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For Sale: 1980 34' Californian For Sale

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Oct 23, 2012
Vessel Name
Soaring Eagle
Vessel Make
34' Californian
This is a beautiful, well maintained Classic Californian Long Range Cruiser (LRC)

Features- The boat sleeps 6, has full head with standing shower, Salon galley includes 10 cf refrigerator/freezer, 3 burner propane stove w/oven, double sink. It is powered by 2-1985 200 HP Perkins Turbo Diesels w/ ~2300hrs. ea. that together burn 4 gal/hr. @ 8 kts. providing a 720 mi. cruising range. It has a 75 gal. fresh water tank and 35 gal. waste holding tank, 11 gal. elec. hot water tank also heated by port engine. The fly bridge deck and railing are extended over the cockpit.

Major updates since purchase in 2006 include:

2006- New twin 180 gal. aluminum fuel tanks,

2011- New Garmin 5212 chart plotter w/HD Radar and remote monitor in salon; new VHF Radio w/ remote mic and new antenna; new 11 gal. water heater; new holding tank macerator pump; and new fresh water pump.

2012- New 16000 BTU forced air Heat Pump AC; used 2005 MASE 3kw diesel generator, current 345 hrs.; new fly bridge Biminis, radar arch, and stainless steel railing w/ canvas cover.

2013- Installed an additional AC unit for the Salon, a new 13500 BTU RV style unit; New fly bridge seating.

2016- New elec. head pump, new Salon settee cushions.

We purchased this boat in 2006 from the second owner. Very well maintained with all maintenance records since our 2006 purchase to include owners manuals for boat and engines. Only in TX Southern Gulf waters for 5 years. Until 2011, cruised and moored 10 years in Seattle and 21 years in Alaska. We brought the boat to TX after moving here in 2011. We cruised it from Prince William Sound, AK to Seattle (2000 miles), the boat was then trucked to Rockport. This is a very comfortable and stable boat -- the boat handled all water and weather conditions flawlessly during our 6 week cruise.

This will make a great boat for day cruising or extended cruises of the gulf coast or the great loop.

$39,000 OBO


What condition is the brightwork in? How would you rate the interior/any water stains/rot. Hows the windows? Any known soft spots in the deck/house?
The bright work is being refinished. House teak work is done as you can see in the picks, the gunnel cap still needs to be finished. I am not aware of any soft spots in the decks and the interior is in good shape as you can see by the pictures. The windows were all re-caulked before refinishing the teak. There are some condensation moisture marks on the wood inside around the windows that have not been refinished yet but the windows do not leak and I am not aware of any wood rot.
This is my favorite engine combo on the 34 LRC. What's your cruise speed and WOT speed?

That's a great price with relatively low time engines!
I cruise at 8kts at 1500 rpm. WOT is 2250 rpm for 12-14 kts depending on weight of boat at the time, ie. water fuel, passengers, gear, along with hull bottom condition.
Pics of the fly bridget seating? Where do you keep the dink? Are you able to run the A/C off that little gen set?
The dingy tips up on the swim step davits. The generator will run one AC plus another load such as the water heater, toaster, etc. while still running battery charger and other light loads. The fly bridge seating consists of one fixed captains helm chair, two cushioned deck chairs, and the lid of the storage box. There is sufficient room on the fly bridge for several more chairs. I did not include these pics in the first post because I was limited in the number I could use. I just discovered I can now add more during a reply. Here are two of the fly bridge and one of the radar arch.

10-26-16 Rphone download 294.jpg
10-26-16 Rphone download 296.jpg
10-26-16 Rphone download 297.jpg
The white cover in the middle is the AC unit. I built the cover to make the space useable as a table.
thanks for the interest in my boat. I have sold it here locally.
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