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For Sale: Village Watermaker, LPG Stove, Inverter, Sat TV an more!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
Dec 21, 2009
<hr size="1" />As some of you know, my wife and I purchased a 43' ACMY in November that was outfitted for Bahamas and extended cruising by the PO. Since we are coastal cruising Florida*we don't need some of this gear. Everything was working when removed or is as described.
The Village Marine Little Wonder Watermaker model LWF150, is in excellent condition and works great, but*as the membrane was last replaced in 2-06* I recommend getting a new one. The WM is set up*with an*automatic flushing system (just set the timer) and*comes with two cleaning and filter kits, several extra filters, a spare belt and seal kits and more. These retail for around $5k and like everything else below, we are open to all offers.

The LPG Stove is a 3 burner Princess Model with oven (Seaward model 3375) that I am going to remove this coming weekend. It has a Trident remote controlled*two bottle gas locker with 12v solenoid control that comes with it and the*stove and Trident*gas system*list for $1,995 on the internet.* If you just want the stove or the Trident system, I will split them up.

The charger/Inverter is a Freedom 20 model from Xantrex that was pruchased*new in October 2009 and comes with a 3 year transferable warranty. It is still in the box, but was connected for testing purposes when the boat was surveyed and worked fine (full transferable warranty in any case, so no worries) the street price on this is around $975 on the net.

The satelite TV is a 'Follow me Tv' which is now called Track-it-tv.**The one*I have*is set up for Dish network so I could*not check this because I don't subscribe to Dish.**The Tracki-it website says it will work with Direct tv also*by just using the DTV*dish instead of the one I have. This sells for around $900 without the included dish, but since I could not test it, we will take $350*if you agree that's fair.

We also have a 21' two piece SSB shakespear antenna, a satelite phone system with remote antenna, speaker phone and more*plus some more stuff including a genuine*45 lb CQR anchor *(I certainly don't need 4 anchors).* I have manuals for everything but the anchor (and if you need an anchor manual..
Please PM me with any questions, the gear is at my home in Orlando and you can pick it up or I will ship it.* If you want pictures let me know your email and I will send them.

Yes, I am in Orlando and the Boat is in New Smyrna Beach.*

The CQR sells for $800 new, I would like to get $400.

Thanks everybody for your interest.

Anybody interested in a Raritan Icerette Ice Maker?* I works fine but looks pretty rough from being on the Sundeck for a long time.* I haven't removed it yet so I don't know how old it is, but the Admiral told me today to 'get rid of it' because 'it's ugly'....I might just put it in the garage a home if nobody wants it, they are about $1,000 new.

PS if you PM me it will go to my email and I can respond sooner, I am not at the computer much of the day.
I am interested in the stove and propane tank and accessories. But first, why are you selling the stove? after all, it is still useful in the ICW.

Problem: my boat is in St. Pete Beach Florida, which is not that far from Orlando. But I live in Toronto and will not be down there until the middle of the first week in March.* And I would like to drive over to see the items.* Of course if you sell them before then, then too bad for me. But if not, I can contact you when I get down there and we could arange to meet there and then.

Do you have a rough idea what you would want for the package? And is the tank for two regular barbecue size 20 pound tanks or is it for smaller or marine style tanks?


Alan Shapiro

I am selling the stove because we are going*to re-install the Microwave convection oven and electric drop in stove top that the PO removed*when he*installed the gas stove.* We do not anchor out that much (we like the Marina amenities) and when we do it's usually in the summer*and we're running the genset, so electric works fine for us.* You are welcome to come see the items any time. I am pulling out the stove this weekend.* I am willing to take any fair offer on any of this stuff.* We have lots of personal items* from 40 years of cruising and are replacing*much of what was on the boat with that. We actually donated a lot of linens and towels for the Haiti relief effort. But of course the 'hard parts' are difficult to donate.* I usually figure about half new is fair, but I am not locked into that.* Sailorman in Ft. Lauderdale said $1,000 was*'the right price'*for the stove and Trident system, but they only offered me half that in trade on some stuff I bought from them.* The tanks are aluminum and I think 10 lbs each but they also have a 20 stamped on them so they could be twenties.* We only turned on the stove at survey to see if it worked, but it can be operated out of the boat of course so you are welcome to operate it here at the house.
The follow me TV has been sold, the other items go to online auction next week. Thanks for the interest in this stuff.
Do you still have the inverter? If so, how much? Does this have the digital readout on battery level?

Have you given much thought to the "Round Trip" concept of boat ownership?

Should you eventually move on or up the value of the boat you are stripping will be far below the few bucks for used gear.

The next owner will look and see a dock Queen, and plan on loads of lack of use engine repairs ,

repurchasing NEW all the equipment needed to move the boat , cruise the boat , and be able to live away from the power hose.

It is true most electronic toys have a 20 day half life , and offer Zero value to the next owner , but ground tackle ?

If you are planning on just using the boat for a Viking Funeral , after your departure , the pollution police may not be too happy .
FF wrote:

Have you given much thought to the "Round Trip" concept of boat ownership?

Should you eventually move on or up the value of the boat you are stripping will be far below the few bucks for used gear.

The next owner will look and see a dock Queen, and plan on loads of lack of use engine repairs ,

repurchasing NEW all the equipment needed to move the boat , cruise the boat , and be able to live away from the power hose.

It is true most electronic toys have a 20 day half life , and offer Zero value to the next owner , but ground tackle ?

If you are planning on just using the boat for a Viking Funeral , after your departure , the pollution police may not be too happy .
Well, I said coastal cruising didn't I?* Not shriveling up and dropping dead!* We are simply refitting to suit our particular cruising needs and desirers, nobody elses.* The idea behind selling the gear we won't need is to move it on to those who do have a use for it.
We cruise about 20 - 30 hours a month, which is far more exercise than most give their engines and certainly enough to keep the CATS happy.* This is not our first Rodeo.
We have the means and desire to spend some of the cash we saved by purchasing an experienced boat to bring it up to our standards, wants and needs.* This means for us, new blinds and curtains, new carpets, refinished teak and holly soles, new ceramic 'instant on' stove top and new microwave convection oven (bake, broil, microwave or combination), new 'clear ice' ice maker, new fridge, new sinks, counter tops, fixtures in both baths and galley, new Sundeck and Flybridge canvas, new soft goods and cushion covers, sailing dinghy and Zodiac, and so forth.* We plan to pass the boat on to our kids when we are done with it, but if not somebody will get a 2010 model 1989 Visa DCMY with top line appliances and equipment.* The pollution police should be pleased with our Electrosan system that produces far cleaner waste than most pump out of their boats.
Now to address your concerns with our ground tackle, here's the scoop on that.* After selling the 45 lb CQR, we are*left with 'only' one 44 lb Rocna, one FX37 Fortress, one 44 lb Spade, and a 45 lb Manson Supreme stern anchor (I guess we could move it up front if things get too dicey for the others), 400' of 5/16" chain and 400' of 5/8 three strand on the bow anchors and 30' of 5/16" chain and 130' of 5/8" three strand at the stern.* I believe that based on my 40 years of boating, I can sleep well at night when anchored, so don't worry.

*And yes, I did spring for a new helm chair and Garmin electronics suite.
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