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Wanted: step plates

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
Dec 13, 2010
Does anyone know were if at all a person can get hold of some old brass step plates for IG. There just is no way anyone can get in the boat without stepping on the bright work. Are there some retro outfits that make them or does anyone have some they care to sell?
Are you talking about something like what's illustrated in the photo below?

These are unobtainium in bronze for GBs today. So a bunch of GB owners got together on the GB forum and ordered the plates they needed (we already had the straight side plates but not the curved plate for the aft caprail) and the founder of the forum, Bob Lowe, had a foundry make them up for us, x-number of straight plates and y-number of curved plates. I don't recall the cost to each of us per plate but it was not all that much.

So you can have them made up if there is a foundry in your area. The plates Bob had the foundry make up are identical to the original plates from GB. So if there is a foundry in your area that works in bronze (or brass), you could have the steps you need made if you can supply a pattern


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Does anyone know were if at all a person can get hold of some old brass step plates for IG. There just is no way anyone can get in the boat without stepping on the bright work. Are there some retro outfits that make them or does anyone have some they care to sell?

I've done some CAD work to make some for mine. I have the CNC equipment to mill them, but the cost of the brass and plating have moved it further down my list of priorities. They'd be on the order of several hundred dollars before plating.

Marin, that would be the kind I'm looking for but for an Island Gypsy. Were did you guys have them cast, I could make a template and send it there. I just need 3 of them to protect my bright work
I have no idea where they were cast. I will ask Bob Lowe on the GB forum who did the work for him. This was quite a few years ago so I expect the price of stock and labor has gone up. I'll post whatever I hear back from Bob here.
Does anyone know were if at all a person can get hold of some old brass step plates for IG. There just is no way anyone can get in the boat without stepping on the bright work. Are there some retro outfits that make them or does anyone have some they care to sell?
I don`t think IGs came with plates. Nice, but you`ll need them custom made, they will cost.
However, you can buy hard rubber/plastic steptread which is self adhesive and would do the job,albeit with some trimming. I just did my flybridge stairs, after a full revarnish, it looks good, in charcoal color. I got mine (in Australia) at a marine shop,but they were made for the flat top of fenders on a box trailer. I`m about to do the 2 transom boarding steps, and thinking about doing the lower teak rail at the entry points.
Thanks for the info. I'll get hold of them and see what is the present price for castings.
All the IGs I have seen, including ours, have nice cast, chromed, step plates with the words"Island Gypsy" cast into them: one at each side boarding station and one at the transom door.
I don't know if they are original to the boat, but each of my boarding gates has 3 or 4 strips of rub rail strakes mounted an inch or so apart on the caprail.

Taco Stainless Steel Rub Strake
I just received this notifier. I wish I could find it on the site. Like to get a picture or a rubbing of the plates so that I can have some made

Dear sunvale,

dwhatty has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - step plates - in the Classifieds forum of Trawler Forum.

This thread is located at:
step plates - Trawler Forum

Here is the message that has just been posted:
All the IGs I have seen, including ours, have nice cast, chromed, step plates with the words"Island Gypsy" cast into them: one at each side boarding station and one at the transom door.

PM sent
Thanks for the project reminder guys!
I have the bronze swimgrid supports that came off when I built a bigger swimgrid. I plan to make step plates with the boat's name in them, for each of the 3 entry points. A friend has done this on his boat, so I have his methodology for preparing a template out of wood or lexan, then all I have to do is get a foundry to make a sand mould from my template and pour in molten bronze. I can clean up the plates when they come back.
I did this with bronze from one of the SG supports to get the ladder hooks when I built a new boarding ladder and I was very pleased with the results.
All that has held me back is the choice of font and size, as the teak rail is long and narrow, and I have a short boat name. Have to get on with this one.
Does anyone know were if at all a person can get hold of some old brass step plates for IG. There just is no way anyone can get in the boat without stepping on the bright work. Are there some retro outfits that make them or does anyone have some they care to sell?

Is this what you are looking for? ebay 230897352664
they look good, but I like to find some IG originals if possible, otherwise I need to have some made. Thanks
All the IGs I have seen, including ours, have nice cast, chromed, step plates with the words"Island Gypsy" cast into them: one at each side boarding station and one at the transom door.
That is a nice surprise, must have been done on later boats. My lower teak cappings, finished in Deks Olje (gloss) are getting some wear during the deck reno, finish is easily retouched, but I might check that ebay item.
IG step plate:


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That looks like aluminum. Is it or is that plated brass / bronze?
Found the ebay item, they are off an old Chris Craft, may be of interest to CC owners.
I like the IG step plate in the photo David posted. 3 of those screwed into place must look good.
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