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For Sale: 83 Defever 47 $99,900

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Jan 20, 2013
I have no connection to this boat whatsoever. Have no idea of condition, power or anything else.

I saw the flyer at the Halifax Marina in Daytona Beach. It's listed by Yacht Brokers, inc.

I have no link but thought that someone here may be interested.
Not my idea of a DeFever.
I.have 320 hp cats in my boat. At.trawler speed (how i.run). I burn 4 gph total. About 8-9 mph
no they are 3208t. Turbo but no.intercooler. I have never had paper lock issues
Both the 47 POC's linked above need work. I've been on a few...not your typical defever trawler at all but a nice cabin layout. Lack of door @ lower helm and no exterior space aft to speak of always ruled this boat model out for me as a contender. Layout inside is nice though IMO.
Both the 47 POC's linked above need work. I've been on a few...not your typical defever trawler at all but a nice cabin layout. Lack of door @ lower helm and no exterior space aft to speak of always ruled this boat model out for me as a contender. Layout inside is nice though IMO.

Though I'm loathe to return to big fuel drinkers (two Sea Rays in a former age), this baby would be nice when you need to outrun weather, and do well at trawler speed.

What I do not know to the decimal, is how much thirst twin cats have at trawler speed. Anyone have experience with that?

For the moment I'm happy with my single Lehman and 35 foot dockage rates, but would be giddy if I could do 20 knots from time to time in short bursts. And have the room on 47 feet.
Those 3208's at 7 or 7.5 knots ought to only burn around 5-6 GPH (combined). With a beast of a 20KW generator I bet that the gennie is pretty thirtsy though, relatively speaking! One of my good friends has a 48 jefferson CPMY with twin 3208's and he burns around 5-6 at 7 to 7.5 knots. Ability to have some speed now and again is not such a bad thing.
I do like the interior layout of the 47. Like I said, my biggest gripe was lack of outdoor lounging areas...it is pretty much an inside type boat but if you are in cold climates would not be a problem but if you are in hot climates you'd be expecting to put lots of hours on the generator to keep things cooled down inside. The ones I have been on essentially had the aft deck area functioning as an additional enclosed salon with full HVAC, etc. just like the main salon.
Look at the video. The pics are deceiving - this boat needs quite a bit of work. Neglected. Not boneyard, just needs time and muscle.

Now the price makes more sense. I don't think you could find a turn-key 47 footer for that price. Not even close. But IMO these boats still represent great value - so long as you like sundecks.
Those 3208's at 7 or 7.5 knots ought to only burn around 5-6 GPH (combined). With a beast of a 20KW generator I bet that the gennie is pretty thirtsy though, relatively speaking! One of my good friends has a 48 jefferson CPMY with twin 3208's and he burns around 5-6 at 7 to 7.5 knots. Ability to have some speed now and again is not such a bad thing.
I do like the interior layout of the 47. Like I said, my biggest gripe was lack of outdoor lounging areas...it is pretty much an inside type boat but if you are in cold climates would not be a problem but if you are in hot climates you'd be expecting to put lots of hours on the generator to keep things cooled down inside. The ones I have been on essentially had the aft deck area functioning as an additional enclosed salon with full HVAC, etc. just like the main salon.

Maybe I'm wrong but the flybridge area with the hardtop could be screened/ eisenglassed in for some great outdoor areas.
Maybe I'm wrong but the flybridge area with the hardtop could be screened/ eisenglassed in for some great outdoor areas.

I think what Woodsong meant by outdoor area is an area that is open, no roof or eisenglass, somewhere he can have breakfast al-fresca or sunbathe in his speedos (Australian or European style). Right Woodsong?
I think what Woodsong meant by outdoor area is an area that is open, no roof or eisenglass, somewhere he can have breakfast al-fresca or sunbathe in his speedos (Australian or European style). Right Woodsong?

Here in Florida, shade is a given unless you want to be shriveled up shoe leather.
I have no flybridge cover and I bet I get more sun than FL. I'm also not shoe leather.

What does POC stand for? Piece Of Crap?
I lived in Ft. Lauderdale and Hollywood, FL. It gets very hot there and I totally understand needing shade, by the way. I wasn't bragging either. I think our low humidity is a plus here and it lets you enjoy the sun most days. We do get those extremely hot days however and most boats here have a Bimini.

Still don't know what a POC is. Also, that isn't what I think of when I hear Defever. That's more of a condo on the water to me.

Incidentally, Art Defever had a boat built for him and he owned a mooring in Avalon Harbor at Catalina Island. One of my best friends would spend time with him aboard his boat. He sold it last year and he was over 90 and still boating then.
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