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For Sale: Albin 1980 36' Trawler 'Unanchored' For Sale

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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So very sad, I hope this poster is the minority I have been so happy taking people at face value on this Forum as well as the Mainship forum. Thanks for all the help we have received thus far
So very sad, I hope this poster is the minority I have been so happy taking people at face value on this Forum as well as the Mainship forum. Thanks for all the help we have received thus far

The OP is not a regular on this forum. In fact he just joined last month & his ad was just his third post.
You mean my Ford Lehman isn't going to go 20,000?

i hope mine does (i may never get to 5000). i think that one was hydrolocked with saltwater at some point.:eek:
No biggie. I'd just never seen that happen before. Interesting that you immediately explained your post but the OP hasn't been back to clear up any of the questions about his posts. :confused:

:thumb: I try to correct my errors.
I got a message that the Albin is no longer available on Ebay. That was quick!
does any one know if this is true ? i recently had a broker tell me that the stringers on an 81 albin 36 footer were hollow. i always thought stringers on all boats were wooden encased in fibreglass. anyone know for sure ?
It is the boat that was the subject of another youtube adventure: "Unanchored". In the last episode, they had a waterlock in the engine. The episode was removed from Youtube and the boat was suddenly for sale. Search youtube.
It’s still on eBay: 1980 Albin Yachts cruiser - long range https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.com/ulk/itm/254145566506

Seems like the engine info is amended a bit there: Vessel has a single 120 Ford Lehman with approximately 5100 hours. Engine sips diesel fuel at approximately 1.5 gallons per hour. Engine requires an overhaul (all parts on board) or repower. Generator is a 7.7 kw Westerbeke with approximately 4400 hours. This genset is as reliable as the Ford Lehman, and will run all systems on the boat when at anchor.
Can they really get water in the cylinders from following seas or "being waked" as he says in the video ??? That seems like an incredible design flaw if its true !!
Can they really get water in the cylinders from following seas or "being waked" as he says in the video ??? That seems like an incredible design flaw if its true !!
Hasn`t happened to either of mine in near 10years. Might depend on the exhaust system.
Can they really get water in the cylinders from following seas or "being waked" as he says in the video ??? That seems like an incredible design flaw if its true !!

That would be a design flaw from the boat builder rather than a flaw with the engine.
Can they really get water in the cylinders from following seas or "being waked" as he says in the video ??? That seems like an incredible design flaw if its true !!

i was watching them at the time and was worried about mine .so i studied theirs and mine and noticed .(i think i remember right.it's been two years) it has no water lift muffler. mine has a water lift muffler and a 180 at the engine room ceiling to protect from this happening. maybe $500 worth of stuff to protect $15000.
Can they really get water in the cylinders from following seas or "being waked" as he says in the video ??? That seems like an incredible design flaw if its true !!
It is easy IF there is no siphon break or it is clogged and the exhaust elbow does not rise high enough. It can happen on anchor with good roll.

When the engine cools down, there is water in the muffler. The vacuum pulls the water in through one or several open exhaust valves. When you try to start with water in one cylinder, if another cylinder fires, you break or bend a piston rod or the crankshaft.
It is rare but it happens that's why a well designed exhaust has a siphon break.
i was curious.....so i contacted the broker explaining how shady this all looks.55k here noted needs engine rebuild,35k elsewhere no mention of the rebuild or problems....ect.
heres the brokers exact reply

The engine is currently out of the boat and being rebuilt. The boat has good bones and I am simply assisting the seller show the boat bc the boat stopped in Charleston, SC as he was heading back to NY. The boat is a project boat and needs an additional $20-$25k of cosmetic upgrades before going back into the water.


William Todd Mullikin
Licensed Yacht Broker
(843) 367-1986
Still doesn't explain the discrepencies but thanks for the info.
Still doesn't explain the discrepencies but thanks for the info.

or the fact that the owner/original poster never answers the questions about the discrepancies.
i asked the broker about that aswell.....and no answer from him either.
i stated how shady this whole deal looks,and expressed my concern that because of all of this......this boat wont sell anytime soon.
the broker avoided all that bs aswell.
reading this thread,id walk away from this boat.
and if i flew out to go see this boat only to learn the engine is currently out.......and it wasnt mentioned on the brokers ad......id also walk.and id be happy to warn others about the experience.

on the otherhand.....if all this was mentioned in the brokers ad,maybe id be more understanding.but wouldnt go travel to buy a 30k boat thats not ready to run.
if im gonna travel n spend 30k,im ready to bring the boat back home,not ready to wait for whatever crew previous owner hired to finish the job,then see what how that goes.......then i may beable to head home.
if this boat was in the water,with no engine installed,engine sitting on the dock with fresh rebuild......id take it for 15-20k thou.
theres just too many nice ready to cruise 36 albins for 35-40 to gamble on this ones waiting game.
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What a hack job of an attempt to sell a boat. Even if I were selling a $100 dinghy I'd put more effort into it. Oh, and I'd be honest and upfront with everything too. Lol
Albin - Solid old cruiser!

I've been following this post, mostly because I am about to sell my 1979 Albin. These are great boats. My engine and drivetrain seem bullet proof. The hull is solid as can be. Regular maintenance and she fires up every time! Even after a long, cold, winter. Have to chase the leaks and accept the older ones for what they are. It's a shame this seller was so disingenuous. And the broker... he's only hurting himself.

This post is sad; I hope it doesn't blemish the Albin rep.

I'm going to do a few things on my old girl, then post an add.

Stay tuned!

Bob Pelton
Albin 36
Three Belles
Thread being closed due discussions (negative) hijacking the ad.
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