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For Sale: Great value I saw for sale...

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Apr 15, 2008
California Delta
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1977 Marshall Californian 34 LRC
Here's a thread to post great finds that you've stumbled upon around the marina. Often we see boats for sale that we're not going to buy ourselves but would love to see others purchase and enjoy.

Here's a boat on the West Coast that I looked at with a dock neighbor who was interested in buying. He backed out citing a lack of funds and the boat remains on the market.

I have no financial interest in the boat but I was impressed with the features and value at about $50K for a 38 footer. If I was in the market to upgrade, this would be high on my list. I hope someone here snatches this boat up before it's gone.

1982 Californian Sedan Trawler Power Boat For Sale - www.yachtworld.com


Let's see some other great buys sitting out there waiting for the right buyer.
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You mean you want us to reveal our secrets?:nonono::nonono::nonono:

Wifey B: Don't reveal the one you're interested in...well, unless you want someone else to snatch it up, which I've seen done. :nonono: But if you see one that you're not wishing to buy then share it. :)
I believe someone just (before Xmas) got a SUPER deal on a GB32 in my neck of the woods. Alas, it wasn’t me. If it was anyone on here, I’d love to hear how you make out with it.
Saw this in the paper last week. Broker does not have it on their website for some reason, so not sure if it is really for sale. Love to take a look at it though!


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Here's a thread to post great finds that you've stumbled upon around the marina. Often we see boats for sale that we're not going to buy ourselves but would love to see others purchase and enjoy.

Here's a boat on the West Coast that I looked at with a dock neighbor who was interested in buying. He backed out citing a lack of funds and the boat remains on the market.

I have no financial interest in the boat but I was impressed with the features and value at about $50K for a 38 footer. If I was in the market to upgrade, this would be high on my list.

I hope someone here snatches this boat up before it's gone.

I think you got your wish Al. The listing currently says sold on YW.

But.....good eye for sure. That seems like a whole lot of boat for that money and apparently in real great shape. Much better than the 42 I looked at up here and better gear. A home run in fun per dollar it would seem.

Nice set of engines. I have had those dry sleeve 3208 NAs go over 25K on dry land and still run a couple in a 930 loader and a 613 scraper.

I am guessing the seller is either a farmer like me or a UT alum!
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Yep, I agree that MV Shilo is a great looking boat Brian. I've been lusting after her since the mid 70s when she was moored in Middle Harbour.

I had a look aboard her in the mid nineties just before after she had her concrete ballast jackhammered out, just another of her many refits.

I think during one of her more recent makeovers she received a dark blue hull paint job (which IMHO doesn't suit), but she's certainly more affordable for the high-end dreamer these days.
Here's a thread to post great finds that you've stumbled upon around the marina....

1982 Californian Sedan Trawler Power Boat For Sale - Boats for Sale - New and Used Boats and Yachts - YachtWorld.com

Very nice looking boat from the photos. However, personally I couldn't have a vessel with those sole-buried engines with a meter of headroom. Seems like it would be physically impossible to even reach and service the outboard sides, at least not for a big-sized guy.

Back in my 20's I had a boat with about 5ft engine headroom, which was barely acceptable while stooping over.

For those of you now in your later years, how do you maintain a boat with sole-buried engines? Is it more about hiring out to a mechanic for maintenance?


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You lift the hatches. I've had several vessels in that size range where that worked just fine.
Makes sense. I've never owned a boat like that. They were either much smaller or much bigger. So every time you want to check the oil, flip a battery switch or give a quick visual you have to move furniture and lift your floorboards?

Seems like it would work for a vessel used occasionally, but for long distance cruisers I can see how that would get tiresome.

Very nice looking boat from the photos. However, personally I couldn't have a vessel with those sole-buried engines with a meter of headroom. Seems like it would be physically impossible to even reach and service the outboard sides, at least not for a big-sized guy.

Back in my 20's I had a boat with about 5ft engine headroom, which was barely acceptable while stooping over.

For those of you now in your later years, how do you maintain a boat with sole-buried engines? Is it more about hiring out to a mechanic for maintenance?
Hire a midget
Makes sense. I've never owned a boat like that. They were either much smaller or much bigger. So every time you want to check the oil, flip a battery switch or give a quick visual you have to move furniture and lift your floorboards?

Seems like it would work for a vessel used occasionally, but for long distance cruisers I can see how that would get tiresome.

You learn not to put furniture over the hatches. Can also have hydraulic hatches.
I have the smaller 34 Californian with floor boards, a fwd door and an aft lazarette entrance. This 38's ER is laid out the same but is much taller and wider than the 34. I'd estimate that it's almost as tall as a 42 Grand Banks ER. Enough room to sit up straight but not stand.

Besides having ER monitor cameras, I normally use the fwd door to keep an eye on things and sample fluid levels. It's an easy crawl on the foam padded center aisle and the engine sides are easily accessed by moving across the front of the engine to the outer sections.

I'm 5' 10", 190 lbs and age 60. I have no issues accessing the ER. I call it "yacht yoga".
For those of you now in your later years, how do you maintain a boat with sole-buried engines? Is it more about hiring out to a mechanic for maintenance?

for me, the secret is 1) having a helper to hand me stuff and 2) knee pads 3) readers and 4) flashlights. The more "experienced" I get, the more pairs of knee pads I have. Leave them all over the place. Same with flashlights and glasses. I've found its not so much the service that is tough, its seeing what the heck I"m working on once I"m wedged in place.
Very nice looking boat from the photos. However, personally I couldn't have a vessel with those sole-buried engines with a meter of headroom. Seems like it would be physically impossible to even reach and service the outboard sides, at least not for a big-sized guy.

Back in my 20's I had a boat with about 5ft engine headroom, which was barely acceptable while stooping over.

For those of you now in your later years, how do you maintain a boat with sole-buried engines? Is it more about hiring out to a mechanic for maintenance?

I have not been aboard the smaller Californians, so this may not apply.
When I was shopping, I had a thorough look at a Cal 42. Its ER looked just like your photo, with access from behind the steps down heading fwd. No chance of getting to the outsides of either engine from in between, so a slim guy would need to go around the front or around the back, depending what else was located in the way. That boat had fixed carpeting above, so no hatch access.
Likely due to the impossible access, that ~20 yr old boat had almost nothing else in the ER.
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