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For Sale: 1985 Hatteras 43 MY

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Veteran Member
Feb 22, 2014
Vessel Name
Blue Bayou
Vessel Make
Hatteras 43 MY
Here I go again. The Broker and Yacht World aint gettin er gone. I guess if I lowered the price to the "fire sale" level it would go, but who wants to do that when they still like the boat and cruising. I want to buy a sail boat and go to Spain. If it doesnt sell, we might do the loop. We still love and care for our Hatt. I know, dont fall in love with a boat.

1985 Hatteras 43 Motor Yacht Power Boat For Sale - www.yachtworld.com
You might tell the broker that the bowled pictures in the listing suck. It is really incomprehensible to me why the brokers try to make something look different with asinine camera tricks.
You might tell the broker that the bowled pictures in the listing suck. It is really incomprehensible to me why the brokers try to make something look different with asinine camera tricks.

^^^ Yes, This!!!! ^^^

Great boat, good luck
Maybe I missed it - But... I saw no year of boat in the add; an important factor for buyers.

And, I agree - bowled pictures do not do any boat service, IMO.

Edit: Whoops - Now I see 1985 on ad heading in your post... a good Hatt year!

Best luck selling - this spring maybe??
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You might tell the broker that the bowled pictures in the listing suck. It is really incomprehensible to me why the brokers try to make something look different with asinine camera tricks.

I cant let the blame fall on the broker.....The broker is in SC and we are in Florida, so thats why I took them. So, It was myself who accidentally took those pictures with the new Gopro. I had the pictures set on wide frame. No tricks though. Some pictures turned out OK. I wanted to make sure you can see the whole salon and get the big picture. Some people pictures have tunnel vision and dont look good either so I was trying something different. Next week I plan to take more and correct the bowl ones. Thanks for the input.
Looks like a nice boat, but I agree the most of the photos suck. Bowed and some blurry. Good luck with the sale.
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Very nice boat. 43 Hatts are hard to beat for value and live-aboard convenience.
Very nice boat. 43 Hatts are hard to beat for value and live-aboard convenience.

I've lived aboard/ worked and cruised at least 3.5 out of the last 4 years. I couldnt ask for a better vessel.
Very nice boat.
She should sell fine.
Still may be a little early in the season. Be patient.
There seems to be a lot of Hatteras boats for sale in that age and size. Yours looks very nice but so do some of the others and some are always fresh water boats. Not too many folks want to take a chance on a 30 year old boat unless the price point is very low.

If you really wanted to move it, the fire sale might be necessary. Your Plan B of doing the loop might not be that bad of an alternative. Seems like more sailors move to trawlers than the approach you want to take. Have you already identified a blue water sailboat you want to buy? That is a major challenge in itself. My perspective is from a guy in his mid 60's and we are in good health. Our conclusion was sailing is too hard at our age.

Your boat is just 10 miles down the way from us so we might take a look at it. At any rate, best of luck on selling it and your future plans.
My wife and I work at Nuclear plants up and down the East coast. This spring is St. Lucie plant. We just finished Turkey Pt in the fall and went to the keys and Key West. Now we are staged at Ft. Pierce. In May we plan on going back to the Carolina's. A sailboat would allow me to leave Cape Fear river, NC and head due South to St. Lucie without the aggreviation of the ICW. I'm getting tired of the shallow water and bridges. I like the Island Packets the most and looking for a 38'. I sailed a "blue water" formosa one time and it was as slow as heavy weight motor oil on a cold morning. I'm kinda looking for an in between boat not a full on Blue water boat. Like you said it will be difficult.
My wife and I work at Nuclear plants up and down the East coast. This spring is St. Lucie plant. We just finished Turkey Pt in the fall and went to the keys and Key West. Now we are staged at Ft. Pierce. In May we plan on going back to the Carolina's. A sailboat would allow me to leave Cape Fear river, NC and head due South to St. Lucie without the aggreviation of the ICW. I'm getting tired of the shallow water and bridges. I like the Island Packets the most and looking for a 38'. I sailed a "blue water" formosa one time and it was as slow as heavy weight motor oil on a cold morning. I'm kinda looking for an in between boat not a full on Blue water boat. Like you said it will be difficult.

What a great boat best of luck selling it my eyes are watering after looking at the pics
Usually it's a slow process or you keep dropping the price till the phone rings with a half dozen calls a week.

That been my experience but there a couple of brokers here that may be more help....not sure what they can do with ethics issues...maybe if you ASK them a hypothetical. :D question they can answer.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with wide angle pictures as long as they are done properly. In fact, I prefer them for the reasons you stated. It gives you a better picture of the entire space. Anyways, good luck!!!
And I don't know how long it has been on the market....but don't be too quick to drop the price. Many of these boats were powered with detroits and those boats take a hit in price for that reason. The engines in your boat make your boat more attractive in this market.
Yes indeed, genset is a Onan 8KW. Starts up quick too. We have an inverter that is tha bomb. I used what lots of people here used and installed golf cart batteries totaling 690 amp hrs in the house bank. We run the genset 1.5 hrs in the am and 1.5 in the pm to keep the house bank topped off. We did this for a month on a mooring ball in Boot Key last year. Its a gotta have thing. But the inverter keeps many hours off the genset.
Here I go again. The Broker and Yacht World aint gettin er gone. I guess if I lowered the price to the "fire sale" level it would go, but who wants to do that when they still like the boat and cruising. I want to buy a sail boat and go to Spain. If it doesnt sell, we might do the loop. We still love and care for our Hatt. I know, dont fall in love with a boat.

1985 Hatteras 43 Motor Yacht Power Boat For Sale - www.yachtworld.com

Please contact me at rvdennisfrakes.com. Interested in your boat...

Please contact me at rvdennisfrakes.com. Interested in your boat...


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This looks more like a newly acquired domain that has not yet propagated through public DNS. A common means to get new websites to get returned by search engines. Post your domain in a forum, then let the bots like ones from google.com to search the web and find the address. Then they begin returning the address in browser searches.
The problem isn't that they boat is overpriced. What is working against you is the other listings out there for similar boats being undervalued. With 5-6 boats 20-30K less than what you're asking, the market is perceived to be lower than it is. At the end of the day, the boat is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. What you have invested in it and your emotional attachment simply aren't factored in.

Keep in mind that most buyers have the "That'll buff out/clean-up just fine" mentality and shop based on price first.
well, we still havent sold our boat. New price though. Cant figure out why we havent had just some phone calls. I have found a sail boat we can do some extensive traveling on so we still need to sell.
I like it, it is just what my wife and I are looking for. Only if I could sell our sale boat. We just moved it to a new broker. The last one did nothing after 16 months.

It should sell, priced right.

Today everyone is looking for a trawler, whatever that is.

They want something with 30 HP engines and a narrow salon. Todays buyer often has never run a larger boat and plans to immediately do the loop. They often cant tell a good boat from a bad one and look only based on price.

I suggest doing your plan B. Once it is a loop veteran it may be more attractive.

We have a 1999 105M Gemini, catamaran, with a 30hp. It's been a great boat for sailing in Florida and the Bahamas. We have sailed up and down the ICW. Great small boat. But you are right, as we get up in age and want to live aboard a trawler/MV is what most people want.

I did this years ago to find correct asking price on an excellent condition 30 plus year 31' Uniflite I was selling.

After months of little to no calls at price I believed it was worth... some BSers would call:

I rewrote my ad in CL and began to fairly often alter the price... obviously downward, until "real" calls with real purchasing interest began to arrive. Once I'd established the market's price level I then became serious to sell at that price and eventually did sell it; although at less than I'd hoped for.

I didn't use brokers and do not know if this manner of "price testing" either interests you (it does take some effort) or conflicts with your broker contract.

Good Luck!

Unfortunately for boat sellers the buyers have the power... because there are soooo many used boats available.
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