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For Sale: Hurricane Hole lot with dock.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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How much?

Sounds nice...might be a place to put my boat! thanks

The TURKEY CREEK subdivision located near the Ortona Lock (1 1/2 miles) was created in the 1970s by dredging and using the fill to raise the land.

About 100 building lots were created , accessed from the Caloosahatchee River which runs from Lake O to Ft Myers.

The East coast can be accessed by crossing Lake O. 48 ft air draft restriction.

The area is considered a Hurricane Hole by most folks , even a commercial marina recognized the potential and opened a storage facility about a mile away.
(River Forest Yachting Center). Florida's Indoor/Outdoor Boat & Yacht Storage & Service Facilities)

The Atlantic 100mi East , the Gulf 50mi+ West , so storms are generally far milder this far inland.

The water level is controlled by locks.

The Entrance depth is about 7-8ft and most canals were dug to 20 ft during initial construction..

The building lot at 1082 Helm Lane, zip 33471 is like most, 65 ft waterfront and 100 deep, at the end of a quiet street.

The lot has a newly rebuilt dock and electric is on the property.

The lot had a water well and septic when last occupied.

Google the location and see if you would like to join this eclectic community.

The area has nice homes many with boats docked behind.
Home owners are mostly boaters of varied backgrounds.

Snowbirds abound, many folks have built their own boats , small aircraft or custom cars.
Many have workshops and are very helpful if you have a project.

No special rules , IF you want your boat or motor home in your yard (although few do ) its legal.
With NO LAWYERS in the community ,privacy and harmony abound.

33471 is listed as Moore Haven by the post office, but most folks use La Belle for shopping, 12 miles away (the nearest traffic light!).

Downtown Ft Myers is about 50 miles away.

Come visit , out dock (we are next door) usually has lots of room.
Best to come visit to see for your self.

What makes the area unique is its remoteness.

Water front on or behind either coast is Prime , so the buildings and housing are big buck , expensive to build , buy maintain and of course are taxed at Le Grande Palace rates.

55 miles inland from the gulf , the water front does not offer the daily fish killer ambiance, and there are few golf courses .

The houses are more modest, most 1200 to 2000 SQ ft and although Turkey Creek is considered the Gold Coast of Glades County by the tax man the taxes are modest .

Canadians get screwed as they can not homestead.

Price is fifty five thousand US dollars ($55K) And thats FIRM.

Non homesteaded taxes are in the $700 area for the lot and improvements.
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Canadians get screwed as they can not homestead.

Price is fifty five thousand US dollars ($55K) And thats FIRM.

Non homesteaded taxes are in the $700 area for the lot and improvements.

Not just Canadians get screwed. The Homestead Exemption and Save Our Homes only apply to Florida residents with drivers licenses so it is not a good deal for snowbirds. There is a way around that if you are a couple. One spouse becomes a Florida resident and the house is bought in that spouses name and that spouse claims the home as a permanent residence. Unfortunately, mortgage companies don't like to finance it that way so this is more or less limited to cash buyers. Also, if one spouse if a Florida resident and property in another state is owned jointly, it may be necessary to deed that property to the non Florida residence spouse.

Over time, Save Our Homes and the Homestead exemptions can save you big time. If we were to sell my house to out of staters, they would end up paying almost twice the property taxes we pay. But a new Florida resident only gets the Save Our Homes benefit from the time they establish it as a their permanent residence so it would years to build up the benefit we receive.
Not just Canadians get screwed. The Homestead Exemption and Save Our Homes only apply to Florida residents with drivers licenses so it is not a good deal for snowbirds. There is a way around that if you are a couple. One spouse becomes a Florida resident and the house is bought in that spouses name and that spouse claims the home as a permanent residence. Unfortunately, mortgage companies don't like to finance it that way so this is more or less limited to cash buyers. Also, if one spouse if a Florida resident and property in another state is owned jointly, it may be necessary to deed that property to the non Florida residence spouse.

Over time, Save Our Homes and the Homestead exemptions can save you big time. If we were to sell my house to out of staters, they would end up paying almost twice the property taxes we pay. But a new Florida resident only gets the Save Our Homes benefit from the time they establish it as a their permanent residence so it would years to build up the benefit we receive.
Florida Homestead laws are very specific in that a married couple may only have 1 Homestead property in Florida and none in any other state irregardless or whether the properties are jointly or individually titled.

Florida Homestead laws are very specific in that a married couple may only have 1 Homestead property in Florida and none in any other state irregardless or whether the properties are jointly or individually titled.


If that be the case, I am aware of some violators and apologize for the bad information. They violators don't advertise it but you can find some interesting information looking at real estate information on county websites. Kind of wonder how any state can enforce that as a couple could be separated, have different names or other situations.
If that be the case, I am aware of some violators and apologize for the bad information. They violators don't advertise it but you can find some interesting information looking at real estate information on county websites. Kind of wonder how any state can enforce that as a couple could be separated, have different names or other situations.

I agree with you that it's unlikely that you would get caught. When I talked to the Lee County tax collectors office, they were very clear about one Homestead exemption, period. Keep in mind, violation of this law is tax evasion. They play for keeps when it comes to collecting their revenue.

Lawyers. I saw a dog kiss a lawyer the other day and almost immediately start liking his ass to get the taste out of his mouth.
The penalty when they catch those violating the home stead exemption is paying back ten years of the real estate tax with interest that was illegally avoided. It's only a matter of time before the department of revenue will cross reference tax records.
We stayed at Fred's dock for a night bringing Gumbo home from Annapolis in 2009 (thanks Fred) it is a nice quiet area, right off of the Okeechobee Waterway, yet not too far from either coast of Fl.. Ft Myers to the west and Stuart to the east.
Folks that worry about FL homesteading simply get DIVORCED.

Living together is no longer a Sin , and the savings in tax extortions is large.

Wills and pension hassles are std for most Liars for Hire.

Depending on the area 75% or more of property sales are ca$h.
Most places in this area never make it to the market, friends or friends of friends snap them up.

A house came on the market that could be useable.

Its on a good lot on our canal and the price is only $100K.

It was home built during the 80s and is typical of the local homes , on stilts with 1 car garage under.

Could be used as is , ( minor rehab required) or redone to yoyr dreams.
2 small BR 1 1/2 bath , probably 1100 or 1200 sq ft total.

Will PM phone contact if desired.

Not a real estate person , this is a FSBO, but if you buy it , you owe me a case of Becks!
where and what depth is canal
The canal in front of the house is 17 -18 ft deep.

The control is Turkey Creek which is 6-8 ft deep depending on the Army Corps.

A different canal has a limiting depth of about 5 ft with a visit and some creative begging , the water has been known to be higher the next day.
The neighbors house is GONE , took almost 2 weeks double what I had guessed.

A gut rehab may be in the works ,nice young folks full of energy..
Thanks , folks , but on Monday we will be closing .

That's great Fred....Nice property and very fair price!
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