VHF base replacement

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Apr 16, 2018
Montgomery, Tx
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
36 Grand Banks Europa
I hate looking at crappy Stainless.

We inherited two VHF bases with the boat, and upon close inspection determined they were mounted on 2x4 yellow pine bases painted white. Not exactly to my high standards.

Antennae base old.jpg

I thought about making them from teak or mahogany and painting them with Awlwood, but this boat has enough teak already for me to maintain.

I had some 1/2" Starboard and cut it up into squares, glued them together with 5200, and cut them to shape on my table saw.

It will be a much cleaner installation, and never needs paint.
The new mounts are off Amazon, got them for $ 15@

Antennae base new.jpg
Looking at the original (top) pic-there is no coax drip loop.
Suggest you use a drip loop. / Len
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