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For Sale: SOLD! - 1959 Diesel Matthews - $5500

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Aug 20, 2017
Vessel Name
Zorro Del Mar
Vessel Make
1972 Tollycraft Tri-Cabin
This is a 1959 42' Matthews Double Cabin boat. It is a classic, ready for cosmetic restoration.

* It's got a set of 6BB1 Isuzu diesel engines that turn over and fire up on the very first turn of the crank. No hesitation, no long drawn out cranking - just vroom.
* It also includes a brand new (7/2017) set of deep-cycle batteries for both the engine and the house - those are included.
* Full tanks of diesel fuel.
* The boat just made the trek from Bremerton to Olympia this weekend with no issues.
* The bones of the boat are good, according to my diesel mechanic. The body appears to be in reasonable shape.
* This boat has been boathouse kept for most of its life; it was just brought down from a boathouse in the Bremerton Yacht Club.

Feel free to ask questions. As I get more questions, I'll update this add with this Q&A section:

Q: Why are you selling it?
A: This was our first trawler, and we learned a lot on it. The most important thing is that we are picky about layout. The galley on this boat is down and forward. We decided that we strongly prefer the galley on the same level as the main cabin; my wife wants to be able to cook and hang out with us at the same time. It may seem like a small matter, but for a boat we want to spend a lot of time on, this kind of thing is a big deal. If the kitchen was in the correct spot, we would probably dedicate time to restoring the boat. As it is, we already have our eyes on another boat that meets this particular requirement (among a few other requirements we've learned about ourselves), and I'd prefer not to be an admiral and own two boats.

Q: But didn't you *just* buy this boat?
A: Yup. I bought it for $4900, and then I spent $650 on new batteries, and $300 on a new raw-water pump for the starboard engine. So I'm already in it $5,850, and I'm going to go backwards $350. I figured $4900 was a small price for me to pay to really learn a boat - learn the systems, the ways a boat can fail, etc., knowing that the hull was in good shape, and that the twin diesel engines purred perfectly. I just brought it down from Bremerton to Olympia, and that trip made me confident enough to spend more money to buy a more expensive boat that's in "finished" condition, cosmetically.

For a boat running with reliable twin diesels, I feel like this is a good price. Please don't low ball; quite frankly, I am more inclined to pay moorage for two boats and spend some money to make this boat beautiful and sell it later than take a low ball offer.


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You're my Hero! Buy it, Try it, move on to something else that works better for you. Congrats. Good luck on the sale.

Non-refundable deposit has been received! 7-day countdown begins.
Nice, I learned quite a bit by you detailing here on the forums on how you learned hands on. Good luck with the sale and your new boat.
Nice, I learned quite a bit by you detailing here on the forums on how you learned hands on. Good luck with the sale and your new boat.

Thanks! I have a couple of things going on in my head that lend to a "get it done" attitude:

I don't like having things that don't work.
I don't like not knowing how something works.
I don't like paying other people to do what I can do myself.

So... voila, that's the ingredient list for a classic DIY enthusiast.


As it turns out, the guy that put down the $475 deposit backed out... so I guess I'm ahead $475. I've got 6 other people that want to look at it this weekend, and now I have some more flexibility with the price on account of that deposit.
P.m. Sent as I'd be interested in throwing around more than you are asking for.
Thanks, but unfortunately, it has sold today.
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