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Wanted: looking for some Coastal Land

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
Dec 13, 2010
I have spend a lot of time on the web and spoke to a number of real estate people but with little luck. For some reason they just don't get the idea of what I'm after. I'm looking for a piece of property with or without electric in the Brownsville to Corpus Christie area. I like to keep and live on my boat there during the winter. Prefer a river or channel going into the Gulf.
Most coastal areas of Florida with developments would have laws against what you want to do. Texas might be different, but I would not mention the live aboard part of your quest, once you find but before purchase inquire about dock construction and installing temp power or septic with or without a building. Then would be the time to check live aboard rules.
I have seen people build a "garage" with toilet and shower facilities but it would have to be up river in less developed or farming area.
Most of that area you are thinking about is part of the King Ranch and not for sale
I hope that I can find something that allows me to get into the Gulf. If I have to, I'll build a nice barn with all the necessities on the site. I did a Google Earth over the area and saw a large number of boats around that area docked in rivers and channel's. Same in the Galveston area.
This post has little relevance to your question. I am just taking advantage of this convenient thread to vent my small frustrations. Just think of it as deep background.

I live on a deep saltwater canal 1/8 th of a mile off the ICW in central FL. It is better to be just off the ICW than directly on it due to wakes. When I have people that I met on the loop stop by and tie up at my dock, I will almost always be visited in a day or so by county Code Enforcement officers responding to a complaint that people are living on a boat in a residential neighborhood.

It’s never my neighbors who complain because they are my friends and they don’t even notice that there is another boat at my dock, since no one walks out to their dock to look up and down the canal. Everybody just looks directly across.

It’s the people on the other side of the canal who call code enforcement.

Obviously there is a lot of waterfront property in the USA, and what happens in my neighborhood may not happen elsewhere, but the code enforcement officers tell me it happens in every waterfront community in the county, and the FWC people ( FL state wide water police) tell me it happens everywhere in the state.

My point, if I actually have one, is this - people who own something valuable like waterfront property will go out of their way if they think you are doing something that negatively impacts their property, and sadly most people think that a live aboard in their neighborhood is a bad thing.

If you have paid any attention, and there is no reason why you would have, to the huge fights here in FL about anchoring you would have seen this principle in action.

Don’t mean to be so negative, and I realize that you are looking for someplace rural. I’m sure what you want can be found. I just think it’s going to take a lot of searching. Best of luck and I hope you are successful.

It’s never my neighbors who complain because they are my friends and they don’t even notice that there is another boat at my dock, since no one walks out to their dock to look up and down the canal. Everybody just looks directly across.

It’s the people on the other side of the canal who call code enforcement.

Don't be so sure about this. I'm just saying. You might be in for a shock if you found out who is really doing it.

So when your friends leave You might just borrow the ugliest broke down piece of crap boat and paint it some obnoxious color of day - glow pink or green. Tie that puppy up to your dock and then stuff a piece of paper into everyone's mail box on both sides of the canal explaining that this jewel has no one living on it and the next time some one complains that you have someone living on your dock it will become a permanent fixture there.

Bet that cure it.

Sometime you have to break them from sucking eggs.
I have a lot for sale on a bayou off of Perdido Bay, Fl. It has a dock on deep water.

PM me for details.

Escambia (Pensacola ) county Florida
Lots of places in the Port Isabel area that would fit your needs. Long Island Village has RV lots with canal frontage and a dock for around $100K. Modern Venice has lots that run a little higher. The Arroyo Colorado runs from near Harlingen to the ICW. Try Zillow.com or Real Estate South Padre Island - Alice Donahue > Home for listings in this area. Our house is a little more than you are looking for, but it is for sale. Our home sits on the bay with a canal behind and a boat house. We are less than a mile from the ICW by water and then the world. We are 3.5 to the Brazos Santiago Pass Jetties into the Gulf of Mexico. Good Luck with your search. Contact me if would like.
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