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For Sale: Raytheon RL80CRC Color Radar/Plotter 10.4"

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Apr 9, 2009
I'm selling my Raytheon Pathfinder RL 80 CRC color radar and chartplotter.
This unit is in excellent working condition and cosmetically very good condition with the exception of the Raytheon sticker on the Radome.
Radar is a 24" dome unit with Radar overlay and MARPA capability. All radar functions currently available are on this unit including VRB and ELB. Can track up to 10 MARPA targets simultaneously. The 10.4" screen can display a split radar and plotter image and has a course deviation screen when tracking to a way point.
This is a HSB1 unit that can be connected to other compatible units and networked with some limitations.

When installed on my boat all the above functions worked including autopilot tracking. The unit has 2 NMEA 0183 inputs and a SeaTalk connection, and can display depth and other information from compatible units.

Note: For radar overlay and MARPA functionality a heading sensor must be connected via NMEA 0183. For GPS location positioning a GPS sensor must be connected.

All cables including the radar and Plotter cable are included. Also a sea talk cable is included. The unit has a mount that canters the display 18 degrees up down or to either side for better viewing when the unit is mounted away from the helm. The sun cover has a small crack in one corner which is common with this unit. It is almost not noticeable.

Two CMAP cards are included covering the south FL area, Okeechobee waterway and keys.

The user manual was too big to upload. PM me and I'll e-mail it to you if interested.

Price $875


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I'm interested Tim. I need the manual to get overall dimensions of display and verify it will fit in available helm space. PM with email address sent.
That was a very good deal. You can also add a high definition sounder to that unit. The radar overlay and marpa is really nice. It should serve well for years.
(Whew!) That was close! I was going to give you the old "he who hesitates is lost" speech.

That was close Walt. Thirty minutes after posting my interest I thought, screw it we'll make it fit. I'll relocate the VHF, don't like it on the dash anyway.
That was close Walt. Thirty minutes after posting my interest I thought, screw it we'll make it fit. I'll relocate the VHF, don't like it on the dash anyway.

Get ahold of Mike (SomeSailor) about your dash- he runs a business machining custom dash plates in different materials.
I probably misstated myself. The dash itself with my instrument cluster is fine. It's what would be called the dashboard in a car that I'm meaning above. I currently have a VHF, compass, and depth finder mounted In approximately 24" available space. The depth will be replaced by the above display and I'll move the VHF to accommodate.

BTW, I've seen examples of Mike's work and it is stellar.
Nice grab, Craig! That was a quick sale for TJ. Let me know if you want a hand running lines and hooking it all up.
I have a RL80C Plus at my lower helm and a L760 chart plotter on the bridge. They are supposed to both work as chart and radar overlays. They havent work since I bought the boat. The lower station works fine as Radar and the upper works well as a chartplotter.
My RL80C doesnt have slots for chart cards. Does anyone know if it can be upgraded? There is a connector in the front behind the cover where the cards should live.
I believe that your L760 on the bridge is the primary unit. Try powering the L760 first and then power up your RL80C lower helm.
Could be a connectivity problem with you "sea talk" connections and junctions. Are these units HSB2 compatible?
Could be a connectivity problem with you "sea talk" connections and junctions. Are these units HSB2 compatible?

Yes its HSB2 compatable. My unit is a RL80C Plus which is radar only. The RL80CRC is Radar and Chartplotter. It just looks like you could upgrade the RL80C to include the map card slots.
Dave, I have the RL80CRC plus and I can confirm that just adding the card slot cage to the connector you found behind the small door does not convert it to a chartplotter. I tried, you likely need to change some internal electronics as well.
I have a Raymarine WAAS GPS sensor I'll let go for cheap if you need one, Craig.
I have a Raymarine WAAS GPS sensor I'll let go for cheap if you need one, Craig.

Thanks Tom. I'll let ya know, frankly I'm so electronically deficient I'm still trying to figure out what I bought. Lol

REALLY feel lacking as today I rafted up with and toured FlyWright. Did any of you guys realize you can fit 3 GPS units a radar, chart plotter, 2 VHF radios a compass and laptop on the lower helm of a 34' Californian??? Wow!!
REALLY feel lacking as today I rafted up with and toured FlyWright. Did any of you guys realize you can fit 3 GPS units a radar, chart plotter, 2 VHF radios a compass and laptop on the lower helm of a 34' Californian??? Wow!!

Tell Flywright that it would be good to look out the window every now and then.:D
Thread creap alert!!!

Windows? What windows? I can hardly see past the wires!

Here's what it looked like last night...What a spaghetti jungle!


...and I woke up to this today...


The video camera selector box (shown sticking out on the left) is now mounted behind the A/V panel. Soon I'll be ready to complete it all with a new mahogany veneer on the overhead panel and forward counter/shelf.

I had that panel made by Front Panel Express for $65 in anodized aluminum following the advice of a TFer who had posted about is success with the company. Great product and great price.

Here are some shots of the Skipper Craig at the secret cove.




It was great seeing your boat, meeting your sons and spending the time at the not-so-secret cove. I'm spending the night here tonight. Here's a shot ofthe egrets starting to gather in the trees at dusk. A couple dozen more came, but my camera phone doesn't do well in low light at a distance. In the summer months, the trees fill with white egrets.

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