Lets see some interior remodling pics!!

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Sep 12, 2016
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Marine Trader 47’ Sundeck
The 1987 47’ Marine Trader that we are under contract with is brown, dark, and worn out. We like to remodel our houses and can’t wait to get started on this boat. Initially we are thinking something like ship lap panels for the walls and paint the cabinets.

Anyway, love to see what some of you have done to update your interiors. M
Is this a 3 stateroom 47, or 2? Had a friend with a 3 stateroom 47 - nice boat. Good luck with the refit.
Is this a 3 stateroom 47, or 2? Had a friend with a 3 stateroom 47 - nice boat. Good luck with the refit.

3. Kind of hard to find, but we really wanted the extra room. Thank you! Hope it checks out.
On a previous boat the teak paneling was water stained. I sprayed the salon with Interlux Briteside paint. It looked great. When we went to sell the boat, it sold in one day so the buyer must have liked the way it looked.
On a previous boat the teak paneling was water stained. I sprayed the salon with Interlux Briteside paint. It looked great. When we went to sell the boat, it sold in one day so the buyer must have liked the way it looked.

No kidding. Have any pics?
No photos, that was 4 boats ago. I had to use a forced air respirator to do the spraying but it did look nice. I also sprayed the forward head, that was interesting since it was such a small area. The spray would fill the head and I couldn’t see. I put a furnace filter in the door opening and put a large fan blowing out of the head. It worked but it was a PITA. I sanded and filled any defects with fiberglass filler before painting. The finish was awesome, looked like glass.
I'm in the same boat, Steve. Maybe a bump will help. I have nothing to offer. The interior of Panache is a perpetual construction zone.
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