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For Sale: Used Simrad Equipment for sale

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Veteran Member
Dec 26, 2014
We've replaced the electronics at both helms because the CX54 died. Everything else in the system was working fine. I was able to keep the old hydraulic pump and the depth sounder transducer, so everything else is now for sale to a good home.

Simrad AP22 AP Control Head w/cover. Excellent condition (from inside helm) - $600.

Simrad AP22 Control Head w/cover. Good condition (cover is kind of ratty, from flybridge helm) - $450.

Simrad J300X AP Junction box. Excellent condition - $300.

Simrad RFC 35 Electronic Compass, w/cable. Good condition - $350.

Simrad RF 300 Rudder Position Sensor, w/cable. Excellent condition - $200.

Simrad RS4050 Radar Supply Box. Excellent condition - $50.

Simrad RB715A 4KM Radar in Radome. Very good condition - $350.

Simrad GPS5. Good condition - $50.

Simrad DS34 Dual Station Display. Good condition, has screen delamination but works. $50.

Simrad CX54 Nav Station. Doesn't work, for parts only, has screen delamination. $50.

I'll pay the shipping inside the US for everything EXCEPT the radar and displays - for those we'll have to talk!

I think those prices are fair, but feel free to make an offer.


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What kind/size of boat did these come out of?

And what did you replace with?

What kind/size of boat did these come out of?

And what did you replace with?

Sabreline 47.

We ended up staying with Simrad for the replacements. Evo3, AP44, 4G Radar. Still sorting out all the screens, etc. - lots of new options, capabilities. And getting used to Navionics charts (had c-charts before), etc.
I believe all that equipment is 2005 vintage, correct? I'm right on the edge of installing a new Simrad package. Do you know if the AP will work with a new Evo3?

I might do some research to get a bit more info about the AP. Do you have the name of the shop doing your new install or are you doing it yourself? Might be able to get some insight from them on how well this would work.
'06. I had opened the CX54 last year to replace the memory's battery (really? Directly soldered to the board? Why not a battery holder soldered to the board? Oh well, I still have some soldering iron skills!) and noted 2006 date stickers.

Everyone told me that the J300X would not work with the evo3, and that the AP22 would not work with the new AP computer (NAC 2).

I considered doing it myself. Also got some quotes locally, and ended up truning it over to Unlimited Yacht Services in Palmetto FL. Small father and son shop and VERY happy with their work (except for that unpaid, overweight helper who kept asking questions and getting int he way. Wait, that was me!). And now I have a NMEA2000 backbone throughout the ship so looking at all the new possible add-ons! :)
I believe all that equipment is 2005 vintage, correct? I'm right on the edge of installing a new Simrad package. Do you know if the AP will work with a new Evo3?

I might do some research to get a bit more info about the AP. Do you have the name of the shop doing your new install or are you doing it yourself? Might be able to get some insight from them on how well this would work.

Just be aware that if you go with Simrad, the day after the warranty on the last unit sold has expired following the introduction of a new product, all spare parts for your stuff will be thrown away and getting anything fixed will be very, very tough. I discovered this when my CR44 stopped turning on 3 years after I installed it. I was lucky, as I found a hard reboot would light it up, but in trying to find parts, I spoke with a former Simrad tech who informed me the policy above is why there would be no spare parts available that weren't sitting already on some dealer's shelf.
Thank you. Yes, I am well aware. I didn't make a major purchase like this without researching it first.

Hopefully, we can not hijack this anymore? I'm happy to talk about the the pros and cons of the various electronics manufacturers and their current practices, but this is supposed to be a Classified thread. My wife needs me to empty the spare bedroom! :)
I would be interested in the rudder position sensor if still available.
Update. The other items are still available.

We've replaced the electronics at both helms because the CX54 died. Everything else in the system was working fine. I was able to keep the old hydraulic pump and the depth sounder transducer, so everything else is now for sale to a good home.

**SOLD**Simrad AP22 AP Control Head w/cover. Excellent condition (from inside helm) - $600.

Simrad AP22 Control Head w/cover. Good condition (cover is kind of ratty, from flybridge helm) - $450.

**SOLD**Simrad J300X AP Junction box. Excellent condition - $300.

Simrad RFC 35 Electronic Compass, w/cable. Good condition - $350.

Simrad RF 300 Rudder Position Sensor, w/cable. Excellent condition - $200.

Simrad RS4050 Radar Supply Box. Excellent condition - $50.

Simrad RB715A 4KM Radar in Radome. Very good condition - $350.

Simrad GPS5. Good condition - $50.

Simrad DS34 Dual Station Display. Good condition, has screen delamination but works. $50.

Simrad CX54 Nav Station. Doesn't work, for parts only, has screen delamination. $50.

I'll pay the shipping inside the US for everything EXCEPT the radar and displays - for those we'll have to talk!

I think those prices are fair, but feel free to make an offer.
Hi. I am interested in the DS34 unit if it is still available. I am located in Sidney, BC. Canada, so we would have to arrange shipment accordingly. Please contact me at bob.jeary@gmail.com. Thanks, Bob Jeary
Do you still have the Ap22 heady with ratty cover? Might be interested in other bits too. What else is left? Thanks, Dao25@cornell.edu
Daveo, I just sent you an email. I’ve sold the one AP24 and J300X but the rest are still available.
Latest update. Other items are still available.

We've replaced the electronics at both helms because the CX54 died. Everything else in the system was working fine. I was able to keep the old hydraulic pump and the depth sounder transducer, so everything else is now for sale to a good home.

**SOLD**Simrad AP22 AP Control Head w/cover. Excellent condition (from inside helm) - $600.

**SOLD**Simrad AP22 Control Head w/cover. Good condition (cover is kind of ratty, from flybridge helm) - $450.

**SOLD**Simrad J300X AP Junction box. Excellent condition - $300.

Simrad RFC 35 Electronic Compass, w/cable. Good condition - $350.

Simrad RF 300 Rudder Position Sensor, w/cable. Excellent condition - $200.

Simrad RS4050 Radar Supply Box. Excellent condition - $50.

Simrad RB715A 4KM Radar in Radome. Very good condition - $350.

Simrad GPS5. Good condition - $50.

Simrad DS34 Dual Station Display. Good condition, has screen delamination but works. $50.

Simrad CX54 Nav Station. Doesn't work, for parts only, has screen delamination. $50.

I'll pay the shipping inside the US for everything EXCEPT the radar and displays - for those we'll have to talk!

I think those prices are fair, but feel free to make an offer.

Your AP22 still available ???


hope sorry I don't saw ""SOLD"" grrrr :banghead:

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