody has lost perspective on what close racing is and how bad this has been so far, NZ beat ITA by over 5 minutes. At these speeds, that is equal to almost 20 minutes in the old competitive boats. They call them horizon jobs. Not fun to watch. I'd rather stay up late (or use one of them new fangled recording devices) and watch a good race (and put up with occasional postponements) rather than watch a boat go essentially around the course alone, no matter how fast it is.

I understand that it was only one race. But, unfortunately, I don't see anything changing much. I'm hoping though.

As for the good 45 races - almost any fleet race will be somewhat close and those boats were basically one designs. But this is match racing with different designs. As much as this looks somewhat similar to the 45 races, it is not remotely the same in any way.

As for possible carnage - not likely. These boats (teams) are terrified to get close to one another. And, for good reason - too fragile and expensive.

And while I'm complaining, the starts are too short also (2 minutes vs 5 minutes before). This is unfortunately the only time in these races when strategy will be used. In 2 minutes, you may have time for 1 maneuver at best. And if one gets a quick advantage (as in Sunday's race), there is no time for the other boat to do anything about it. With these boats, the race is basically over right then and there.

Walt, I was on the media boat and watched One Australia go down. Terrifying and sad.
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We're flying down to SF tomorrow morning for an extended weekend getaway.
Looking forward to seeing some of the AC action in person!
After watching that video and Oracle Team USA, I didn't realise how similar the American accent is to the Oz/Kiwi version. :socool:

Great video though.
Yes, we'll let anyone on our team!! :hide:

Here's a site with team nationality %'s, but the graphics look skewed compared to the numbers shown when the mouse floats over the graph segment.

If it weren't for you guys from Kiwi/Oz, we wouldn't have a team. We've got more Aussies/Kiwis than Yanks. Thanks, mates!
Hey, Al! I tried to get on the US team but they told me my boat is too slow....imagine that!
I would think the ability to run surefooted across the trampoline of a 72 within 1.25 seconds would be right up there in requirements. Doing so with chiseled good looks and a kiwi accent would just be all that much the better.

We don't stand a chance, Ray.
Well, those boats are fast and a real credit to the engineers who designed them.

They leave me cold.

I spent years working for a naval architect/boatbuilder who designed and built his own 12m including the sails, and came within one race of beating Turner/Jobson for the right to defend.

I’m showing my age. Hey kids, get off my lawn!

I suspect the last will not be understood by our down under members. (Hint-It’s a Simpsons ref.)

Some of my Kiwi brothers on non Kiwi cats have sold their soul to the devil, if they win their passports will end up like Snowdens ..... well not really but it is kind of a sham unless they hold a foreign passport.

I was up in the bay area today and it sure is a great place to sail.
I, too, would like to see it return to national (at least majority) team composition. But I think it works against the smaller nations like Korea, Sweden and Italy.

But in a nod of understanding to all these guys so passionate about this sport, this is their golden opportunity to participate in their cherished activity, regardless of the team. If they don't make their first choice (ETNZ), they can pursue their passions with the other teams for this event. They're living their dreams.

Next time, they'll be in position to compete again for their team. I can certainly understand that.
Some of my Kiwi brothers on non Kiwi cats have sold their soul to the devil, if they win their passports will end up like Snowdens ......


Fear not, it's all part of the cunning plan.

Agent provocateurs to ensure Team Oracle's demise. Type of like a Kiwi version of the infamous under arm ball.(a well known Ozzie/Kiwi sporting bit of skulduggery) :rolleyes:
After watching that video and Oracle Team USA, I didn't realise how similar the American accent is to the Oz/Kiwi version. :socool:

Great video though.

Andy, are you just yanking chains, or did you really not know most of the crew on Oracle are Aussies, including James Spithill, the skipper..?

Ok, guess I walked straight into that one...
I, too, would like to see it return to national (at least majority) team composition. But I think it works against the smaller nations like Korea, Sweden and Italy.
I'm in complete agreement with Al's statement. When one looks at the NBA, one sees a lot of players from other countries and if you really examine MLB, it's hard to find a natural born American on any of the teams. So far, this hasn't happened in the NFL but that's because, other than Canada & a few teams in Europe, most of professional football is played in the U.S. (Yes,! :D)

If the Ausies are better overall than the Americans (and I think they are!) welcome to the U.S, team!
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I’m showing my age. Hey kids, get off my lawn!

I suspect the last will not be understood by our down under members. (Hint-It’s a Simpsons ref.)


Do they still boot people?:eek:
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