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Wanted: Sail rig for Trinka 10

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Pack Mule

TF Site Team
Jan 24, 2013
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Jorgensen custom 44
Just bought a Trinka 10 ft dinghy. Looking for sail rig ; sail, mast , boom , tiller and dagger board . The boat was set up for sail and sold originally with complete sail package in Ct. I'm sure it's just laying in someones basement somewhere .:facepalm:
Great move PM,

I can't relate much to the sail but a 3hp J/Evinrude twin cylinder 2 stroke OB would be sweet. And of course they row very well and a dink in this day and age that does is almost rare.

Our dinghy was a sailboat and I glassed in the CB slot and will eventually finish it's conversion to power. But it's not a good rowboat. One needs to keep their mind on rowing to have good directional control. As a sailboat it no doubt had a rudder and as an OB it essentially has a rudder too w the lower unit in the water. Our 10' dink runs beautifully w a 3 to 8hp OB but we run 5 to 8hp OBs at half throttle as it's so smooth and quiet. The SD sailboat hull runs w/o the bow too high at 6 or 7 knots .. maybe a bit more.
Thanks Eric . It came with 2 hp Honda 4 stroke and 7 ft oars . If I can't find the sail rig it's no big deal , just would like to have it to play with the grand kids . I should get the boat today . I imagine the ob will be a little loud because it's air cooled . Now I have figure out how I want to haul it on William . The 8ft walker bay does fine on the roof at 85 lbs but this one is quite a bit heavier 140 lbs . Any suggestions ?
You are going to like that Honda. We use ours daily to check crab pots and have to refill that massive 0.3 gallon tank every dang week! We keep a quart of gas onboard just in case. They are noisy but at idle not too bad.
Pac Mule,
Too bad you couldn't find the sails as you seemed to want them.

But the real deal here is that you've got the Trinka. Of all the poor choices out there for dinks you've got a real gem. Before I go any further I should admit I've not even seen one in the flesh :ermm: .. did I say that? or operate one ... they just look so perfect and no one's ever said anything bad about them. They definitely look perfect to me. Mark (Coot) has one but I think he only rows his. And actually there are even better boats for rowing but a perfect balance between rowing (FD hull) and powering (SD hull) is not often seen in a dink. Here's my yellow dinghy .. probably temporally to be replaced by a big canoe.

dimer2 I agree the little Honda is a great slow speed dink engine but I prefer quietness to the advantages of air cooling. Every time I flush my 2hp Yamadog 2 stroke I think .. Hmmmm wouldn't have to do this if I had one of those Hondas. And the little Yamaha isn't much quieter than the Honda. And being quiet at idle has little value. Same weight though and I can handle it upside down, sideways any direction imaginable. Not much difference though until you get to the water cooled 4 strokes. For my wife to hand me an OB from the boat to me in the dink 30lbs seems to be about the limit.

But Pac Mule how to ship it, launch it and secure it aboard the mother craft is probably the most vexing question I've ever faced. A very lightweight crane and secure on top seems the best answer but to find one inexpensive and light is not easy. I bought a roll-up rubber duckie and used it for about a year and found it too heavy also. And not foreseen was that due to it's width safety was questionable on Willy's rooftop. I was going to get a 32lb (wo the transom) version but to solve the dink width problem I'd need to store it sideways on the rooftop. I may put my big yellow canoe (kevlar) on the roof to see how it would work and how stupid it would look. But solutions to your question is like trying to drive nails into Black Walnut w/o pilot holes. Solutions for dinghys on a small boat are very difficult and rarely good and never perfect. Turned up on the swim step (if you have one) is a very good solution but I could'nt stand the visual of that. I like to sit in a folding chair on the aft deck enjoying the view in harbor or underway and on those (frequent) occasions I don't want the view to be blocked nor do I want to investigate the bilges of the dink .. at those times. I created a good one for my 26' Albin but like w davits required more length and moorage costs.
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Eric I just guot the dink today and I haven't had time to look at it yet . Take a look at Carey here on the forum . He has a lobster style boat and I kinda like his davits . I think I could keep the dink just below the caprail hanging from davits . I really want to go up top with it but I'm afraid I won't use it as much if its a PITA to take up and down . This will keep me awake at night for a while . :banghead:
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