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Other: Fair asking price for genset

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Doug H

Veteran Member
May 31, 2015
I just removed the genset from my boat and would like to sell it. What do others think a fair asking price would be for it?

8 kW Northern Lights model M753K.3, 753 hours, includes waterlift muffler, control panel, transfer switch, Racor filter.

I just bought the boat, so I can't vouch for it's conditions, but it appears fairly new, well taken care of, and was professionally installed. I used it for the delivery trip -- it always started and ran well.
Why remove it? And what about the exhaust hole left behind?
Is there a sound shield? With only 753 hours, the engine end should be good. How many years in service of the electrical end? Those seem to have a finite life, used or not.
You going to put in a brand new gen set?sound like this unit would be perfectly OK.
Mine has 3500 hrs on it and in A1 condition.
There is no sound enclosure. I would guess that it is less than 5 years old.

I know that many people worship the genset, but I really dislike them. There is NO installation that will not destroy the peace of an idillic anchorage. I will be spending my summers in Maine where there is no need for AC -- the only excuse for a genset in my mind. They are about the most expensive way to generate electicity ever invented.
Also, this boat was badly out of trim by the head, hurting her looks and degrading her steering. The genset was a big weight well forward. The thru-hull holes will need to be patched -- along with about 10 others from obsolete thru-hulls on this boat.

The boat already has an oversize alternator on the main engine. If I can make enough by selling the genset to buy a good solar panel and three extra batteries, I'll be happy.
Check out pricing on EBay, there are several there for sale. Do you have a maintenance log for it ? If it runs and holds a load okay I'd start at 1/2 price to it's new value and mention that the buyer can test run it, and local pickup unless you will deliver it. GoodLuck NL are one of the best.
There is no sound enclosure. I would guess that it is less than 5 years old.

I know that many people worship the genset, but I really dislike them. There is NO installation that will not destroy the peace of an idillic anchorage. I will be spending my summers in Maine where there is no need for AC -- the only excuse for a genset in my mind. They are about the most expensive way to generate electicity ever invented.
Also, this boat was badly out of trim by the head, hurting her looks and degrading her steering. The genset was a big weight well forward. The thru-hull holes will need to be patched -- along with about 10 others from obsolete thru-hulls on this boat.

The boat already has an oversize alternator on the main engine. If I can make enough by selling the genset to buy a good solar panel and three extra batteries, I'll be happy.

Well, there you go.

I love our generator, but each to his own. :blush:
My guess is $4-5000. It's a desirable machine.
"The boat already has an oversize alternator on the main engine. If I can make enough by selling the genset to buy a good solar panel and three extra batteries, I'll be happy."

First you might install a SOC meter (state of charge) to work as a gas gauge for the house battery set.

Second , if its not already installed is a marine voltage regulator to speed up the house charging time.

Depending on the batt bank, and the demands of the batt killer , refrigeration, you should be able to do 3-4 days between a charging run, a week if using propane or an ice chest.
Where are you?
I'm in Maine. We are planning to go south for the winters, but would always come back north for the summers.

I've bought (but not yet installed) a Victron battery monitor and Balmar voltage regulator. I'm planning to get a 100 watt solar panel and will use a 6xG31 battery bank. Hoping this will do the trick.
I'm in Maine. We are planning to go south for the winters, but would always come back north for the summers.

I've bought (but not yet installed) a Victron battery monitor and Balmar voltage regulator. I'm planning to get a 100 watt solar panel and will use a 6xG31 battery bank. Hoping this will do the trick.

If you go south for the winters you may want to keep the gen set for the first year. It stays warm down here in Florida.
Just a thought you may not feel the need for a gen but the next buyer probably will when you sell it, yours is already installed I think it would be a big mistake to remove it, but to each their own
Sorry Gentlemen, but the genset is already out. You are almost certainly right about the next owner, but I'll be damned if I'll lug around that noisemaker for the next several years just for the next guy.

We have built three boats for a good customer with the same itinerary as I intend. On the first we installed a genset and an air conditioner. When he got back, he said he never used the AC and the genset was too noisy - a very nice Mastervolt unit in a sound enclosure. On the second boat we installed a WhisperGen, a very quite unit, but he had lots of trouble with it. On the third boat we installed a huge alternator and a very big battery bank, a system he loved. This customer had big electrical needs (refrigeration & O2 machine at night) and wanted to spend at least three nights on the hook without running an engine. All the boats were equiped with big inverters.
I'm planning to get a 100 watt solar panel and will use a 6xG31 battery bank. Hoping this will do the trick.

100W is not a lot....... On an 8 hour sunny day with the boat (panel) perfectly oriented towards the sun you're looking at 50-60 Ah.

Your fridge will draw that unless it's a stellar insulation job and you don't open it much. Then you have to charge phones, puters, run some LED lighting and maybe a fan or two when it's sticky.

If I were to go this route I would have 300 or so watts up there.....

"Your fridge will draw that unless it's a stellar insulation job and you don't open it much"

At a 20# tank a month the silence of a propane reefer might make 100W of solar plenty.
15KW, Phasor no sound shield. Can barely hear it running from the salon and cannot hear it on the back deck. North Florida it's necessary.
Yes, I haven't gotten around to advertising it yet. Are you in Winchester, Mass?
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