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For Sale: Hurricane Hole lot with dock.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Oct 12, 2007
The TURKEY CREEK subdivision located near the Ortona Lock (1 1/2 miles) was created in the 1970s by dredging and using the fill to raise the land.

About 100 building lots were created , accessed from the Caloosahatchee River which runs from Lake O to Ft Myers.

The East coast can be accessed by crossing Lake O. 48 ft air draft restriction.

The area is considered a Hurricane Hole by most folks , even a commercial marina recognized the potential and opened a storage facility about a mile away.
(River Forest Yachting Center). Florida's Indoor/Outdoor Boat & Yacht Storage & Service Facilities)

The Atlantic 100mi East , the Gulf 50mi+ West , so storms are generally far milder this far inland.

The water level is controlled by locks.

The Entrance depth is about 7-8ft and most canals were dug to 20 ft during initial construction..

The building lot at 1082 Helm Lane, zip 33471 is like most, 65 ft waterfront and 100 deep, at the end of a quiet street.

The lot has a newly rebuilt dock and electric is on the property.

The lot had a water well and septic when last occupied.

Google the location and see if you would like to join this eclectic community.

The area has nice homes many with boats docked behind.
Home owners are mostly boaters of varied backgrounds.

Snowbirds abound, many folks have built their own boats , small aircraft or custom cars.
Many have workshops and are very helpful if you have a project.

No special rules , IF you want your boat or motor home in your yard (although few do ) its legal.
With NO LAWYERS in the community ,privacy and harmony abound.

33471 is listed as Moore Haven by the post office, but most folks use La Belle for shopping, 12 miles away (the nearest traffic light!).

Downtown Ft Myers is about 50 miles away.

Come visit , out dock (we are next door) usually has lots of room.
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The TURKEY CREEK subdivision located near the Ortona Lock (1 1/2 miles) was created in the 1970s by dredging and using the fill to raise the land.

About 100 building lots were created , accessed from the Caloosahatchee River which runs from Lake O to Ft Myers.The East coast can be accessed by crossing Lake O.

The area is considered a Hurricane Hole by most folks , even a commercial marina recognized the potential and opened a storage facility about a mile away.
(River Forest Yachting Center. Florida's Indoor/Outdoor Boat & Yacht Storage & Service Facilities)

The Atlantic 100mi East , the Gulf 50mi+ West , so storms are generally far milder this far inland.

Now the area has nice homes many with boats docked behind.
Home owners are mostly boaters of varied backgrounds.

The Entrance depth is about 7-8ft and most canals were dug to 20 ft during initial construction..

The building lot at 1082 Helm Lane, zip 33471 is like most, 65 ft waterfront and 100 deep, at the end of a quiet street.

The lot has a newly rebuilt dock and electric is on the property.

The lot had a water well and septic when last occupied.

Google the location and see if you would like to join this eclectic community.Snowbirds abound, many folks have built their own boats , small aircraft or custom cars.Many have workshops and are very helpful if you have a project.

No special rulles , IF you want your boat or motor home in your yard (although few do ) its legal.
With NO LAWYERS in the community ,privacy and harmony abound.

33471 is listed as Moore Haven by the post office, but most folks use La Belle for shopping, 12 miles away (the nearest traffic light!).

Downtown Ft Myers is about 50 miles away.

Come visit , out dock (we are next door) usually has lots of room.

Larry do you know the price?
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"With NO LAWYERS in the community ,privacy and harmony abound."

Well, I guess that leaves me out, unless retired lawyers are allowed.
"With NO LAWYERS in the community ,privacy and harmony abound."

Well, I guess that leaves me out, unless retired lawyers are allowed.
Me too. Do the Rules exclude lawyers,or is it just a happy (for some) coincidence? I`m glad lawyers here don`t attract the criticism yours do.
Katrina Dawson, a Sydney barrister, died in the Sydney Lindt Siege by using her body to take a bullet covering and protecting a survivor pregnant friend.
Seems Lawyers have an affinity for Europa style boats!
Yes, we need to cover our a**es.

So now that I know no lawyer jokes right ?

ok then no Engineer jokes!!

wait I have one

A lady went to the Doctor she was told she had a t best a year to live.

The Lady said oh my what should I do

the doctor said the only thing I can think of is to marry a engineer

the lady said will that help me live longer?

The Doctor said no but it will make it seem longer:blush:
Lawyers here in the U.S. live in much more affluent neighborhoods.

Hardly. I wish I did. Lawyering in a small, semi-rural fishing town didn't pay well enough. More of an effluent neighborhood when the septic tanks malfunction.
. . . . . . and most gators are lawyers, too.:eek::eek:
Hmmm... Fresh boots.

ImageUploadedByTrawler Forum1419124876.559409.jpg
There was a joke.

"Have you heard scientists are using lawyers instead of rats for lab tests? Why? Lawyers are more readily available than rats, they are easily lured with money, and there are some things not even rats will do."

It seems lawyers have a much better reputation here. May it continue. We have the odd rotten apple but he/she gets frozen out by the decent ones. Hard earning a good reputation, it takes time, but you get a bad one in an instant,news spreads fast, and a poor reputation makes for a very tough career where trust is everything. Ours remains more dedicated profession than commercial enterprise. I guess your lawyers have no one to blame but themselves, but good ones suffer too. I just finished "To Kill a Mockingbird", not sure why I never read it before. Atticus Finch is a fine example of a lawyer.
Apologies for the thread drift. Looks like the tide has it back on track.
Gators , and all the rest of FL natural wild life abound .

When we return every fall our point is always the resort for a 14 ft Gator who enjoys the southern exposure.

No Liars for Hire are not excludes , they just dont seem to enjoy the remoteness , the golf course areas are not nearby , and pricy resturants do not abound.

Ford dealer ship locally , not Mercedes or Porsche .

So far inland the fish killers prefer either coast , where they can run outside easily.

Here most boat owners are cruisers , so a days run 55mi to the Gulf or 2 days to the Atlantic is just part of the cruise.

Zillow is interesting but not accurate , our house is listed 500 sq ft under what exists.

Our asking price for the improved lot is $75K, and anyone interested should call me at 860-346-5008 during daylight eastern time.

Some folks do not build a house , they just tie their boat up, and pump waste into a septic field , installed for a house , someday.

There are a few built homes for sale in the community , should someone want to purchase one.
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Thanks for posting the update FF. It sounds like a great spot!

We already have a slip in Maine, so buying a dock somewhere down south would make us pretty independent of any further shoreside accommodations. I like the idea of owning the land (and septic system) where one could park a car, maybe even build a small garage/shop. Sadly, the Zillow estimate of $40K was closer to what I had in mind. The double lot next door with what looks like a nice house on it sold last year for $93K, so actually $40K didn't seem unreasonable, if maybe a tad high.
Zillow estimate of $40K is sales record of what we paid for it 18 years ago , when it had was encumbered with a life Estate that took till last year to clear.

There was a house trailer we scrapped instantly that was old in 1970 when installed.

The property next door was sold by a widow that lives in the Dom Rep, who just wanted anything, so took close to the homesteaded tax value.

These death deals do happen , but not often as usually the broker buys it for resale.

The house was too rough inside for a quick turn , so it got sold as is..

There is a similar Jim Walters fix er upper at 12205 Helm that is also 1 1/2 lots , the owner is very much alive and wants $140,000 or so.Has not been down in 5 or 6 years .

Other places that are not in need of moderinization are about $175 to $225 , turn key.

A lot NOT on the water nearby can be had for $15K , with cheap T-C seasonal slip rental, that could be a low buck option.
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Thanks, just goes to show you all real estate is local, and there are too many factors involved for armchair appraisals!

I think I'll stick to the original plan, which is to spend some time cruising and finding places we like. At some point we'll be in the right place at the right time, and a deal too good to refuse will present itself.
Photo from across the canal, no gators in sight!


  • Helm Lane lot for sale.jpg
    Helm Lane lot for sale.jpg
    180.8 KB · Views: 146
FF is that from across the canal looking at the lot for sale?
YES , it is from across the canal which is about 90 ft wide.

Canal width is important as in different counties the rules differ.

Basically a 20 or 25 ft passage must be left clear, so the passage width is subtracted from the canal width then divided by 2.

The result is how far a vessel can stick out into the canal. Measured from shore to shore.

90-25 =65 / 2 = 32.5 ft. So a cat or try has no problem in the area.

The dock on the property is basic , but fine for up to a 65 ft boat (property width ).

There is also a hurricane rated steel 1 car garage garage on the property.
"With NO LAWYERS in the community ,privacy and harmony abound."

Well, I guess that leaves me out, unless retired lawyers are allowed.

Me too, unless semi-retired lawyers are allowed. But, then we'd have to get a legal interpretation of how retired I have to be to be considered "semi". Maybe restrict to private and harmonious lawyers. That should cut down the pool of candidates pretty much.
There is no Law o Rule against these folks in the community , just they dont seem to be interested in a remote lifestyle.

I would SELL to a lawyer ,for cash only.

Other folks could get owner financing.
I would SELL to a lawyer ,for cash only.

Other folks could get owner financing.

Very generous!

For what it is worth, it is getting very hard to find anything remote in FL south of the tropic line except guvmutt owned land like the Glades.
>For what it is worth, it is getting very hard to find anything remote in FL south of the tropic line except guvmutt owned land like the Glades.<

Actually here in Glades County about 90% of the land is owned by 3 families.

They will purchase to increase their holdings of adjacent land or will swop an outlying chunk for what they want.

Plenty of land , just its never for sale.

ADD that to the Army Corps nightmare burden of regulation ,

and you will understand why useable waterfront is never cheap.
Price now , $55K, bring CASH!
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