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For Sale: SOLD: Items from refit

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Site Team
Mar 17, 2012
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Ocean Alexander 50 Mk I
I have a number of items for sale as a result of my refit. I had to replace leaking fuel tanks, which meant pulling the engines and whilst doing this I decided to renew most systems on the boat. A variety of surplus stuff is for sale. List below, and pics/more details in attachments (over two posts).

This is available in the Puget Sound area. A lot of stuff is heavy or bulky, so if you can't collect then you would have to factor in packing and shipping costs ......

Items are:
- battery bank 726 AH in battery boxes with cables
- Freedom 20 Inverter/charger
- Poly tank, 40 gal unused
- Halon fire extinguishers
- Mase genny (IS 2500, diesel)
- Onan genny (7.5kW diesel)
- Cummins VT 555M, under 2000hrs, 270HP each (two)
- Cummins starter, reconditioned
- InterPhase PC View box and W98 PC (no transducer)
- Teak decking - 250 linear ft
- Davit crane with 110VAC winch
- Bimini top, folding, 10 ft wide
- Racor 1000 filters (two)
- Bennett trim tabs
- FloScan, diesel, 20 gph range
- Alum Propane cylinder
- JRC Radar, monochrome LCD

Merry Christmas!

View attachment Battery Bank.doc

View attachment Poly tank Fire Exting.doc

View attachment MASE.doc

View attachment Onan.doc

View attachment InterPhase Sonar.doc

View attachment Racor .doc

View attachment Trim tabs.doc

View attachment JRC Radar.doc

View attachment FloScan .doc

View attachment Propane cylinder.doc
Last edited:
Remaining items pic & details

Here are the other attachments


  • Inverter.doc
    91.5 KB · Views: 106
  • Cummins.doc
    96.5 KB · Views: 118
  • Teak decking.doc
    97 KB · Views: 109
  • Davit.doc
    82.5 KB · Views: 121
  • Bimini.doc
    44 KB · Views: 76
  • JRC Radar.doc
    94 KB · Views: 75
Hi, i would be interested inthe floscan and the starter motor. I too have the same motorsbasyou. If i lived in Australia,i would buy yours andkeep them for spares.

Can you pm me to discuss options. Thanks or actually better still email bo.hanson@team8.com.au


pm sent
O can't see the attachs. I'm interest in the batteries, teak, maybe more.

Please send another pics and details
Merry Christmas

Sergio "Alemao" Sztancsa, Sent from my iPhone using Trawler
The pics were word attachments. If you cant see them, I could email the attachments directly to you - but you still might need to view on a PC rather than on a phone. Send me a PM with your email address if you want to do this.

I note your location as Brazil - not practical to ship there! If you are Stateside, then bear in mind I am north of Seattle....
O can't see the attachs. I'm interest in the batteries, teak, maybe more.

Please send another pics and details
Merry Christmas

Sergio "Alemao" Sztancsa, Sent from my iPhone using Trawler

My boat is in Fort Lauderdale and I'm going to there next Jan 16 to finalize the boat to depart a out 20 to Brazil.
My email: alemao.szt@gmail.com
I need more batteries to our bank, teak flooring, ...
Today I check my email also the tread by my computer.
Best regards

Sergio "Alemao" Sztancsa, Sent from my iPhone using Trawler
Some items sold, prices revised

These are available in the Puget Sound area. A lot of stuff is heavy or bulky, so if you can't collect then you would have to factor in packing and shipping costs ......
More detail in post 1 or 2, but revised prices below:
Items are:
- battery bank 726 AH in battery boxes with cables $480
- Poly tank, 40 gal unused $100
- Halon fire extinguishers (3) $550
- Mase genny (IS 2500, diesel) $400 (prob. sold)
- Onan genny (7.5kW diesel) $500 (prob. sold)
- Cummins VT 555M, under 2000hrs, 270HP each (two, total $3000)
- Cummins starter, reconditioned $150
- InterPhase PC View box and W98 PC (no transducer) $100
- Davit crane with 110VAC winch $750
- Bimini top, folding, 10 ft wide $300
- Bennett trim tabs $200
- FloScan, diesel, 20 gph range $300
- Alum Propane cylinder $75
By chance, do you have 2 floscans? I see that you are offering one, but you mention pulling the engines (plural). Thanks!
No, the PO only had one installed. Kinda OK, but I agree that two is better. The things are quite pricey so I guess I understand his logic.

By chance, do you have 2 floscans? I see that you are offering one, but you mention pulling the engines (plural). Thanks!
"I need more batteries to our bank,"

In Ft L cash price for a NEW Trojan 6V deep cycle golf cart batt should be $90 .

The L 16 will run double that , and there will be a "charge" for not turning in a scrap battery.

Iam down in washington today and may get a chance to get down to take a look. Please give me a shout on my cell at 604 226 5372 anytime this morning

Thanks jarod
Are the Racor units still available?
where are you at north of seattle? thanks
Guys, this thread is really old and most stuff was sold 18 months ago. And I brought the boat back to Australia almost a year ago now. I'll ask the mods to put 'sold' in the title.
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