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Wanted: Hatch Pulls wanted

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Hatches hinged on both sides?,

It's too late for that. You can see here in the photo where I was intending to hinge the new hatch. The Krogen Rep said on new boats, they are hinging these hatches on the side. I'm thinking about the plus and minus of each application. Since the genset will be mounted between the stringers and not athwartships, ease of access to both sides would be facilitated by hinging the rear.


  • IMG_0047-a.jpg
    128.7 KB · Views: 56
I'm searching for a couple of matching hatch pulls for my Krogen Manatee. I've tried the usual makers but to no avail. Still searching marine used parts outfits. Size approx 3 3/4" X 2 3/4". Thanks in advance for any help.

QQ... Are the ones pictured the ones you are replacing? What's wrong with them? When I refinished my salon floor, I took mine to my powder coating guy, not to be coated, but because he has a media blasting cabinet, and had him blast them clean. Then spent some quality time with a buffing wheel and compound. They now look as good as new.
QQ... Are the ones pictured the ones you are replacing?

No no....just looking for two more like the ones on the rear hatch to put on the new larger hatch just forward of the old one. I ordered two from the outfit Robbie pointed out....very interesting supplier, but I'm liking the idea of a locking mechanism more and more. If I can't find a bronze one of similar style, I'll probably order the brass one from HopCar. Being hinged will keep the hatch from floating away, but Brooksie is right, it really does need to be locked down.
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It's too late for that. You can see here in the photo where I was intending to hinge the new hatch. The Krogen Rep said on new boats, they are hinging these hatches on the side. I'm thinking about the plus and minus of each application. Since the genset will be mounted between the stringers and not athwartships, ease of access to both sides would be facilitated by hinging the rear.

If it can open sideways and lay back flat on the deck, then that would be my choice because then it would not be on top of the other hatch which you may want to open at the same time. Also, if your deck has much crown, you will have trouble hinging the crowned edge and you will never be able to put 3-4 hinges which you may need for a heavy hatch. Have you looked or flush hinges yet? I used these on my hatches inside my boat and they worked great. Made a template for the router because I had 8 to do. A rather unusual hinge to allow the hatch to lay back and still be flush when closed.

Card Table Hinges - Lee Valley Tools
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Hey Brooksie: Those are really nice hinges. The crown in the veranda deck is barely positive, so no problem with hinges. I was intending to use a brass piano hinge, chemically aged. The reinforcement for it was already planned into the hatch lid and frame, so no issue with strength, but those hinges are very attractive. Dang....everytime I decide something, someone else comes up with a good option.

Too bad about the perfect, bronze hatch pulls from Mercers in Canada though. They don't ship to the US. Duh!? Now I have to see if I can find out who the mfg. is.
Too bad about the perfect, bronze hatch pulls from Mercers in Canada though. They don't ship to the US. Duh!? Now I have to see if I can find out who the mfg. is.

I can order them and send them to you if you like.
"Too bad about the perfect, bronze hatch pulls from Mercers in Canada though. They don't ship to the US. Duh!? Now I have to see if I can find out who the mfg. is."

If you wish you could buy and have them shipped to me, then I would forward them to you.
If you are interested PM me, more than happy to help.:thumb:

Looks like Northern Spy is faster on the keyboard..............but it shows you how friendly we are on the west coast. :)
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Thanks Mike and Mike. Since Mike (Northern Spy) and I already have an exchange going with radar and parts, I may as well go with him this time. Mike (NS), I may as well just drop ship them to you and when they get there, you can let me know what the charges are to send them here. Cheesh...why is everything got to be so involved.:facepalm: BTW, Mike, your plug and harness is in route USPS.
If it can open sideways and lay back flat on the deck, then that would be my choice because then it would not be on top of the other hatch which you may want to open at the same time.

Yeah, trouble is that with the length of the hatch, it won't lay flat going sideways due to the engine intake box in the corner of the veranda. Also, I wouldn't be able to open one side of the salon doors, but if hinged to go back, it would be free of that. With the hatch all the way open...say with a gas assist cylinder holding it 90 degrees vertical, I'd be able to open the lazerette hatch AND still be able to stand on either side of the genset when installed. Sideways at 90, it would block the port salon door and impede my standing entry to the port side (albeit the non-service side) of the genset. This is my thinking.
Thanks Mike and Mike. Since Mike (Northern Spy) and I already have an exchange going with radar and parts, I may as well go with him this time. Mike (NS), I may as well just drop ship them to you and when they get there, you can let me know what the charges are to send them here. Cheesh...why is everything got to be so involved.:facepalm: BTW, Mike, your plug and harness is in route USPS.

Will do. No problem.
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