Wall Paper over Teak

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Gordon J

Jul 23, 2015
Vessel Name
Didi Mau
Vessel Make
Currently looking for next boat
The owners of a boat we are considering buying, the owners have wall-papered over the teak walls in places. It is quality work and tastefully done. I will probably leave the paper in place.

However, if at some future fate, should I want to remove the paper, I wonder how the wood finish would look. The current owner put new wallpaper in place five years ago and she reports that the walls looked great.

Of course I am suspicious that the wall paper is hiding wood that does not look up to snuff, but the owner claims that she was merely trying to break up the monotony of the solid teak wood. The wood that is visible looks new.

Are there any experts out there who can help me evaluate what I am looking at. I look at the wall paper and don't see anything underneath that looks like warped wood or veneer. Is it possible to remove the wallpaper without ruining the veneer finish, or is it already toast?

Again, not sure how to evaluate what I am looking at. One other clue, all the window frames and door frames, which are in the walls that have been wallpapered, show no signs of leakage.

Any help or ideas would be appreciated.

You must not scrape or score, something like this here which says does not damage the wall is needed.
You could scrape with a plastic scraper if your careful.

SimpleStrip Wallpaper Removal Products

Otherwise, I would rip the paper top surface off then soak the paper with warm water and that would dissolve the paper.
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Wall-papering over teak? What a blasphemy! Am afraid of what's hiding behind the paper and how paper-removal won't harm the wood.
Yep...a smart owner just would have chiseled off the teak so people wouldn't have to second guess or worry about what's underneath.... :thumb:
LIGHTLY steam the wallpaper off. The glue is not really an adhesive so it should come off easy with a little bit of added moisture. Wipe dry immediately afterwards. Let dry and consider cleaning with Murphy's Oil Soap. Do not use any wood polishes or other oils.

Evaluate. Best guess is you have good veneer.
Has anyone out there done this? If so, did the glue come off entirely without harming the wood. The boat is an Ocean Alexander, so would imagine teak veneer is good quality.

Many folks want to get rid of some portion of the dark teak coffin interior look.

The simple method is to varnish the teak first (sloppy is OK)and then paint or paper over.

Outside its easier than "da coat da month mon " in the hot Carib sun.

Water , just lots of water , think wet towel for overnight ,will soften wall paper glue.

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