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Wanted: WANTED: Propane or alcohol oven / stove

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Apr 24, 2014
We need to replace our vintage Princess electric stove / oven. Looking for a propane or alcohol replacement. Cutout is 19.75w 20d and 24h.
Welcome aboard. We replaced our Princess electric stove/oven with a Seaward propane model. The new unit was a touch smaller so teak inserts filled the resultant spaces. Why alcohol as an option? On a previous vessel we had a small alcohol pressure stove and unless the fuel was absolutely dry, it was smokey and smelly when lit. Granted, it could have been the appliance rather than the fuel. I suspect it may have worked just fine for Noah.
We have used non-pressurized alcohol before, and have been very happy with it. Going alcohol would eliminate having to run propane line and figuring out where to put the propane locker. Mind you, we do like cooking with propane too, so we are open to either. It is tough to cough up $1300 plus for a new one though.
Give this fellow a call at Ontario Boat Wreckers. He has dozens of salvaged boats in his yard and is not outrageous on his prices generally. Likely within 2.5 hrs. drive of you or he could ship it if he has one.
We have used non-pressurized alcohol before, and have been very happy with it. Going alcohol would eliminate having to run propane line and figuring out where to put the propane locker. Mind you, we do like cooking with propane too, so we are open to either. It is tough to cough up $1300 plus for a new one though.

plus the cost of the sniffer system...if you think one is important....

I just went with a stovetop and a toaster oven (microwave/convection in the future) thinking the little I use the oven I could make the other combo work and it's way cheaper.
Probably going to take heat for this but I replaced mine with an RV unit from Camping World. Was pretty worried even though I had done a bunch of research and most everyone said it was fine. Got the old one out and found it was an RV unit itself! Ha ha. I ended up with the Atwood 3 burner with stove model. It was an exact replacement including connections. I think it was around $400.00 or so.

I also installed an entirely new system with regulator and Xintex shutoff/sniffer module. Works great.

Probably going to take heat for this but I replaced mine with an RV unit from Camping World. Was pretty worried even though I had done a bunch of research and most everyone said it was fine. Got the old one out and found it was an RV unit itself! Ha ha. I ended up with the Atwood 3 burner with stove model. It was an exact replacement including connections. I think it was around $400.00 or so.

I also installed an entirely new system with regulator and Xintex shutoff/sniffer module. Works great.


If it was one of the units that have thermocouple shutoffs at the burners and the push and twist control knobs (probably a little less important) like some models have...it's virtually the same with the same safety stuff.

I did quite a bit of research before buying mine and almost went RV...but Hamiton Marine had a blowout closeout on Stainless Force 10 (which have a good reputation) cooktops. The might still have a few left...and they go on blowout sale every so often.
Doesn't propane have about 80 percent more heat/energy for the same weight of alcohol?
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I`ve had both alcohol (stovetop no oven) and propane(with oven) fuelled stoves,I prefer propane, mainly convenience and more heat output, but alcohol is simple and regarded as safer, it has no supply system to maintain, but you need to maintain a bottled supply, which seems to get used quite quickly. I suspect an alcohol oven would need plenty of fuel, but I`ve not seen/used one.
Provided the stove has a "no flame' safety cut out a separate sniffer monitor system is not required here.
We need to replace our vintage Princess electric stove / oven. Looking for a propane or alcohol replacement. Cutout is 19.75w 20d and 24h.

Have you searched online marine and RV stores?
There's a world of difference between a propane stove and an alcohol stove. If you just want to heat a small pot of water or a can of beans, alcohol will do. If you want to be able to actually cook meals, propane is the way to go.

Having said that, installing a propane system and stove is no simple or inexpensive matter. You need to obtain, read, understand, and follow the ABYC propane system requirements. You will need a properly installed propane locker as well as a certified stove. You're looking at $2K in materials and several hours of labor.

Installed or maintained incorrectly, propane is very dangerous on a boat. Installed and maintained correctly, it's pretty safe.
Alcohol has it's own dangers as well. From my experience, it burns with a colorless flame (when dry al' is used). One could easily pass a hand over the flame or put something flammable on top not noticing or forgetting the burner is lit.
Safety is important with propane...no doubts there.

If willing to store the tank outside and in compliance with ABYC distances from hull openings and careful selections of materials...my 3 burner Force 10 stovetop with a 2 sensor Xintex sniffer system, electric solenoid all installed IAW ABYC came in under $750.
Let me just put in a plug for induction burners here. Have to have the genset on while using it, of course, if not on shore power. But all the advantages of an open flame (i.e., instant adjustment) with none of the disadvantages.

Of course, that doesn't help with the "oven" part of the OP's posting.
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Let me just put in a plug for induction burners here. Have to have the genset on while using it, of course, if not on shore power. But all the advantages of an open flame (i.e., instant adjustment) with none of the disadvantages.

Of course, that doesn't help with the "oven" part of the OP's posting.

Aren't some claiming that induction is so efficient that decent solar/wind and a good inverter will handle at least one burner?
Aren't some claiming that induction is so efficient that decent solar/wind and a good inverter will handle at least one burner?

The single induction burner that I use pulls 1600 watts, and my Yamaha EF2000iS generator/inverter (1800 watts) handles it just fine.
Oh I'm sure...just saying that other don't even think gensets are necessary for induction tech.
Oh I'm sure...just saying that other don't even think gensets are necessary for induction tech.

True. An inverter, battery bank, and a means of charging the battery bank should work just fine I would think. Certainly works in theory, although as someone has observed, things always work on a boat named Theory. :)
I can run three burners and the oven at the same time using propane. It seems to burn hotter than the natural gas I have at home so it takes a bit of getting used to.
Alcohol has it's own dangers as well. From my experience, it burns with a colorless flame (when dry al' is used). One could easily pass a hand over the flame or put something flammable on top not noticing or forgetting the burner is lit.

Yes, but a bilge full of propane and a spark is a bomb.
Add the grill and feed a small Navy...:thumb:
Mr. r. I agree. I was just pointing out one of the potential dangers of alcohol. Let's not get into yet another "propane will blow you up" discussion. Of course it will. Similarly so might a gas powered vessel if you have a leak into the bilge. Gosh, you might even get hit by lightning.
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