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Bily, post some pictures and tell us all you have done on the boat. I was very impressed by the exterior transformation, what have you done on the interior?
Hey Bily - Welcome to Trawler Forum! ;)

I'm the guy who posted your CL ad link to begin this thread. Just trying to help sellers and buyers meet! All's good in the pleasure boating world! :thumb:

I also called you when some on the Forum posted questions regarding your CL ad's wording. You and I discussed your boat... then I posted your phone and mentioned you seemed legit with recommendation for those interested to call you! ;)

Most Captains and Admirals mean no harm by what they may say here... we're just a bunch of happy-go-lucky mariners trying to CYA for each other. :angel:

I'm glad you came aboard this forum. A report by Jennifer “Pineapple Girl” makes it sound clear that your boat seems OK, and that she's pretty to boot!! :dance:

Good Luck! - Art, In West Marin :D
Bily, post some pictures and tell us all you have done on the boat. I was very impressed by the exterior transformation, what have you done on the interior?

EVERYTHING..The interior (remember there was only 400 hours on this vessel)..All the TEAK inside looks like new..Floors are all polished..The U-shape built-in lounge..Is ALL NEW with ALL new menory 5" Foam is very expensive PLUS Top of the line Fabic's..The dinette table has been cut down and now a coffee table...The other part of the table All teak has now been mounted in the pilot house inside the U-shape seating ( really sharp)...Back to the Cabin..All new Custom made Canvas window treatments..All new doulbe Simmions Beauty rest matress ( never sept in , YET ! )...In the Pilot House..removed all out dated stuff..Lots of up-grading in gel-coating..All Brand new Foam and Uph Backs and seats..All new Canvas and tinted Windows...BRAND NEW Aft deck Enclosed with tinted windows, plus sunbella..Solid window covers to protect the windows from the sun..The above is just a-little of all the upgrades that I have just DONE !..Plus a MAJOR haul-out..I had a special bottom job done on it..Removed all the paint to bare-hull, then "FIVE COATS OF EXPOX COATING..THREE COATS OF A BARRIED COAT..THEN TWO COATS OF A INDUSTRIAL BOTTOM PAINT..I did all this work because it was my vessel , and I never concerned with costs, my boat I wanted to get the best done on it..Would like to invite you to see BRUTUS...regards Bily
Sounds like one would have to send/transfer $10K to some bank account just to hold it, then zip the money is gone and all you would have is a nice lookin picture of a boat.

Reminds me of an ad on Kijji, seller was going to Russia, need to sell in a hurry, would ship anywhere in the world for free, just send the deposit, then send remaining when it is in your driveway, nothing to lose, if you didn't like it seller would pay to have it returned.... :hide:

I almost fell for it :facepalm: :rofl:

I'm the owner of the 36ft BEAUITFUL KROGEN MANATEE..You may want to learn how to read more clearly..Where do I ASKED FOR ANYTHING UP FRONT..Did I not say COME SEE MY BOAT..In the future read the add , not what you are thinking it says..
Sorry " THIS GUY" ? , Me made a mistake and ask a friend to post an add on Craigslist..

Should have been $ 115k...Bet your not a buyer..Only someone who has alot of time on his hand..

If I was before I can assure you I am NOT now.

Good day sir
Just got a new phone a week ago after dropping the phone in the marina. :banghead:

I have two stored under the boat myself:rofl:
All who look into or post on this thread:

I just had a great 20 minute phone conversation with Bily who owns the 36’ Manatee listed on first post of this thread. In my opinion he is a top notch fellow and well worth your time if you’d really be interested in his boat. It is likely I will become friends with Bily as we found some background in common.

All who look into or post on this thread:

I just had a great 20 minute phone conversation with Bily who owns the 36’ Manatee listed on first post of this thread. In my opinion he is a top notch fellow and well worth your time if you’d really be interested in his boat. It is likely I will become friends with Bily as we found some background in common.

to me, that is one of the coolest things about the forum! real people...
to me, that is one of the coolest things about the forum! real people...

Jennifer Pineapple Girl - We Cwazy Boaters ARE Real People! Some of the last around... or so it too often seems!! :facepalm: lmao :D:D:D:D
Ahem.....Speak for yourself Mr. Art! I am NOT crazy, which is what I "think" you were trying to key. I am not suffering from insanity. I'm enjoying every minute of it!

RT - OBVIOUS and Goes Without Saying!! :dance:

You ought to see what I :rofl: hear about you! Or is that hear what I :rofl: see... never can figure how that's supposed to go! :banghead:
Mr. Art. You hear nothing about me and if you have, send me the "dope" and I'll send out the squad..

I'm the owner of the 36ft BEAUITFUL KROGEN MANATEE..You may want to learn how to read more clearly..Where do I ASKED FOR ANYTHING UP FRONT..Did I not say COME SEE MY BOAT..In the future read the add , not what you are thinking it says..

Hey there Uncle Bily, Relax. I am glad you came aboard and that your ad is legitimate.

Just there are too many people that post ads on CL or Kijji that are bogus and many people get caught sending money as holding fees etc. I didn't say you asked for money but sometimes there is enough info on some ads to draw the unexpected in.

Best of luck on the sale of your vessel and I'm sorry for my remarks.

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36 ft Krogen Manatee for sale..

If I was before I can assure you I am NOT now.

Good day sir

I will never understand people like YOU..I've been on the water for over 50 years...I love boating and being around boaters..

I don't want to sell my Boat, But business is making me do this ..Why would you want to say anything BAD about me selling my Boat, without knowing the damaged you would be doing to someone YOU DON'T KNOW ?
Regardless, your boat sounds like you've worked hard on it, and I'm sad that you have to let it go. Someone will surely love your Manatee, Bill. Everyone here can be a doubting Tomas from time to time, and out comments about such things are mainly addressed to the "universal possibility" rather than any given person. Sorry if it sounded so directed toward you or your character. I also listed the Craigslist ad on the Krogen Cruiser site, and the only response was "sounds suspicious".......and that was from one of the nicest cruising couples I know. Anyway, we'd all love to connect you with the buyer that would make a win-win situation for you both. It'd be great to see another Manatee here on Trawler Forum. It kinda validates the rest of us Manatee owners....you know what I mean?
Regardless, your boat sounds like you've worked hard on it, and I'm sad that you have to let it go. Someone will surely love your Manatee, Bill. Everyone here can be a doubting Tomas from time to time, and out comments about such things are mainly addressed to the "universal possibility" rather than any given person. Sorry if it sounded so directed toward you or your character. I also listed the Craigslist ad on the Krogen Cruiser site, and the only response was "sounds suspicious".......and that was from one of the nicest cruising couples I know. Anyway, we'd all love to connect you with the buyer that would make a win-win situation for you both. It'd be great to see another Manatee here on Trawler Forum. It kinda validates the rest of us Manatee owners....you know what I mean?

Healhustler – That I am the person who posted this ad in TF... it pleases me that things are working out! I sure wish Bily the best luck in sale of his boat and who ever purchases it the best in ownership. I've spoken to Bily more than once now and feel confident in his authenticity. – Art
The ad seems to have been removed from Craigslist so I have not read it. But as many people here know, wording can make a HUGE difference in how a reader perceives what is written. For people who pooh-pooh the relationship of wording to reader perception, this has been a beautiful example of how an apparently legitimate attempt to sell a decent boat can be met with all sorts of skepticism and negative reaction based solely on the wording of the ad. The end result is a bad taste in everyone's mouth and the potential loss of a sale.

A big part of my day job is writing, everything from scripts to interview questions to e-mails trying to persuade someone or some company or the government to do something they ordinarily would not want to do. And my night job is writing as well. I've learned--- sometimes the hard way--- just how effective words and phrasing can be in both positive and negative ways.

So if a person wants to sell something and has any doubt regarding their ability to word the ad or announcement effectively, or even if they think they have the ability, it can be a good idea to run the proposed ad past someone who can read it objectively and can offer advice or suggestions as to how to maximize its effectiveness. Particularly someone familiar with the environment the ad addresses, selling a boat in this case.

A lot of people reading the exchange between Billy and the forum would come away with a fundamentally negative image of the boat, the seller, and the whole deal. I certainly did and I hadn't even read the ad. And, as all the bozos trying to be president have discovered, it takes a LOT more effort with far greater chances of failure to correct a negative perception than to create a positive one from the outset. The wording of something so simple as a Craigslist ad can make the entire difference between a sale and no sale.

So be careful at those keyboards out there.:)
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36 ft Krogen Manatee for sale..



Well this has been a lively old post
Hey Bily

Your Manatee sold for ya... yet? :confused:

In this thread alone there have been over 1,700 views. I've noticed your ad once in a while on SF Bay CL. Talk about exposure!! And, your price seems quite reasonable. Thought I'd again post here to bring it back into exposure. :thumb:

As always - BEST LUCK! - Art :dance:
Being on the left coast and having a boat in that good of condition,I am surprised it hasn't been snatched up at that price.
I don't see a generator & the two bedroom model is not that popular an option.

His statement about the average Manatee selling for 145 is 20 too high. Pre '08 they did, some for lots more, but not since.
I don't see a generator & the two bedroom model is not that popular an option.

His statement about the average Manatee selling for 145 is 20 too high. Pre '08 they did, some for lots more, but not since.

I also don't see an auto-pilot, diesel furnace, and judging by the 5 coats of epoxy it may have just been rescued from considerable osmosis. No statement about a dinghy either. No lower helm is not a bonus.

It has some teak decks, and there are a lot of nice boats available for $95K firm these days - so if this was a blistered Krogen it's worth no more.
It is worth what someone is willing to pay!
Truly if you have , nothing to say, that isn't nice, and you don't know the boat

I also don't see an auto-pilot, diesel furnace, and judging by the 5 coats of epoxy it may have just been rescued from considerable osmosis. No statement about a dinghy either. No lower helm is not a bonus.

It has some teak decks, and there are a lot of nice boats available for $95K firm these days - so if this was a blistered Krogen it's worth no more.

DEAR MR KNOW IT ALL...ALL YOUR STATEMENT ABOVE, JUST TRULY MAKES ME BELIEVE, YOU KNOW "SO LITTLE"..And I ask you why would you make these statements..Without knowing the boat..Or why I must sell it...There are 6-manatee's on YACHTWORLD..The AVG.PRICE IS $ 146k, and AVG HOURS are 3000..Mine is a fresh-water boat, kept in a covered marina..with "400 ORG. HOUR"...I invite you to see my BOAT..You may gain some knowledge about boats and How your un-educated statements make you sound like ?

I don't see a generator & the two bedroom model is not that popular an option.

His statement about the average Manatee selling for 145 is 20 too high. Pre '08 they did, some for lots more, but not since.

Try doing your homework..6-manatee's on YACHTWORLD..AVG. PRICE $146k...

I INVITE YOU TO COME SEE MY BOAT..Kept in Freshwater, Kept in a covered Marina..." 400' ORG HOURS"...

ANY BOAT BROKER , WHO KNOWS THE MANATEE'S KNOW THESE TWO STATEROOM MODELS ARE "RARE and when boats are selling well . A much better investment,...

Try saying something nice..It would probably make you feel better..
Being on the left coast and having a boat in that good of condition,I am surprised it hasn't been snatched up at that price.

I can't speak for California but the Manatee is not a popular boat model up here (PNW). In the 14 years I've been involved with diesel cruising I have seen exactly two of them. One lives in our marina and never seems to go anywhere and the other was on the guest dock for a few days a number of years ago.

Why the Manatee is not popular in our waters could be, I'm sure, the subject of another never-ending thread. :) SFO Bay could be a different story, however, I don't know.
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