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Fales 30 For Sale - ***SOLD***

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Moderator Emeritus
Oct 1, 2007
Thanks, Larry!* I'm sure that you will enjoy it as much as we did!
RE: Fales 30 For Sale - Trawler Forum Cover Girl!

Hi Doug...

I've been a big admirer of Boomarang from the moment you posted photos of her refit a number of years ago.*

Timing is everything, and if she were on the market a couple of years ago we'd be all over it!

Good luck with your sale; someone will be getting a very nice boat - and rare too, as I don't think there are many 30' Fales around.


RE: Fales 30 For Sale - Trawler Forum Cover Girl!

Thanks for the kind words. All of the Fales like mine that I have seen were 32 foot models.* Maybe Boomarang is a one-of-a-kind?

I really thought that I would be buried at sea in Boomarang.* However, we are going through a slight lifestyle change in the near future.* I had plans to do a little cruising in my retirement years...but...I got married to a woman with 2 dogs that don't like boating (the wife likes it, the dogs don't).

Maybe I could do an Internet search on "dog assassins"?
RE: Fales 30 For Sale - Trawler Forum Cover Girl!

Stand your ground Doug. I married a girl with 4 dogs, Bassetts, and I'm 100% sure I'll never leaving boating.Larryw
RE: Fales 30 For Sale - Trawler Forum Cover Girl!

dougd1 wrote:
I had plans to do a little cruising in my retirement years...but...I got married to a woman with 2 dogs that don't like boating (the wife likes it, the dogs don't).
*If the dogs are antsy or upset with the motion try a Thunder Shirt.* Google them.* They will change a dogs total personality.


They came from a woman named Tellington who worked with spooked horses.

RE: Fales 30 For Sale - Trawler Forum Cover Girl!

JD, not to hijack Doug's thread but do those thundershirts really work? Our dog is a nervous wreck whenever we fire up the main engine on our trawler even though it is a very quiet little perkins (can't imagine what she'd do if we had a big detroit diesel!!!).
RE: Fales 30 For Sale - Trawler Forum Cover Girl!

Woodsong wrote:JD, not to hijack Doug's thread but do those thundershirts really work? Our dog is a nervous wreck whenever we fire up the main engine on our trawler even though it is a very quiet little perkins (can't imagine what she'd do if we had a big detroit diesel!!!).
*I was really skeptical.* Our Portuguese Water Dog was afraid of thunder.* He would just about try to get into your skin if he could.* He didn't like riding in a car and didn't like any noise on the sailboat such as the jib or main making noise when we tacked.

A lady that does water work for the dogs*with my wife suggested one of these wraps.* I had heard of the Tellington Touch method of horse training but I put it in the same box as herbs and incense.**This lady saw that I wasn't buying it so she let us take one of hers home to try out.* The very first thunder storm and the dog was much better.* Not cured but better.* We have bought one and I can say that he now*travels in a car*without the wrap, actually sits up in the back seat and looks out of the window*and for the most part on the boat he is much calmer.* Even in 3-4' seas.* He still has some trouble when a Sport Fish rolls us but so do I.* He hears thunder way before we do and comes to me to have the shirt put on.* He doesn't leave my side but he lays on the floor and isn't agitated like he use to be.* On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is bad off and 10 is normal,*I'd say he started out as a 2*and now he is up to a 8 or 9.

The theory is somewhat like the swaddling of a baby in a wrap to calm them.* This works on a dog as well it seems.

I have no connection to this company.* I'm sure some dogs react better than others but they are not expensive and I'd say it's worth a try.

Let me know how it works for you.
RE: Fales 30 For Sale - Trawler Forum Cover Girl!

Doug,* Boomerang is one fine boat, someone will be lucky to snap her up.

Over the years I have changed my plans over and over, and people's feelings for animals have often been the cause.

I have been quiet and just let it slide many times.* After a while you kind of feel the pets are more important than you.** Not* a good place to be.

Of course any relationship is give and take.* Balance is the key.

Good Luck with you new adventures!* JohnP
RE: Fales 30 For Sale - Price Lowered! New pics on web site!

I have seen your boat and it is more beautiful and has more character than the photos can ever show. If were a single man, I would not hesitate to buy your boat and take her cruising.
RE: Fales 30 For Sale - Price Lowered! New pics on web site!

Thanks, Tony!* It would be the perfect boat for a single cruiser.* Easy to handle and very economical to operate.

Any single sailors out there looking for a pocket trawler to run on pocket change?
Fales 30 For Sale - Price Lowered! New pics on web site!

dougd1 wrote:
....Any single sailors out there looking for a pocket trawler to run on pocket change?
Man, that sounds a lot better than any chumps out there looking for*a trawler to run on chump change. I guess that is why I am not a writer.

Anyway, I can handle living aboard that boat with no problem. After slowly graduating out of a 25 Catalina sailboat I'll never talk wifey into a 30' boat again.

I can't believe you haven't sold it yet. The exterior looks brand new. BTW, were you ever at Waterford Harbor Marina. I think I remember it from there about 4 or 5 years ago. I know where you are now so I might just drop by for a ride.

-- Edited by Tony B on Saturday 23rd of July 2011 01:35:23 PM
RE: Fales 30 For Sale - Price Lowered! New pics on web site!


Yes, it was on the bulkhead of Pier 12 at Waterford for a number of years.* I have only advertised it here and on Craigslist.* If it doesn't sell soon I will list it with a broker to get it on Yachtworld for even more exposure.
Congrats on the sale of your boat. I have always admired it. I was also on pier 12 a few years back. When I saw a photo of it on here, I recognized it immediately.
My best wishes to the new owner.
BTW, are you boatless? and what are your plans?
Tony B
Tony B wrote:Congrats on the sale of your boat. .... My best wishes to the new owner.
BTW, are you boatless? and what are your plans?
Tony B
*Thanks, Tony! Yes, currently we are boatless, sort of.* We still have the well worn dink!

Our plans are to move on to "the island life"...on Galveston Island.* We will probably look at something trailerable that we can tow up and down the Gulf Coast for more adventures.

As far as the new owner, we feel like Boomarang went to a good home. I think he has joined TF and I encourage him to post picks of his refit of the interior. Larry has lots of good ideas and I think he will get Boomarang in great shape to go another 39 years!

BTW, something the new owner and I both learned at closing...at 35 plus years of age a boat in Texas is considered an antique.* That means she won't have to display those goofy TX numbers on her beautiful bow any more.* Just a registration sticker on the window.

I am enjoying Boomarang immensely!* The interior is almost complete and I am preparing the electronics for the first of a series of sea trials.* If all goes well, I will try to cruise down with the Harvest Moon fleet next month.

I'll post some photos of the work soon.

It seems my voyage to the dark side is now complete . . . . . . but what a fine way to go!* I might not miss sailing so much after all.


Be sure to post your pics down in the Willard/Fales section.

I miss her already!

Glad to hear you're going to keep the name.* Wait........you have the wrong spelling in your sig!

Just kidding! Perfect!
I would humbly propose that you post the pics on the Photo Gallery at the top of the General Discussion group of threads. But it's a Willard!!!* ....post em everywhere. By the way I like your avatar. And you may be interested in knowing there are several new Willard owners. Perhaps a roll call is in order* ...on the Willard thread.
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