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For Sale: SOLD: Any One interested in a 120 HP Ford Leman

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Ford Lehman 120 Diesel - Pulled

I have just pulled the engine out of my boat as we were discussing.

I had hoped to do it last year - but life gets in the way.

So the repower project is happening was we speak.

Alfa Mike :thumb:



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Good luck with your sale. As a former Deere & Co. engineer I believe you made a very excellent decision for a replacement.
engine swap


if you could please read my earlier post # 6 in this thread - I explained it all in detail. :socool:

I was originally planning to do this engine swap last year. But life gets in the way sometimes if you know what I mean. :banghead:

Won't bore you with all the details, but lets just say "the best laid plans of mice & men often go astray". :eek:

So, delayed a bit, but I finally gathered all the needed resources & time to get the ball rolling again. :dance:

So boat is in the yard now as we speak & they pulled this great little engine out of the boat last Friday - May 4th, 2018. See the picture above in earlier postings I put in today. :popcorn: We will see how it goes.

After you read post # 6 in the earlier part of the thread & some of the earlier conversations with others in the earlier posts it will be more clear to you about the why, as the engine runs perfectly & since these engines go 20,000 hours - this is a good opportunity for some one to get a back up spare engine or a drop in great running engine for a reasonable price. :)

Thanks for your interest.

Alfa Mike :thumb:
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Capn Craig - quick question for remote oil filter set up on 6068 ?

Capn Craig ,

Quick question - as an X-J. Deere guy - do you know if they make a remote oil filter set up for the 6068 engine oil filter ?

An on block adapter that I can hook oil lines to & a remote JD oil filter mount that I can screw the OE filter to, so I can stay with that OE stuff & move the oil filter to a better & easier to change location ?

If they have one available, I like to stick with OE stuff if I can.

Your help would be appreciated to get that info.


Alfa Mike :thumb:
Seems like quite a bit of money to be throwing at a 35 year old hull...even if it is a classic.
Let's remember that this is Mike's classified ad. Conversations can be exchanged via another discussion thread or PM to keep Mike's ad concise. Thanks.
ford Lehman

I might be interested in the motor. What year is it and where is it located and how much would you want for it?
Thank You
I might be interested in the motor. What year is it and where is it located and how much would you want for it?
Thank You

He already posted that it's 1982, $5000 and in Camarillo/Southern CA.
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For anyone needing an engine I can vouch for this one. I had the chance to examine it running a bit before it was removed from the boat. It was meticulously maintained as to the mechanics and ran perfectly.

The price is certainly right so if the timing were right for me I would have bought it myself.

I scoured the country for engines so if your tempted to do the same I'd just say don't waste your time. I highly doubt you'd find one for close the price and provenance.

So especially for anyone within arms length and who needs an engine I'd say grab it while you can and be confident you've got a reliable engine. Heck, I don't even need an engine anymore but even so Im tempted to buy this one and give it a home in my garage for future use.
Deposit received

Thanks Guys.

I have received a deposit.

So engine is spoken for, unless it falls through due to financing issues.

We will see.


Alfa Mike
ALPHA MIKE; Good luck on your sale and good luck ever more. I Hope you have the best of luck with your new 6068. I hope and expect that you will have a exceeds expectations report card after the fact.

JLEONARD: May I correct your spelling? McLaughlin Body Co was our Cab supplier for many years. They are a good company. What parts were you responsible for? Shafts machining and Ujoints or more general stuff? I only worked directly with them on some specific stamping tooling they were running as a stamping supplier. I'll send u a pm with my phone number. Small world.
Seems like quite a bit of money to be throwing at a 35 year old hull...even if it is a classic.

My thoughts also when i talked with Mike about this last year.

He just REALLY likes the JD, so he can, so will.
On the other hand, I think it's a great opportunity for someone who may need a Ford Lehman replacement.
You would be getting a deal on an engine whose only fault was that it's RED.
Man, does anyone read anymore??? Going though this thread is excruciating! BTW Lehmans aren't 20k hour engines. There were two of them five years ago that had 85,000 hours and counting (Ag pumps).
Ford Lehman - life expectancy

Ford Lehman - life expectancy

Yes, in a non salt water environment with dry exhaust & proper maintenance & clean air & clean oil & not over heated, they can go seemingly almost forever.

But in recreational marine environment usage where the engines sit for a month between usage & that combined with a wet exhaust & in a salt water environment there are other factors that can cut the durability & engine life down to lower number. What that number is depends on many factors, but it is many, many thousands of reliable hours of operation. So No argument their.

But your right they do run well over what most of us would ever live long enough to put on them.

Great reliable engines.


Alfa Mike
I think the 20,000 hour engine idea came from Bob Smith who worked for Ford Lehman and went on to start American Diesel. He used to tell people that they were good for the 20k hours, in fact he once told me that personally. Usually recreational boaters kill the engines much sooner due to neglect.

The 1982 Ford Lehman 6 cylinder Diesel Engine is sold. :dance:

As to the number of hours - Yes - it was Bob Smith who also told me that number & I always remembered that number & he was a guy who worked for Ford Lehman and went on to start American Diesel & was very knowledgeable about the engine. :flowers:

Properly cared for & used regularly they can last a very, very long time. :)

In fact if they sit to much that can sometimes shorten their life more that regular usage. :nonono:

But your also right that many owners neglect them & don't take care of them & that can be the reason a few die under that many hours. :eek:

So the engine is sold my friends. So this one will continue it's life in another boat it will now call home. Thank you to all on TF ! Your help is much appreciated. :D


Alfa Mike :thumb:
Lehman Hours

It was Bob that I had the long conversation with to settle this very question. He told me of the two running as pumps and declared that we don't really know how long the 120 can last if perfectly maintained.
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