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For Sale: Defever 41 "SAY GOOD-BYE"

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
Oct 18, 2007
Vessel Name
Say GoodBye
Vessel Make
21 Mako
I'm back - and GOING FOR IT
Hey Guys
I havent been back here in a long while. Hello again!
We've decided to go for it. Putting up the trawler for sale. We think we like living in our new house in FL more than cruising. I know some of you may not comprehend that.....but its true. We did the Loop last year and will complete it this Spring when we arrive back in Atlantic City NJ. Did 4700 miles last summer through Canada, Great Lakes and the Rivers. We will be cruising in the Mid-Atlantic to New England region this summer but the boat is available to see. call the number below to make arrangements to see her. You wont regret it.

This boat has done the Great Loop three times, been through the Panama Canal, been in Alaska, California, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Bahamas....where else?
Recently REPOWERED and all brand new Furuno NavNet3d marine electronics. Only about 800 hrs on the new power now. Classic Lehman 120, those bullet proof simple diesels.

Here is the ad

Defever 41 "SAY GOOD-BYE"

Wow, Ralph, long time no hear. Sounds like you had a great adventure, and are boated out a bit for now. But selling it..? Is that wise, or should you have a cooling off period..?
Selling out

Hi Peter
Good to hear from you again.
We have decided to put the boat up for sale but will still be cruising in the summer until it is sold.
Trying to sell the boat without a broker. Nothing serious going on to cause the sale.
Our health is fine (some ask us this when they learn the boat is up for sale). We think we like living in our new home in Cape Coral FL better than cruising. Dirt living certainly is easier.
We are laying this in the Lord's hand and waiting to see what He has in store for us. Meanwhile we will continue to travel with the boat as planned. Might go to Maine this summer.
The other side is that Celeste has been having some shoulder trouble. She had torn rotator cuff a few years ago and had it repaired. She small, and less able to handle boat stuff. This going on while my engineering consulting business is beginning to grow. It is not really possible for me to work properly while traveling on the boat. During the Loop, Celeste really moaned that she wanted to be back in the house. She really doesn’t cope with being away from the house that long. I think I may have observed that she is less committed to cruising than I. I don’t want to cruise under those circumstances. It certainly is easier living on dirt than on a boat. While traveling by boat, we cant have a normal congregational relationship with our fellow believers at church. Celeste cant go to the gym regularly as she does while we are here at the house. All of this accumulated to me deciding to put the boat up for sale and lets wait on the Lord and see what He has in store for us.
[FONT=&quot]It may take years to sell it. Who knows....? [/FONT]Meanwhile we will cruise north out of FL in the summer to keep her out of hurricane zone.
We have nearly $200k invested in her.....so as with all boat sales, we are taking a substantial $$ loss even at this asking price!
Knowing Ralph and his attention to detail, this vessel bears a look for those in the trawler market. And surprise surprise, it is not an East Coast hurricane boat!
I'm only a little bit anal

Thanks for the complement. Yes I am only a little bit anal....I havent stopped improving this boat since the day we bought her. Even this year I just replaced all the control and throttle cables from the fly bridge to the main salon and then from there to the tranny and engine. Had one break this summer and thought - thats not going to happen to me again ! It was NOT an easy job either !
I figure I have to sell the boat to stop me from improving it.....We are at almost $200k invested in her now...its getting scary, and crazy.
Heading back south this week

We left Atlantic City Saturday to head back to Florida. My wife Celeste has a severe rotator cuff tear that must be repaired with surgery. We will run southbound and leave the boat in Jacksonville FL for the summer/fall, drive to our home in Cape Coral FL and get her the surgery in Tampa. We already have the doctor appt and slip reservations.
[FONT=&quot]We are in the mid Chesapeake Bay today [/FONT]


Full ad and lots of pictures of the boat here
Say Goodbye FOR SALE
I know Ralph and Celeste in real life, not just the internet.

Beautiful boat, probably the best small DeFever after my DeFever 40.

Ralph knows I would say that, it's a friendly rivalry, and takes no offense. The difference is that he does his own mechanical work and I don’t even change my own oil. Kudos to Ralph.

Fair winds R&C on your trip down to Ortega Landing.

Good luck to Celeste in surgery.

FL bound, going the wrong way in June

Thanks Mike.
We will probably end up in Lambs Yacht Center under roof rather than Ortega Landing. Its double the cost but I would rather have the boat protected under roof. I'll just go to Celeste's bank account and take out some extra money.
Say Good-Bye

Be sure to tell her you hit her account when she is just recovering from the anesthesia, she won't remember a thing. :whistling:
Fast recovery.
Married her for her money

I always tell everyone I married her for her money...both dollars.
Now I just take money from her book royalties !

Leaving Solomons MD this morning bound for Jackson Creek.
Be sure to tell her you hit her account when she is just recovering from the anesthesia, she won't remember a thing. :whistling:
Fast recovery.

I had back surgery (what a miracle!) almost three years ago. What I remember from recovery is the nurses joking (I think) with Diane about asking for anything she wanted because I would not remember anything...

am thinking of buying a boat like this and from someone who has been the distance and knows the ropes. I would like to put it in the canal behind my beach home in Port Aransas Texas and learn to travel on my own aboard it. I would start with short trips as I learned. I notice your boat has "Island Time PC Wi-Fi – 8dBi high gain antenna/ amp and local router for Wi-Fi," I mention this as my limits will be for the first few years where I can connect to Wi-Fi 8-5 MF. In any event we don't see too many of these type boats down this way but it seems they are the best options for an adventurer any way you slice it. Any further inf. advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Diligence1 -
When we were looking for a trawler in 2007, we ended up flying to Hilton Head SC to see this boat. But that only took place after we had viewed a lot of photographs. I emailed the owner and asked a lot of questions. I compared that boat to others and thought it was well worth the trip to verify my impressions.
I can tell you this truthfully - there is not anoother 41 Defever on the market today that compares to this boat. I just read an ad of one that claims to be refurbished......not so in my opinion. Just the photographs show it.
Our boat being repositioned to Jacksonville FL is easy travel connections for you.
Suggest you take a good look at my web page ad
then email and/or call me to ask any questions you have.
I have nothing to hide. Been a member of MTOA for years and everyone there knows me or knows of me. I am a frequent poster of information to their listserv. Sceptic posted above and he knows me personally and the boat as well. So I am proud to suggest that you ask around not only about the boat but about me.
My email is
ralph at Alphacompservices.com
I have an ad in this month's Passagemaker Magazine and I am expecting a lot of interest after this week when it is published.
Thank you, I have seen the website and your right it is obvious she is a cut above and that can only be achieved by an owner like you. There are a lot of boats and boat owners out there but very few like you and yours, it makes them hard to put a value on as they are both priceless commodities in this world. I know a little about boats, own a few and have owned many across the US. I am a simple guy and need only the basic necessities to live aboard but to me that requires extreme measures that she be sea worthy for any and all events. I find a bit of what others may consider overkill is what is needed to secure any piece of mind for me while afloat even at the slip behind my home. I like to be ready at a moments notice to cast off on a whim with no particular destination known until I am almost there. I will be doing a bit more research and putting my home in the DFW area on the market priced to sell very soon and make the move towards my unknown and the boat I buy will be my rock. I will be selling my two current lake boats that I have now and that is always difficult for me as you I am sure know the feeling. I can sell the house and be happy it's gone but boy oh boy I have a hard time letting go of my old girls, they are just not cut out for the salt and sea. I sure will miss my old Carver aft cabin, she has been so good to me but with her 454 gas burners I just dont think she would be happy even if I spent the $ to convert her. Again thank you for the weblink and info, I only know the Defever by reputation and what I read but I do know people and the character that one can give to his or her vessel is something that you just can't fake.
Lots of junk out there

The more boats you look at, the more junk you will see. I've stepped onto boats and within 5 min knew I couldnt buy it......Then when you step on a really well kept boat that has been engineered properly to do what I call "increase your standard of living aboard" you will know that is the one to buy.
They dont stay on the market long.
Southbound and passing through Wrightsville Beach bridge at 7am this morning heading for the S.C. state border to anchor in Calabash Creek tonight. Might be in Jacksonville around Jul 4.
That sounds incredible, have a cup of coffee while watching the sun come up... enjoy and have a safe trip.
I usually get up around 5am when traveling. Its dark at that time but as I get my coffee and breakfast, the sun is coming up. Its really peaceful. My wife usually stays in bed because she stays up at night. I do my engine room check (every day before starting) and some other personal things then haul the anchor. Usually takes me an hour to get ready to haul up.
Coming through a severe T-storm now almost to Southport NC...Check it out on weather radar
Weather Map for Southport - weather.com
I know how peaceful it can be, I used to live aboard my old Slickcraft on Lake Mead when I worked and lived at the Las Vegas Bay Marina. I purchased the owner of the marina's boat and it was in an end slip with the aft deck facing due east at sunrise mountain, and I would wake up every moring to a quick navy shower and grab a cup of coffee up on deck and watch the sunrise. It was like coming to life with the day and that kept a suspecious smile on my face for the next 24 hours. I think I use to annoy the crumpy folks but oh well! Looks like you have fair weather ahead next while any way. Where are y'all now?
Pulled into Jacksonville FL last night, Lambs Yacht Center. We did a 94 mile run from Hidden Harbor Yacht Club in Brunswick GA. Took a covered slip for the summer to protect the boat from the rain and sunlight. After changing the oil in the new Lehman and genset this morning, I did some maintenance catch up on deck. Ran out of steam about 4pm from the heat and humidity. Not used to it yet !
Too us 19 days to get here from Atlantic City NJ, 1103 miles. We stayed over one day at Charleston for some fun.
Will wash the boat really good tomorrow then leave Sat morning for our home in Cape Coral FL.
Well done. Sure beats the mess out of driving! I hope she sells soon now that your off her.
Packing sucks

It is a HUGE chore to pack up our things to take back to Cape Coral with us. I rented an SUV, then after we started packing, got scared. Upgraded to a LARGE SUV. I'm still scared it wont all fit. We have to take our clothes (all our summer clothes are here on the boat), all the medicine cabinet stuff, FOOD (all of the house spices are on the boat), laptops, luggage, and more and more that are essential summer stuff .

We have some potential buyers who have expressed a fair amount of interest. They are selling their sailboat and believe they may be getting a contract on it this week. If so, that may help link to our sale. We'll see.
As we used to say in the guvment, it aint over until its over.
I have spent some time visiting relatives who lived in the canals in Cape Coral and thought it an area that would be perfect for a 23' - 25' Searay, Trophy or similar with a head and good bimini. For 30 K or so you are in the game. We ran around down there in a 30' Trophy with twin Optimax 250s and could get to the Keys, Naples, Orlando etc quickly and safely. Something smaller would be easier to park in the driveway or nearby.

Don't give up on the water fun to be had in Cape Coral and Sanibel. Good luck with the move and sale. Hope to see you in the PNW someday, the standing offer remains.
Never out of boating

Already bought a little fishing boat first winter we moved to Cape Coral -


It will do 45 mph !
Been working like a slave the last two days to get the trawler cleaned up and spiffy clean for potential buyers to look at. My ad in Passagemaker came out this week.
Can any of you verify it? I dont get the magazine.
Quick Sale PRICE REDUCTION -$15k!!!!

Reduced the sale price of our trawler $15k for quick sale !
New price is now $135k.

Will be listing it with a broker in late October.....would like to sell if before then when the 10% commission consumes the sale price.
Boat is in Jacksonville FL and can be viewed any time !!!!

Web site below as pics and description !
Say Goodbye FOR SALE

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