Trawler sinks near Thorne Bay

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Oct 31, 2007
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Willard Nomad 30'
Tom Beck was anchored near the SE end of Etolin Is when his Seaway 47 settled on a rock on the ebbing tide. The boat wound up high up out of the water and at a steep angle. The incoming tide flooded and sank the boat. Tom and his girlfriend were picked up by the CG and left the boat up side down floating. The boat was salvaged by the insurance co and salvors the next day. Some of this may be incorrect as it comes from people around town and I haven't talked to Tom himself. I saw the boat at it's usual slip in town and outwardly looks fairly good. Port list. All doors and hatches were open and there was lots of scum and stuff on all the glass. Tom did live aboard the boat and I'm not sure where he is now.
Old Stone wrote:
Ya mean it sort of looked like this?
*I always wondered what that winghy thing under a sail boat was for...

It is to keep the hull from hitting rocks!

nomadwilly wrote:
The incoming tide flooded and sank the boat. Tom and his girlfriend were picked up by the CG and left the boat up side down floating. ...*The boat was salvaged by the insurance co and salvors the next day
*Did the boat sink or overturn?* If overturned, why didn't it sunk?
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