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For Sale: Here's a real looker in NC

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Don't bother calling on it, I've sent a deposit pending ultrasound it mine!!!!!Thanks for the good looking out.
Throw some Rustoleum on it and ship it to Ontario. Quite a few people making a good buck doing that.
Or, you could avoid all the rust and go with a wooden trawler like this one in Alaska . . .

Lol. Too funny. About like some of my "interesting" boats.
So that's where I left it.
Mr, M. Regarding "Finest Kind". Isn't that a Yankee expression used in New England? Being south of the M/D line I would expect both you AND the vessel would not be using such language. That's akin to blasphemy.
That boat in the first photo seems to have nice lines, at least to me.
Mr, M. Regarding "Finest Kind". Isn't that a Yankee expression used in New England? Being south of the M/D line I would expect both you AND the vessel would not be using such language. That's akin to blasphemy.

Au contraire. The term is used quite frequently in "down east North Carolina". The only difference is that they roll their I's as pronounced "foinest Koind". The down east area is considered from Morehead City to Cedar Island (OIsland) including Harkers Island and Marshallburg. The old sailors home was at Sea Level, NC. They still have a lot of the Cornish or Elizibethan dialect in those remote areas.
But the question is: "Is it a FD or SD?:lol::popcorn:

Al Ketchikan-(Bridge to Nowhere) Alaska
Mr. M. I take you at your word sir. Until further information comes to light, Finest Kind she shall be. Thank you. Personally I would have preferred a more genteel name such as Savanna Mae for example but in her present (pre-Hendo laying upon of the hands) condition, Savanna may not....
But the question is: "Is it a FD or SD?:lol::popcorn:

Al Ketchikan-(Bridge to Nowhere) Alaska

That would be full displacement. I can tell as she looks fully displaced.:D

Mr. RT there was a guy at Morehead City that made the same mistake twice. The name of his second boat was Edna Mae II.:hide:
Mr. M. I take you at your word sir. Until further information comes to light, Finest Kind she shall be. Thank you. Personally I would have preferred a more genteel name such as Savanna Mae for example but in her present (pre-Hendo laying upon of the hands) condition, Savanna may not....

Mr. RT, the downeast Carolina dialect is remarkably similar to the dialect of Tangier and Smith Islands on the Chesapeake. In East Carolina they are referred to as "hoigh toiders".

I had a good friend by the name of Ben Harker whose family was from Harkers Island. We spent a lot of time fishing and hanging out there. His cousin was Capt. Woo Woo Harker of the charter boat Windy Gale. I liked that name.

I found this. http://www.yogaforyouandme.com/uploads/Newstimes_Tear_Sheet_1.pdf

I thoroughly enjoyed my time on the Carolina coast. We were young, and fished our asses off.
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While I'm at it I will tell a little story. Capt. Woo Woo took me to sea for the very first time. We had stayed the night at a little motel near the south end of Harkers Island playing
poker most of the night. We were scheduled to leave out at 5 the next morning. It was dark, and blowing like stink. Capt. Woo Woo said that we probably should stay tied to the dock. My friend Ben was not in good shape from all the drinking and card playing. He looked at Woo Woo, and said,"Take her to sea Woo Woo." Being my first trip I knew no better.

We went out Barden Inlet and around the hook at Cape Lookout. We were promptly slamming into 10-12' seas. Later I knew the sun had come up because I could see the brightness through the tops of the waves. Boy, did I get sick. Capt. Woo Woo was just acting normally. While I was laying moaning on the floor, I looked up and asked Capt. Woo Woo if there was any cure for this affliction.

He says, "that there is, Cap. That there is."

I asked if he had the cure on the boat. He said no that there was none on the boat. So, naturally I asked what is the cure.

"Oak trees", he says. "If you can get your arms around one, I will guarantee that you'll be cured".

About that time Ben came back in the cabin eating a can of potted meat, and I made another trip out back.
I have lived and worked in the Salter Path/Indian Beach area since 2001, and as a GC, have worked with and around a lot of the "down east" folks. I never knew until tonight however, how to spell "hoigh toiders". I have learned something!
Now docked at Marathon Marina enjoying the good life 'till North Carolina thaws.
Here is a boat I've had my eye on and it still floats. This is at the public dock in Sointella, BC. I was tied up opposite it last year and had a lot of time to check out its potential.


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Reporting from NC: It ain't thawed yet!!!
I have lived and worked in the Salter Path/Indian Beach area since 2001, and as a GC, have worked with and around a lot of the "down east" folks. I never knew until tonight however, how to spell "hoigh toiders". I have learned something!
Now docked at Marathon Marina enjoying the good life 'till North Carolina thaws.

Chuck, then you have worked around some real characters. Just up the road from you I was involved in the first two of many condominium projects. In fact they were the first on the island. Seaspray just off the causeway across the canal from the dry stack marina and Pine Knoll Towns. That was 40 years ago.

I did quite a bit around that area. In fact I bought my Uniflite with some of the profit on a land deal where Brandy Wine Bay down on Highway 24 is. I still have some great friends. My sons remember the weekends arount MCYB as some of the best times of their lives.

As you can see I must have a hundred stories to tell from that area. I miss my friend Ben Harker. We always talked on our birthdays as they were the same day. Man that was long ago.
Don-the "Hoigh Toide" accent extends all the way down to the SC line. I lived for a lot of years in Holden Beach, Brunswick County. My first wife's family has lived on the water there for over 200 years and there was still a good bit of the old Elizabethan accent there. Not quite as strong as up the coast, but it was still there. Unfortunately, as the area has grown, it is all but gone now.
The Hurricane Camille tug was amazing even aground she looked proud sitting there looking at the gulf 100 yards away. Sad thing is I think she is scrap metal now.
I had a saying for old wore out equipment that would also apply to some of these boat pics, "she was just used to much when she was new"
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