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For Sale: Albin 27FC W/trailer

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
Nov 6, 2013
It is time for us to up size. 1986 27fc. She has a trailer and I am always up for a road trip so delivery is an option...

It has a Nissan diesel, about 2300 hours. Full canvas enclosure and bulkhead curtain too. Electronics, Garmin fishfinder/plotter, new vhf, autopilot, cdplayer. Alcohol stove, new head, new bottom paint, zincs, new raw water pump, new battery...and likely a few other small things that I am forgetting. Includes a few lines, pfds.

I am working on the teak bright work now and still doing some other projects. i have been living and breathing this boat since i picked it up this past fall. i spent the cold month doing land based jobs, launched her in early March and have spent every weekend on-board since.

This would be the perfect boat to loop in...she burns right about 1GPH at 7knts. She can be single handed fairly easily and if need be is light enough to be walked into a slip, bulk head or just about anywhere. The fact that she has a trailer makes it even better. If you wanted to to skip any sections that would be easy enough to do. She is cheap to store for the winter. Around here i can put her in a self storage yard for $40/month instead of having to be blocked at a marina which here runs about $150/month. boating just doesn't get any more affordable than this.

$18,000 OBO.


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Let me add one more thing.

In an ideal world it would sell before the end of the month. I am going to Florida for the month of July and while i am there i have set up to view a few bigger boats while i am there. If it is not sold before i leave i may put it with a broker then so that it can be actively for sale while i am out of town.

Point i am making is that if someone is interested bring me an offer to get it sold in the next three weeks.

Add to the list of things done. This weekend i had the fuel tank cleaned and and contaminated fuel removed. the guy said that it was useable but it didn't pass my sniff test and looked to have an odd color to it. so i had him pump it out and replace with new fuel. New fuel has been treated and the aluminum tank has a clean bill of health.
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Hi easy,
Where is the boat located?
What type of electrical power is available?
Is there any refer equipment on board?
Any additional photos would be great
the boat is located about 30 miles south of Baltimore. I have considered moving her up to a fresh water lake in PA until we leave for Florida. She does NOT have any sort of refrigeration, she does have the build in ice boxes. If by electric you mean a genny then no. She does have a 30 amp shore connection.
as for equipment, there is about 500' of dock line, 2 fenders, a few PFDs (4?), and all other safety equipment. One thing i didn't mention that she does have is an AC of the front cabin hatch. here are a few more pics...


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How can I contact you?
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I haven't gotten any contact info. A friend is very interested in this boat.
Sorry charlie, it has been a long week here...pm sent with my phone and email address.

i maybe away from the forum for a few days. my # is 814-515-762six
WHy don't you stop and see my 29' Prairie in Stuart, Florida. I would work out a trade plus cash deal on your Albin. Thanks, Cadillac (772) 285-2266
If it were a 36 I'd be there this weekend and we would make the numbers work. The 29 is missing a second cabin. With a 5 year old as my "beige rat" (her term, not mine) a second cabin is a MUST.
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