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For Sale: Quick Sale PRICE REDUCTION -$15k!!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
Oct 18, 2007
Vessel Name
Say GoodBye
Vessel Make
21 Mako
Defever 41

Reduced the sale price of our trawler $15k for quick sale !
New price is now $135k.

Will be listing it with a broker in late October.....would like to sell if before then when the 10% commission consumes the sale price.
Boat is in Jacksonville FL and can be viewed any time !!!!

Web site below as pics and description !
Say Goodbye FOR SALE

Your link was flagged by my anti-virus software as having a black hole infection!

Well, then I am most certainly not going to click on it! I'm not sure what a black hole infection is, to be honest, but it sounds awful.

Although, come to think of it, I already have a trawler! :)


Interesting your PC told you the URL had a virus....Thanks for that I will ask my web hosting company to look at it.
Others have been there and no one else has reported this.

Here is the URL in text
Say Goodbye FOR SALE
Copy and paste it into your browser.
I wasn't quick enough to note exactly what was detected but it was a black hole something or other....Is the Hadron accelerator anywhere near you Mr. R?
Hmmmm...not me

Interesting. I clicked on the uRL in you reply and I was not redirected to the adult friend finder site you mentioned.....

So what does that tell us ? Could it be in your machine and not mine?
When you land on this link you are redirected to Adult Friend Finder.com

Your site has, indeed, been hijacked. Sorry!

Well . . . some of us could use an adult friend, I suppose. Especially if she can cook gourmet meals on a 1-burner stove, knows how to quickly cleat a dock line, doesn't mind being hollered at while the captain is trying to dock, and is financially secure enough so that moving up to a newer, bigger boat can be a reality. So may just have to check that link out . . . :)

I was also told that the site has a virus and than it shut down that web page!
Just reported it

I just report this virus thing to my web hosting company and asked them to do a virus scan. Thanks to you all for checking it for me !
Same here. My AV stopped some sort of attack attempt. If I see it again, I'll note the description and report back.
Aw c'mon guys. Mr. Ralphy is trying to advertise his boat. Let's not get off on a tangent about lady friends OR man friend with or without black holes or viruses.
--Exploit Blackhole Exploit Kit (type 2809)-- is what I get.
Danged Ruskies!
We're on it...
Last edited:
Why not me?

Still cant figure out why my two computers does not detect the virus when I go to the web site.
Tried it on my wife's desktop computer....no virus detected.
Tried it on my laptop....no virus detected.

Both using Microsoft Security Essentials....which I thought was pretty good.
Aw c'mon guys. Mr. Ralphy is trying to advertise his boat. Let's not get off on a tangent about lady friends OR man friend with or without black holes or viruses.

OK. I'm contrite. And my anti-virus program (Bit Defender) also flagged it.
A lot of virus's won't show up on the host's computer so that they can stay active for longer

You may want to put an add on the defevercruisers site as well as the great loop site as 2014 loopers are looking for boats and the Fall Rendeavous is only a few weeks away.
been doing it

thanks for the ad suggestions.
I have been advertizing on the AGLCA Forum and the Defever Cruiser's listserv. They are one of the few listservs that allows promoting a boat for sale. (MTOA will not allow it, to which I am greatly disappointed).

I just would love to see the boat sold before it gets into brokerage. 10% is such a high commission rate that it makes me sick. Real Estate folks are happy to split 5% but boat brokers roll their nose up at splitting 5%. They wont even do business at that level.

I also advertized in PassageMaker Mag for several months, Soundings Mag and web site, the MTOA web site, and Craigs List in 4 major cities.
Wednesday Sept. 18, 2013 6:25 Pm PDST

Just tried the link. Got right in with no problems. :blush:
see !

Now look at that....no problem ! Same as us here with several different machines.
Sorry, my Mac running Avast also detected a virus. Never got to your web page.
Just tried it again and got right in! 9/11 8:40 pm (Mac running FireFox for this site.) :blush:
Just tried it again and got right in! 9/11 8:40 pm (Mac running FireFox for this site.) :blush:
Are you using any type of virus program on your Mac?

I'm on a Mac, using Firefox browser but also running Avast (free) virus program. It's Avast that's flagging the problem.
It's been on....and I just ran MacKeeper and turned up no viruses.:popcorn:
May very well be one of those virus' that doesn't affect Mac's so the MacKeeper doesn't flag it (not sure as I have no experience w/ MacKeeper) but that doesn't mean the site doesn't have a virus. Personally, with this many people running this verity of OS/Virus Protection flagging it as a site with a problem I would assume there is a problem until it's proved otherwise.
Now look at that....no problem ! Same as us here with several different machines.

What you may want to do is to run Spybot on your system to clean out what I would guess is some malware (not quite the same as a virus, but close enough). Spybot can be downloaded free (just google it) and does an excellent job of catching such stuff. If you decide to do that, then I'll give you two tips. (a) Run it as administrator -- right click on it rather than just clicking on it, and then choose the "run as administrator" option. (b) Once it is running, choose the "check for updates" first, and when that has finished then do "check for problems."

Are you using any type of virus program on your Mac?
I have MacKeeper....It cleans all the accumulated junk out of the computer and has an "anti virus" program that finds the virus and quarantines it until I delete it. Great application!

Using I-Pad, no issues, several days ago or today. No issue. Link worked both times.
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