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For Sale: 1983 37' Atlantic Trawler. $99,500ono

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


May 15, 2013
37” Atlantic Trawler “Southern Comfort”

Southern Comfort is a turn-key trawler equipped with everything you need to go cruising today. A well-equipped and maintained 37’ Atlantic Trawler built in Florida in 1983, she has an economical, reliable single Ford Lehman SP135 engine with a generator-driven Sunstrand get-me-home system. This boat has been continuously updated and improved, including hull and topsides awlgrip paint, side power bow thruster, and new Garmin electronics. A recent veteran of the Great Loop and extensive Bahamas cruising, the boat is solid, reliable, and comfortable with all the modern upgrades.

Recent Upgrades:

* 2003 – Custom salon settee $3,000
* 2005 - 2 Cruisair 16.5 BTU AC Units $5,826
* 2005 – Norcold A/C D/C Refrigerator $1,170
* 2006 – Hull and topsides Awlgrip $41,467
* 2006 – Side Power Bow Thruster $9,000
* 2006 – Lewmar Windlass $2,000
* 2006 – 2 Lewmar Ocean Hatches $955
* 2006 – 2 Todd Helm Chairs $800
* 2006 – New Aqua Signal Nav Lights $153
* 2007 – Complete Flybridge Enclosure $7,325
* 2007 – Sea Wise Davit system $4,200
* 2007 - AB Navigo 9.5’ Rib $2,900
* 2007 – Yamaha 15hp Outboard $2,480
* 2007 – Bose speakers for salon $350
* 2008 – 1500W Sine Wave Inverter $795
* 2009 – Garmin networked electronics $11,770
* 2010 – 6 Trojan House Batteries $901
* 2011 – Balmar Alternator/Regulator $700
* 2011 – Xantrex Battery Monitor %

$99,500 or best offer!!

Southern Comfort Slideshow by flyboyscd | Photobucket
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How much???

And good luck!!! That is a wonderful boat! Prairie always made that boat with twins. What a great boat with a single and bow thruster. I LOVE IT!!!
How much???

And good luck!!! That is a wonderful boat! Prairie always made that boat with twins. What a great boat with a single and bow thruster. I LOVE IT!!!

John, I guess we have to add up the pieces.:D Just looked at the pictures. Nice boat.
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I knew I forgot something...&99,500/offer. I can email you a much more complete listing if you are interested.

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I knew I forgot something...&99,500/offer. I can email you a much more complete listing if you are interested.


I stuck the price in the original post. VERY Nice boat and good luck with the sale!!!
Wow, what a great looking boat! As you can see I have this boat's older relative, the Prairie 36. We're getting a lot of ideas from your pictures. But $41K for awlgrip??? I'd love to do that but that's just not in the budget anytime soon.
Would not of been in my budget, but the previous owner seemed to have deep pockets, and left me the receipt. His loss and my gain! The awlgrip job did include removing all the deck hardware, windows, etc, and at yard labor cost today, I can almost understand the bill....
Sorry...I ask the forum moderator to put my price in the ad, as I had forgotten to do it myself. Unfortunately, he made the picture link go away in the process. I would edit the post myself, but it seems that ability goes away a few hours after the post is up. Try this link, and you should get the pictures.

Southern Comfort Slideshow by flyboyscd | Photobucket

Would not of been in my budget, but the previous owner seemed to have deep pockets, and left me the receipt. His loss and my gain! The awlgrip job did include removing all the deck hardware, windows, etc, and at yard labor cost today, I can almost understand the bill....

Re-bedding all the deck hardware is on my list, too. Not sure if the rail stanchions bolt through or screw in. If they bolt through I can't see ANY way to reach the backs of them, so I'm a little afraid to find out. Anyway, having all that work already done is a huge plus, hope you get your asking price!
Burns 2.3 GPH at 7.5 knots. If you would like to PM me your email, I'll send you a PDF file with a very comprehensive listing for the boat.

Would you please send the additional info. Can't PM as we are newbies....wallyanddarcy@gmail.com

Wally and Darcy
Anyone have an idea on cost to ship over land this size of vessel? It's very interesting looks really well taken care of and I love the pictures. We're moving to the west coast and would have to ship if this was a consideration. I'd like to keep boats like this on our radar but not if it's an arm or leg to ship. Otherwise I'll have to limit my search to the West region and be willing to pilot along the coast up to the Puget Sound.
Try looking on Yachtworld. I usually see links which can get you a quote from a boat transport companies. Also, just google Boat Transport, and you should get a few. My guess is 10k+, but that is just a WAG.
Try looking on Yachtworld. I usually see links which can get you a quote from a boat transport companies. Also, just google Boat Transport, and you should get a few. My guess is 10k+, but that is just a WAG.

Probably a good WAG. At least $10k and likely close to 20!

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