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For Sale: Sold-1991 Kadey-Krogen 42 Widebody

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
Jul 6, 2012
Vessel Name
Tuscan Sun
Vessel Make
Krogen 42
Asking: $295,000.
Location: Fort Pierce, FL

Tuscan Sun is a rare wide-body 42 model with a center-line queen
master and two heads. The second head is a day head in the salon.
Tuscan Sun has been extensively updated over the last four years.

A partial list of improvements includes:

- New aluminum fuel tanks (590 gal capacity)
- All new fuel system to include new dual Racors
- New Magnum 2812 inverter
- New 265W solar panel and Morningstar MPPT solar controller
- New digital stabilizer upgrade ($20K cost)
- Two new Raritan heads and new sanitation hose
- New Force 10 flat top ceramic stove
- New stainless steel Summit refrigerator and freezer
- New front bench and flybridge bench cushions and canvas
- New flybridge Raymarine A9 MFD
- New Toshiba Touchscreen laptop for Coastal Explorer in pilothouse
- New ceramic tile in dayhead, kitchen backsplash, and main head backsplash:

Please contact me at 757-333-2441 or mike.metts55@gmail.com for additional info. IMG_3851.jpg
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Ahh, another mystery-price ad. Smh.

Mods, can we not make it a rule that you have to put a price on a classified ad, or it gets taken down?
Ahh, another mystery-price ad. Smh.

Mods, can we not make it a rule that you have to put a price on a classified ad, or it gets taken down?

Please excuse me. I meant to include the price. We are asking $295,000.
No problem. Just a pet peeve.

Very nicely updated Krogen! Good luck with the sale.
Beautiful boat!
You listed the upgrades twice...
You listed the upgrades twice...
Located in?

We are currently in Solomons MD and will be starting south at the end of the week. We plan to be in Fort Pierce FL for the month of November.
Currently under contract.
1991 Kadey-Krogen 42 Widebody

Back on the market. Buyer objected to the contingency that gave us time to purchase another boat.

We will be in Fort Pierce on Saturday.
A bit of advice: I have never seen a deal that allowed the seller to wait an extended period while he tried to buy another boat to replace the one he was selling. It sometimes works the other way where the buyer has a contingency that depends on him selling his boat first before he can close on the new one, but those deals always have a clause that gives the seller an out if he gets another offer.

When a buyer has cash and financing in hand, and has settled on a boat, he wants to close right then and there.

A bit of advice: I have never seen a deal that allowed the seller to wait an extended period while he tried to buy another boat to replace the one he was selling. It sometimes works the other way where the buyer has a contingency that depends on him selling his boat first before he can close on the new one, but those deals always have a clause that gives the seller an out if he gets another offer.

When a buyer has cash and financing in hand, and has settled on a boat, he wants to close right then and there.


+1. If you want to sell, you have to be ready to sell now. Even if it isn’t exactly the timing you want.
Buyer's remorse is a form of emotional trauma. There is a bonding that takes place. They walk away and a month later they might not even recognize the boat anymore. Some things you make happen and some things you let happen. Rent a condo or another boat (floating condo) while you look.

I hope you post about buying your new boat and what you find compared to the KK.
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We understand that we didn’t make it easy for our potential buyer. The process was actually going a little faster than we expected. As full-time Cruisers, transitioning to a new boat is pretty complicated.

BTW, we are looking for a Krogen 48.
Folks, each party has the right to include any stipulation or provision in the contract that they want. The other party then has the right to accept or reject the contract for any reason. This is why we have contracts to begin with.

It's the sellers choice. For all you know it is their home and they don't want to be homeless.

This is a Classified ad. Please refrain from forum discussions in this members Classified ad.
mike, if you are going to buy another boat why don't you buy mine. i am placing my kadey krogen manatee for sale end of this year and the boat
is in stuart,, not far from you. cpt.craig
1991 Kadey-Krogen 42 Widebody

As some of you have said, if we want to sell our boat we need to be committed to making it happen. We’ve decided we are more committed to our cruising plans for the winter than we were to selling our boat. So we have decided to wait to sell until next summer/fall. At that time, we will move off the boat and make her immediately available to interested parties.

If OK with the moderators, I will leave this post up and undate it next year when the boat is available.
Update: We will put Tuscan Sun on the market in the latter part of June in Fort Pierce, FL. When I know the precise date and location, I will post another update.
Tuscan Sun is sold.
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