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Senior Member
Aug 8, 2010
David,(or anyone else in Maine)


I am in Rockland for the week for the ABYC Corrosion class...I am flying out of Portland Saturday morning and depending on what time we wrap up on Friday, might have some time to kill on the drive back to Portland as I am gonna head back there Fri for early Sat am flight..any "Must See" items between Rockland and Portland if I have a few hours to kill? Any reccomended restaraunts here in Rockland?


BTW, beautiful country up here but COLD!



In haste:

First of all, it was unseasonably warm today. 38F

Not much to see/do between Rockland and Portland this time of year. All the sidewalks are rolled up til summer complaint/flatlander season.

For me, a must see in Rockland:* Owl's Head Tansportation Museum. Open year round.

Or Farnsworth Museum if you are into Aht.

Primo is the THE Rockland restaurant, but it is closed til May.

Here's a link to others, but I have no personal knowledge of any of them.

Portland evidently has many good restaurants and things to do/see but I am not up on them. My son is, but he just went back to the tugs in NYC so I can't readily pick his brain.


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