
The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Senior Member
Nov 25, 2010
Belize, Central America
Vessel Name
Irish Miss
Vessel Make
36' Marine Trader, D C
What did happen with this part of our forum? I really don't know. Did someone offend someone in an area that states if you are offended don't come in because you might be offended? Is it the new owner? I'm being totally honest, I don't know why it was closed. In my opinion, as an adult you can read or look at anything you want (as long as minors are not involved) in the privacy of there own worlds. DONT TELL ME WHAT IS OFFENSIVE, Ill make that judgement on my own. And I respect your right to think any damn way you choose, I have guns. I dont care if you look at porno or cooking shows and no one should think they have the right to tell me which one is offensive, cook a nice fat pig in Isreal on tv or let down a skirt in Afganistan,show fights at a hocky game, cheer for Buffalo, offensive to many,the last one for sure, but dont try to tell me how I should feel about these things. This is a open forum with a lot of very intelligent people and I think they for the most part can make up there own minds on what subjects they would like to be involved with and the ones they dont. * Like TV or movies, if you find that channel or film is offensive, DONT WATCH IT! Dont tell me that I cant. OK, had to vent. Now ,really someone tell me why OTDE is no more. BB
Where have you been, Bill?* This has been discussed on another thread for the last several days.
As I mentioned in the other threads, OTDE is only temporarily closed. It will be re-opened in a slightly different format once we switch to the new forum software. Basically we will have an Off Topic forum and inside that will be an opt-in only "Hot Topic" forum. This way we can keep the jokes, sports, cars, and other off topic stuff separate from the heated debates.

You can read up on this on the other threads located here:

There is one more discussion but I could not find the link for you.
Bill: I think your choice of "Cruising and Repairing in the Western Caribbean" is an infinitely wiser choice than the debate about OTDE, and I'm taking your example. How are the new davits coming along?
I have the davits bolted* to the boat and the rib hanging to make finale adjustments, however for a few days its been blowing so hard I have had to tie it down to wait to finish the project,maybe tommorow.BB
I've been doing things in other parts of the world and just returned to note OTDE is being redone. The new owner could answer this, but have your Forum hits gone down since you took this action? Revenue and hits go hand in hand. With the election season and teh EURO crisis upon us it would seem OTDE is warranted for those with thick skins, use more info than on Facebook*and have careful fingers.
He said they did.
Well I sure hope so, Andy!* I've got all these great thoughts racing around in my head just trying to get out...but without OTDE, there's no outlet.* If this goes on much longer, I'm afraid I might end up like this.

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