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For Sale: Switlik 4 Person Rescue Pod

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Just Bob

Veteran Member
Apr 12, 2011
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Ocean Alexander 54
Very clean, no wear and tear! Has been inspected and repacked twice. Has never been deployed.

This is a very simple and HIGH QUALITY, DEPENDABLE raft! Switlik is TOP NOTCH

12" Diameter, 24" Long, 34 Lbs. in durable fabric valise

The raft includes:
Emergency Hand pump
Repair Clamps (2)
Flashlight/Strobe Combination
Auto-Deploying Sea Anchor
Painter/Release Cord
Water Activated Outside Light
Safety Knife
Inflatable Canopy
Righting Line
Ballast Bags

$500 plus UPS Ground Shipping anywhere in U.S. or Canada
Raft currently located in Baltimore, Maryland

Raft does not have current inspection. My cost to inspect it last was $411.44

All inspection receipts and original purchase documents will be included.

I will work with any interested buyers to help get it inspected before shipping it to you. I have an authorized inspection facility a short drive from my home.

This was on our previous boat. It's being sold becuase we now have a fixed mounted raft on Liberdade

Here is the factory description:

Many owners of smaller vessels realize that relying on just life preservers does not guarantee adequate protection in the event of a sinking or fire. They may not, however, have sufficient stowage space aboard for a Life Raft in a valise or a mounting location suitable for a rigid container. The relatively high cost of Life Rafts designed for even "coastal" use may also be prohibitive. Between the alternatives of Life Vests and a Life Raft is the. . ...RESCUE POD.

The RESCUE POD is a very high quality and rugged inflatable flotation platform with canopy that supports four people and offers basic protection from the elements. The compact sizes of its fiberglass container or soft valise allow it to be carried aboard the smallest open sport fishing boat, day cruiser or sail boat. Although small in packed size, the RESCUE POD is extremely tough and durable.

Our design philosophy for the RESCUE POD is identical to the approach we took when we developed the well-known Switlik MD-SERIES Life Rafts. We use the same inflation system, double-coated 16 ounce per square yard urethane coated nylon buoyancy chamber materials, double-taped overlap seams, and construction techniques as on our USCG Approved Life Rafts.

The single chamber main buoyancy tube provides 800 pounds of primary flotation and the 6 independent compartments of the inflatable canopy offer 210 pounds of reserve buoyancy.

The double layer inflatable canopy design is the same as used on the one person Life Rafts we manufacture for fighter pilots of the United States Navy and Air Force. The canopy design provides better hypothermia protection than the single layer canopy used on most standard Life Rafts.

Upon inflation of the RESCUE POD, the canopy remains furled around the top of the buoyancy tube until needed. This allows for easier boarding from either the water or your vessel. Once in the POD, the occupants can immediately pull the canopy over themselves for protection from wind and rain. The canopy can then be inflated using the oral inflation tubes.

To keep the packed size as small as possible and reduce the cost of servicing, the RESCUE POD only contains a hand pump, repair clamps, and a waterproof combination strobe/flashlight. We recommend that you equip a separate "Abandon Ship" bag with additional items appropriate to the area in which you operate your vessel.

The RESCUE POD should be serviced within 24 months of purchase and every year thereafter. The simple design of the RESCUE POD offers the additional benefit of lower service fees than those for standard Life Rafts.
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This is NOT a USCG approved raft.

The Switlik Rescue Pod-4 is an affordable alternative to a full fledged life raft, for those whose nautical ventures are reasonably close to shore. It's an exceptionally rugged and well-designed "emergency flotation system" (built with the same materials and components as Switlik's approved rafts) for vessels which have neither the space nor the need for an offshore raft.
Just remember...often the best survival gear the USCG personnel wear is NOT "USCG Approved ".

Also a lot of internationally approved stuff isn't "USCG Approved " either.

Stuff that is approved often has to meet standards where the lack of maintenance or complexity expected from the typical conehead boater doesn't impact use. Doesn't mean that it isn't a great piece of survival gear.
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This has been sold.

Thank you very much!
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