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For Sale: St. Croix Crane & Dinghy Lifting Sling

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Oct 23, 2012
Vessel Name
Soaring Eagle
Vessel Make
34' Californian
St Croix Little Crane w/ Universal 3 point Dinghy Sling. Both $600 new, asking $275 including shipping.

Used for 3 summers in AK but not longer needed in TX.

St Croix Crane:
60" high; 30" reach
175 lb. lifting capacity
75' of 5/16" braided line
All Stainless Steel Construction
Easy to remove; no tools required
Crane arm & pole allow 360 degree swings
Hook Pulley has 3 rollers and hook swivels
Rail mount adapters for 7/8" and 1" rails
Base mount accommodates all angle surfaces from horizontal to vertical
St Croix Crane.jpg

Dinghy Lifting Sling:

Fits conventional inflatables up to 14"
Three adjustable cargo style straps w/ hoisting ring
Stainless Steel hardware
450 lb. lifting capacity
Dingy Lifting Sling.jpg
Hi TX Cruiser, any idea of the weight of the St Croix? It might work for a project I have in mind, but shipping rates to Oz can be a killer.

By the way welcome to the forum.
Hi TX Cruiser, any idea of the weight of the St Croix? It might work for a project I have in mind, but shipping rates to Oz can be a killer.

By the way welcome to the forum.

Andy G, according to the manufacturers, the crane weights 27 lbs. and the dinghy sling weights 2 lbs.

They are both in excellent shape so if you were thinking of buying these items anyway, the shipping would likely be the same so, buying used would put you $ ahead.

Rick, if you're not sending it to Australia, I'll take it.
It's a good bargain. The reach and capacity aren't quite enough for my own project....but meanwhile I'm spending a boat unit to make another one work for me, and it's not going to be nearly as tidy and unobtrusive as this one.
OK, if it is still available I'll take it. Not sure how to arrange shipping, any ideas?
Send it to Sergio, he'll get there eventually!!!
OK, let me get in line here...if it doesn't work out for Sergio or Baggs, I'll take it here in FL.
I'm in the lineup somewhere too. I've been conversing with him via PM.
OK, if it is still available I'll take it. Not sure how to arrange shipping, any ideas?
Good buy Andy, hope you get it. I get stuff delivered by USPS, seems to be economical and quick, but I think an odd shaped 30lbs will cost several hundred $.
Phew, this is one popular item.

OK TX Cruiser who gets first bite of the cherry? I have sorted out shipping, so am ready to go.
What's going on? Baggiolini did you buy it, or Northern Spy, Healhustler you?

In the best Sergeant Shuiltz voice I can muster: I know NOTHING!:rofl:
He is probably off doing what we should be doing, cruising on the boat, not trying to figure out what we can do with new hardware from the office.
Well it wasn't me. I don't even know where I am in line. I just have this pocket full of cash and nothing to show for it. I figured it probably cleared the flight to Sidney and was on a UPS truck to Pittwater by now.
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I'm still here! I guess I underpriced it. The ball is in Northern Spy's court right now.
OH, well in that case, I'll bid 250 for it and Photo-Shop another 250 to whoever sends me the items in question.;)

Seriously though, I don't think you priced the item so low. It's a very handy, compact item with lots of practical uses and easy to mount, etc.. We're chomping at you here a little, but we've all got boats so we probably don't have any money. I'd have to use my Admiral's birthday money.
That was a strange little interlude, well done Northern Spy. Looks like I will be buying the Garhauer unit for $321
Looks like I will be buying the Garhauer unit for $321
Andy, guessing it`s like the St Croix, where would you fit it, where will the dinghy sit, can you leave the outboard attached?
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Congrats, Northern Spy. I was thinking that it is quite nicely sized and finished to look appropriate on a Nordic 26.
Andy, guessing it`s like the St Croix, where would you fit it, where will the dinghy sit, can you leave the outboard attached?

Yes it's similar, slightly longer arm at 34". It's not for the dingy, it's for the two Kayaks I've got.I plan to have a SS bracket made so they can be stowed on top of the aft cabin roof, across the boat. That's the plan anyway.
Just a quick follow up.

The good news: TXCruiser was great to do business with. The crane was well packed and shipped in a timely manner. The crane was in very good condition and even included manuals.

The bad news: I had it shipped to my parents house in the Finger Lakes of NY. They opened the box and liked it. They really, really liked it. So much that it is being mounted on their Mainship to lift Mom's kayak on the fore deck. They are even thinking about getting another mount to use for stern.

LOL. That's a hoot, NS. After everything, you still ended up empty handed. Just after you made the deal, I found the one I was looking for in a Marine Salvage joint here in Stuart, FL. Cost me about 550 bucks including installation, and I'm trying to make up my mind about the kind of winch to install.....manual or electric.
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